Lal Avgen

Lal Avgen is a creative coder and a performer based in Istanbul and Amsterdam. Being a Turkish artist who started her art practice in Chicago, USA, she relied heavily on communication via technology to connect to her loved ones. Technology found its way into her practice. In her performances she questions the abstract relationship between words and their meanings through computational and natural language. Lal uses translation as a way of questioning arbitrary connections of semiotics. Combining art, technology and performance, her work integrates the moving image and interactive sensors with code based art to explore a sensory connection between the human body and technology, while relating to the space it takes place in, online or offline.

Most recently, she has been designing immersive spaces through projection mapping & live edited content and giving workshops on how to create audio reactive visuals through Max/Msp software using Vsynth plug-in in Istanbul,Turkey. She is really interested in giving access to new media art in still developing countries, like her own country, Turkey. She is also currently developing some web based poetry/

Lal graduated from the School Of the Art Institute Of Chicago with emphasis in Art& Technology and Film,Video, New Media. Her work has been exhibited in Chicago (DFBRL8R, Tom Robinson Gallery, SAIC), New York (American Medium,Wild Embeddings) , Pärnu, Istanbul and online at the Web Biennial 2020 Aperion. Currently she is studying Media Technology MSc at Leiden University.

For more information about Lal's projects, you can visit her website , Vimeo , Instagram or her fantastic visuals she does monthly for Put Out Istanbul's Cosmos!