Hopelessly hopeless

It all started with the deceiving Pandora. Mislead by the God of Thunder and her own curiosity, she did, what she was told not to do! She opened the jar and with it she unleashed all the misery into the world. Of course, she had no choice in this matter because she was created by the King of Gods himself to be this deceiving. So, when Zeus got mad at Prometheus for stealing fire and giving it back to humans, he used his best assassin to punish us all.

So, she opened the jar (box) and unleashed all the greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, poverty, war, and death to all of us. All except for Hope.

Ever since we hold onto hope to be able to survive this cruel world.

When all fails, there is still hope...

And if hope fails as well??? The end? Suicide?

This topic is not about hope or God(s) punishing us, nor is it about creatures ending their existence because they are weak. No, sometimes ending own existence has a higher purpose ...

  • A mother deer presenting herself as food to a crocodile to save Bambi

  • Insects killing their self to warn other members of the colony about the danger.

  • Self-removal when one become diseased.

So, when this happens in the animal kingdom (including humans), despite their very strong survival instinct of self-preservation, surly it must be much easier for robots to apply it. We even have law for it 😉

The Third Law of Robotics to be precise:

“A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

You probably heard of Battlebots: Robots inside a cage destroying each other. Although the greater good for these total destructions is farfetched, it is still whole lot of fun to watch.

Bambi Saved by Mom

