Floor Stolk

Before Media Technology, I studied Creative Technology. At the beginning of my bachelors I was a technology freak and at the end of my bachelors I became a technology sceptic. Currently, I am somewhere in between, because I faced the fact that during the pandemic I am highly depended (therefore highly attached) on technology whereas I would rather wander around somewhere in the world.

I guess this dependence is why lately I’ve been exploring anthropomorphism in technology. Anthropomorphism might help me to discover why I unconsciously feel so attached to my technology while I consciously don’t want to be. I have discovered that not only designers tend to display technological objects with human-like features (like Alexa et al.) but also users themselves. This interesting discovery seems to be stuck on my mind, even though I try to step away from technology and focus on the world behind the screens.

Fun human-like facts; very very very (annoyingly) curious, highly depended on my spelling checker (dyslexia), I like how people differ, cannot remember any Dutch proverb correctly as I have a chaotic mind.

Click here to see me get beaten by technology:

To end, I built a lot of interesting interactive installations from technology about technology. Feel free to ask me more about these experiences.