Assignment 2

As long as the human race exists, we tend to attribute human properties to animals and even objects. This is often seen as a very childish thing, (e.g. children that name their toys, or talking to objects) but even we as adults will still do this, consciously or not consciously. So we subjectify things, which goes as far as subjectifying every-day objects and seeing faces in them. Because this is a very normal and common thing there is an entire Twitter for it called: "faces in things". So obviously, if we do this with for example houses, as in the picture, we also do this with robots of course. But there are always things we don't subjectify and give names and are just used for their purpose. An example would be a surgery robot arm, which you can classify as a robot, but will just be used for surgery and nothing more. But when humanized by giving it a face, or a voice (like google assistant, or Siri from Apple) it then will be subjectified. So when subjectifying things/robots we are often giving them names, and call it he or she.