American Meets
Tootell Hammered a Victory (Penn Relays)
Relay Teams Deliver Speed (Drake Relays)
Barges’ Brief Moment at the Top – 14.8 (West Point v Colgate)
Brookins Sets a World Record in the 220-Yard Hurdles (Western Conference)
Watson Dominates (Central Association)
Swedish Flair in America (Metropolitan Association)
US Collegiate Championships
Finland (Kalevan kisat): Nurmi rykäisee SE:n, Tuulos rohmuaa mitaleita (Finnish Championships, in Finnish)
Germany: Track Turns to Mud, but Peltzer, Bedarff, Trossbach, and Houben Aren't Bothered
International Matches
Abrahams Secures Victory for the Brits in Transatlantic University Match
Sweden v Norway v Denmark: Hoff Takes on Four Events in an Afternoon
International Championships
Paddock Equals World Record in the 100m, Loses Amateur Rights (World University Games)
Oda Emerges on the World Stage (Far Eastern Championship Games)