Bots don't like you

In the safety and privacy of your own home, you can truely be yourself. Especially during Corona, everyone, even you, has let themselves go even more. How many days have you gone without showering? And if you do shower, what is your favourite song to sing out loud and out of tune? Or how often do you have a video call without pants on? How many chips fit in your mouth at once? You don't need to tell me. You don't need to tell anyone. In the privacy of your own home, you can do whatever you want. And no one is watching, so no one is judging you. Or not?

What if your stuff has senses? Your plates and cups, books in the shelf, the shelf itself, clothes you never were, plants you forgot to water. They are all stuck with you and your behaviour. And your behaviour can be very annoying.

When you're away, your stuff enjoys the peace and quiet, but when you come home...

To keep the creature as simple as possible, I decided to only focus on eyes as a display to the soul and its emotions. With only a few states, the creature can easily transfer between relaxed, disturbed, annoyed and annoyed-at rest, based on how much sound you make. The creatue is arroused by human sounds from the environment (not the peaceful piano music). When the sound reaches the treshold of awake, the creature is disturbed. When the sound then reaches the treshold of annoyance, the creature becomes annoyed by the sound. If the sound intensity weakens, the creature can go back to asleep but still stay annoyed. The longer the sound remains in the room, the lower the tresholds for disturbed and annoyed are. Something you might recognise from yourself: if something is persistant, you get more easily annoyed.

Moreover, to simplify the creature even more, I painted it with Ultra Black paint to eliminate the edges of the creature.

Expression when the creature is annoyed but tries to ignore the human by pretending to be asleep.