Do we have connection?

I feel connected with my one dollar bill.

The non robot subjectified object I choose is a one dollar bill. This bill can make one person really happy or really sad. When you were younger one dollar was a big deal. You carefully thought about which candy to choose to trade that one dollar wisely. Nowadays, one dollar might be no big deal to spend. Until you again only have one dollar left at the end of the month, then, this one dollar becomes all you have. Then one dollar makes you worry. But if you give this one dollar to a stranger who you think can use it better than you, it gives you comfort. The value of this one dollar bill changes from day to day to you, attached to this is an emotion. I've been happy with one dollar, sad, worried, angry, offended and satisfied. Depending on my personal life my relationship with the one dollar changes over time. But I know this relation is special

I feel not connected with my WiFi router.

The magical quotes everyone knows by heart once somebody leaves a zoom meeting all of a sudden: "sorry, the WiFi was turned off.", "Sorry, the internet was down.", "Het internet lag eruit, excuses.". Anoyed or angry as they might be, they often have these emotions towards their computer or internet. People often refer to the internet once their WiFi connection disappears, as if the internet is the one to blame if the WiFi router malfunctions. I can confidently say that I never blamed my WiFi router if I have trouble connection to the internet, but I have often pressed the restart button on my WiFi router as solution. So, even though I am highly depended on my WiFi router (without I can't access the internet), I easily forget that this black box hidden in my closet is the one giving me access to the online world. Without, the door to this world will be closed. I therefor have chosen a WiFi router as robot that are not subjectified. And also suggest to subjectivy it a bit more often, as it is one of my most important resources nowadays. They look like bad guys, so they can be treated like one too.