Sorting Steve

By Maarten Mintjes,

with thanks to Sotiris Pilliouras for all the help and support

This is Steve.

Steve is a simple creature, Steve just sorts stuff.

It is the kinda sense of purpose that most millennials would kill for.

Feel free to interact with Steve. Try some things and see if he sorts them. Steve loves sorting into red and yellow. Clearing up the area clears up the mind, or something. Steve does not mind that too much. He just likes to sort.

The red block goes to the right.

The yellow block goes to the left.

With only two options, choices can look easy. And sometimes, they are. The small yellow square goes into the small yellow container, Steve agrees instantly.


what is around us does not just come in red and yellow. There is yellow-red, red-yellow-red, or sometimes there is even blue.

Life is complicated. Every day, we have to choose in situations which are more confusing and more diverse than a block which could be either red or yellow. No one is ever sure on what to do, and we hesitate.

There are many different sides to hesitating, but they all start from the same point:

A situation offers more than one option. We get to choose.

Do we wear a dress or pants today?

Do we kiss that stranger at the bus stop or do we let it slide?

Do we stay in our relationship and make it work or do we abandon ship and look for something else?

Is the block

yellow , or is it red?