Summer Student World Championships
Szydłowski Dominates the Summer Student World Championships
Warsaw, Poland, September 17–20, 1924
The International University Games were held for the second time in Warsaw in September 1924, this time under the name Summer Student World Championships.
Many athletes achieved multiple victories. Poland’s Stefan Kostrzewski won the 800m and the 400m hurdles. He also took gold in both relays and the 3000m team race. Gabriel Sempé of France also won two events with an rarer combination: the 110m hurdles and the shot put.
Estonia’s Valter Ever took first place in the high jump, pole vault, and long jump. He competed in the same events in the Paris Olympics without notable success. Another triple victor was Sławosz Szydłowski, who won the discus, javelin for the right hand, and javelin combined total event.
Arthur Porritt, who later became personal physician to King George VI and a prominent statesman and sports leader, won the 100m and 200m.
The performance level at the Warsaw Games was not particularly remarkable. Many winners from Warsaw had only limited success at the Paris Olympics, typically not advancing beyond the heats or qualifying rounds.
Medalists (Wikipedia)