Swarm Robots

Swarm robotics is a field of multi-robotics in which a large number of robots are coordinated in a distributed and decentralised way. It is based on the use of local rules, and simple robots compared to the complexity of the task to achieve and inspired by social insects. The group of robots is not just a group. It has some special characteristics, which are found in swarms of insects, that is, decentralised control, lack of synchronisation, simple and (quasi) identical members.

In Robotic swarm systems instead of having a single robot carrying out single or multiple tasks, you can have a lot of simple robots doing the same thing task. This structure is inspired by the rules and organic systems observed in natural systems such as swarms of bees, birds, or fish. In nature, this behaviour is called swarming. Those rules allow thousands of relatively simple animals to form a collective brain able to make decisions and move like a single organism.

Some researches even researched about an autonomous robot swarm that has self-organized by acting like natural cells: https://robotics.sciencemag.org/content/3/25/eaau9178