Subjectified non-artificial creatures

Non-robitic artificial creatures

The difference between a subject and an object is the possible anthropomorphism that can be projected unto the item. Quite literally, whether you can subject the item to anthropomorphistic qualities or whether the item is only a material that can be seen and touched.

A non robot that is subjectified is the photograph of my grandfather in my house. While only being a representation of a passed man, I subject human qualities and attributes to the item as if it was an artifical creature.

A classical robot that is not subjectified is any properly working house hold appliance that is preprogrammed to perform a certain function. Specifically properly working applicances, because if for example a printer does not work, a common thing for people to say is that the printer can smell their stress, fear, and urgency to print something and therefore decides not to work. This subjectifies a classical robot because it is not working as supposed and we therefore project human qualities on it to explain its failure to complete its task. A distinction should be made that in this post, any machine that performs a function and it programmed to do so can be seen as a robot. A purely mechanical machine that has no electronic 'brain', is grey ground on its perception as a robot or machine.