
Enjoy yourself and have some fun. What if we could do that; continuously, without any effort or help, without the befores of getting non-fun things done, and the afters, of headfirst dives back to the non-fun reality. Then fun wouldn't be something to anticipate anymore, but neither something to fear for all the non-fun things that it brings. Fun would simply not be fun.

Having fun can also mean spreading fun. When hitting the dancefloor and everyone around you is having a blast or when watching your mates laughing so hard to the dumbest joke, it is hard to refrain from getting some of all that mood and energy. Fun, in that case, seems unexpectedly easy to have, and maybe it is; Enjoy yourselves and have some fun.

Raverbot ignites the party flame.

Like the sun,

it attracts all sorts of planets and makes them spin

and dance.

Planets will say, that the sun is having so much fun.

But who's really having fun;

The sun.

The planets.

The projection of the planets on the sun.

When all celestial bodies do nothing more than dance,

who's the sun?