
Freddy the robot

Freddy is a friend. This little desk toy is just sitting around, being a great companion when you work, and he quietly observes you all day. But Freddy only really comes to life when no one is watching, have a look at the video:

Freddy is not at all shy. But much like us, he is a different version of himself when he is alone. It was only when I met Freddy that I realised how this is also true for myself: I too sing much more when nobody is listening. I live together with my partner, and although she doesn't mind me singing and I don't mind her listening, I feel much more free to sing and dance when she is not around.

How about you, what do you only do when you're alone?

For humans, identity is always tied to whom we are with. Among every different group of people you will be a different version of yourself. It is not just me saying this, the theory that we have multiple social selves is very well documented. We also have a private self, the identity we take on when in solitude. Freddy was built to remind us of this secret identity we all have, and with a camera hidden in such a way that Freddy couldn't see it we were lucky to record some of his moves and songs.

Whenever Freddy starts to sing, he drifts away in a bubble and forgets about the world. But then, when someone walks by, he quickly stops and acts like nothing happened. Sitting on your desk like a limp Toy Story doll, he will patiently wait for you to leave so that he can have his moment to shine.

Freddy was created in 2021 by Roman Guerin and Daniel Simu.