Lieke van Zijl

Hey! I am Lieke, 22 years old and currently studying Media Technology at Leiden University. I would describe myself as curious, creative and playful. Curious in the sense that I always want to know why thing are the way they are, which makes me ask a lot of questions. Creative in the way that I am a strong conceptual thinker who can lay interesting connections between the unordinary and unexpected. Playful in the way that I still try to keep my inner child alive and try not take life too seriously by swinging the swings and doing cartwheels (see picture) every now and then :)

Before Media Technology, I studied linguistics. As a linguist, I am very interested in how languages work, how they are structured and how they are simultaneously similar ánd different from each other. What I find most fascinating is the fact that different cultures, and with that languages, categorize the world differently around them. Inherently, this linguistic categorization may possibly, to a certain extend, shape the way we think.

Besides linguistics and languages, I am interested in culture, cognition and evolution of both animals and humans, and the interplay between those topics. I would love to explore these topics by using technology in any form. Besides professional interests, I love photography, listening and making music, and reading and writing poetry.