Annoying little sh**

Annoying little sh** is a small creature, which (obviously, as the its name suggests) will annoy its user. The idea of this little creature is based on a very common feature: a sibling (this could be a younger one, but we've discovered that the older siblings can be even more annoying). The form of this little thing is inspired by the well-known useless box.

Since the idea of annoying your sibling could result in unlimited amount of experiences, we decide to abstract them and narrow it down to a simple task. And since there are a lot of responses to their misbehaving, we narrowed it down to only one task.

Our little creature will be activated when you're trying to enjoy your music clip on Youtube. It then starts some random tasks to provoke you and get your attention. Believe it or not, it will rise your blood pressure and make you curse. So to even the playfield we've introduced the slap button, so you can pauze its behavior and make it think about what it did.

Of course this pauze is (very) short-lived and it starts again. And you could once again correct this error by "pushing" the button (and by pushing we mean, slapping it).

(We did see a more agressieve behavior towards the button, the longer the creature interacts; the slaps get harder and harder with every slaps)

On a more serious note: this demonstrate the challenging side of humans, (especially the younger ones). They usually learn by testing things, provoking stuff and pushing the boundaries. So as an adult, you'll have to accommodate this feedback, by correcting the error or letting them know how far they could go.

Unfortunately, since it is not possible for everyone to experience this little bot, we've created 2 movies. Look more closely to the screen to see what the bot is doing and pay attention to the real 'feedback'.

The tech part

This little bot contains:

  • A (3D printed) outer shell

  • Arduino (Micro)

  • 1 arcade pushbutton

  • 1 blue LED

  • 5 screws and some wires