Учитель:  Лазебна Тетяна Станіславівна  ( lobelyanna@gmail.com )


Підручники: "Prepare" НУШ   Student`sBook  WorkBook 

Good morning everyone! Today we should write listening test.

So look the presentation " The  2nd semestet test "  listen to the story and do the tasks.

Добрий день, сьогодні у на с контроль аудіювання. Перегляньте презентацію, нижче, прослухайте текст та зробіть завдання на окремих аркушах. 

2 semester test

Topic: The  2st semester test.

Do the tasks until 20. 05. 2024

18.04. 2024

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are fine!

Look  through the presentation  and do the task. Good luck!

Homework: ex. 2-3, p. 100( Grammar)

PREPARE 6. Unit 16 Lesson 11.pptx
PREPARE 6. Unit 10 Lesson 11.pptx

02.02. 2024

Good morning everyone. Hope you are fine!

 Topics: Clothes and Buying things. Test

Look  through the presentation  and do the task.

Good luck!!

PREPARE 6. Unit 10 Lesson 7 (1).pptx


Topic: BUYING THINGS . Grammar. 

Hello, my dear students!

I am inviting you to our online lesson at 12:30 am

You only need to follow the link above

The study material (presentation)

Look  through the presentation  and do the task. Good luck.

Homework: SB. p. 65, ex. 3

WB. p.72. ex.1-2( writing)

PREPARE 6. Unit 10 Lesson 7.pptx


Topic: BUYING THINGS . Grammar. 

Phrases with ..for.. .

Hello, my dear students!

I hope you are well!

I am inviting you to our online lesson at 13.25 am

You only need to follow the link above

The study material (presentation)

Look  through the presentation  and do the task. Good luck.

PREPARE 6. Unit 10 Lesson 6.pptx


Topic: BUYING THINGS . Grammar.

Look  through the presentation  and do the task. Good luck.