
Assignment 1 - Chop chop!

Various animals, but probably most of all humans, can be very impatient. Impatience is the quality of being restlessly eager. It can be highly frustrating to wait for a video to load, your soup to cool down, or to sit in a traffic jam. Being impatient often leads to showing physical signs including: finger tapping, leg shaking, faster breathing, and fidgeting. Animals can also show signs of impatience, for example when we look at cats and dogs. The broad swishing of an adult cat's tail often means impatience, whereas dogs are often seen jumping on their owners as they cannot contain themselves. On the other hand, robots and computers are well known for not possessing this quality and being infinitely patient, never showing signs of this restless frustration.

Some examples that I found of bots/machines that show this quality are:

Perpetual Patience Machine by Ivan Abreu [1], similar to the Waiting Hand. This aspect can be used for my artificial creature, so that the finger tapping increases in speed the longer it has to wait.

Cat Tail Robot by Qoobo [2]

Though for this robot the tail is meant to express a happy cat, changing the swishing of the tail can show frustration.

The creature that I would want to make could be waiting for a video to load, or perhaps waiting for an hourglass to finish so that it can flip it over again. While waiting, the creature will show more signs of impatience through finger tapping, fidgeting, shaking, or other physical signs.