The Reserved Projector

The Reserved Projector


When you don't see someones true colors shining true...

The Reserved Projector is a project where being reserved is performed by The Reserved Projector.

A projector that beams (in this case) Cindy Lauper's True Colors, unless someone enters the room, at that moment, the Reserved Projector protects itself by hiding the light.

Being reserved often means someone is holding back and keeping -all kinds of things- to itself. To me it often implies a certain awkwardness, or shyness regarding your own (creative) work, a presentation or feelings of which you are not sure about how people will receive it/react to it.

When someone doesn't show the back of his tongue, you can't see his true colors...


The reserved quality is conveyed through only a few materials, trying to keep simplicity to emphasise the fact the projector wants to keep the moment for itself. The creature is inspired by the Maja, a crane that inspired my with its movement and looks. Something so complex and mechanical, yet so simple because you see the structure and are able to imagine how it moves. This adds to the intimate moment where turning to yourself and being overwhelmed play the lead and you don't want to interact or share with anybody.

The Maja, an imposing, yet elegant crane that is so purely mechanical... But when she starts moving, it looks like a choreograph.

The claw moves, grabs and releases objects with a certain suppleness, it reminds me of the human motor skills.

My focus:

Simplicity, structure, mechanical.

Project video