Subjectifying non-robots & objectifying robots

  1. Subjectified non-robot

The subjectified objects category can potentially include a large amount of items. One way to define these objects would be that humans have been developing certain emotions towards these types of items, becoming attached to them. If potentially lost, such items have the ‘abilities’ to provoke within the owner a sense of instability, disappointment and uncertainty. A subjectified item could take any shape, size or form, as long as the owner or user of that particular item has been growing attachments towards it. Usually humans allocate specific memories of either purchasing, receiving as a present or even building themselves the specific item. Furthermore, items that manage to ‘stick around’ throughout the development and progression through life of an individual, usually become items of subjectified nature. One compelling example of a subjectified item could be a frog shaped purse in which you can store coins. This item received for my birthday a few years back, that also serves as a reminder of the time I was watching a long-run anime in which the main character had the exact same wallet. Personally, this frog-wallet can indisputably be categorized as a subjectified object that also serves one essential purpose, storing funds.

  1. Non-subjectified robot

A non-subjectified robot can be referred to as a piece of machinery that serves a purpose or a variety of purposes, but cannot be attributed any kind of human qualities or emotions to it. One such creation entails that either its current owner or creator does not present any kind of attachments towards it, thus, there is no subjectivity involved when referring to this piece of technology. An objectified robot, if ever stopped serving the purpose it was created for:

  1. It could easily be replaced.

  2. If replaced, the owner or creator would not feel and empathy towards, therefore, being able to discard it and/or replace it with no remorse.

A potent example of a non-subjectified robot would be factory robots, pieces of machinery that are being used in fast production of goods. On account of these robots not having any contact with humans, they do not have the same opportunity as subjectified items, that involves humans developing attachment over time towards subjectified objects.