
Assignment 2

What is an Artificial Creature?

An artificial creature in its most self explanatory definition is a creature made artificially. In a broader sense, an artificial creature is any non human object. In the field of research, Artificial Creation is a field of study that focuses the primary synthesis of complex life like structures.

The subjectication of artificial creatures essentially informs us about the concept of affect. That is, meaning is conceived upon attributing affective emotions to an object. However, the fundamental phenomenological claim by Merleau-Ponty was that meaning is grasped by the body and the process of perception is that we see meaning first and thereafter the physical properties of what we see enters consciousness. Therefore, I believe there exists a cross-play between the mind, the body, the environment and individual phenomenological experience.

A subjectified affective non robot phenomena that stokes my interest greatly is the phenomena of Object Sexuality or more commonly knows as Objectophilia.


Objectophilia or Object Sexuality refers to romantic and/or sexual attraction for inanimate objects. Some objectophiliacs have strong emotional connections to the objects while some have only sexual kinks and others may have both emotional and sexual connections to a (or more) objects. For some objectophilia, this interaction is based on the faith of animism. That is, the belief that objects may have souls, intelligence or feelings.

They mutilated my husband

Berlin Wall : Woman married Berlin Wall and changed her last name to Berliner Mauer.

Not her first love

Eiffel Tower : After feelings with the Berlin Wall and the Golden Gate Bridge didn’t work out for reasons unknown, Erika La Tour Eiffel married the Eiffel Tower and took its name.

More than a good time

Fairground Ride : A passionate love affair with the 1001 Nacht ride.


Body Pillow : The wedding ceremony required the body pillow with an anime face print to put on a beautiful wedding dress. This underground movement led to online petitions for the right to marry two dimensional objects.

Love Plus

Nintendo Video Game Character : Going by the username Sal9000, a man marries a character from the Nintendo DS virtual dating video game. Sal wore a tuxedo at his wedding, said his vows to his soon to be newlywed and kissed her in front of an audience.


Volkswagen Beetle : After having sexual intercourse with over 1000 cars, a man finally commits to his girlfriend by the name Vanilla, who is a white 1974 VW Beetle.

When it comes to love, I am only attracted to objects

World Trade Center : Sandy snuggles and bathes with her replica of the twin towers.

Cheating on machinic partners

Steam Locomotive : After the breakup with a Hammond organ, Joachim unites with a new partner, the steam locomotive and have been in a relationship for a few years.

Flirting with ebay laptops made me feel true desire

iBook : A homosexual relationship between Bill and his iBook.

That's not a substitute; it's more like a supplement

Metal Processing System : Doro is in love with a female metal processing system. At night, she takes out a model of her lover as a supplement.