Please don't go

Some people are afraid to be left alone and there are a lot of robots designed to make us feel less lonely. The Top 12 Social Companion Robots

But this creature has an extreme fear of abandonment. It is afraid you'll abandon it once you leave! It is not here to make you feel less lonely, it serves itself.

Fortunately, this creature has adapted itself and found a solution for it: stickyness. Whenever you touch it or if it touches you, it will stick with you. You literally cannot leave it alone. Think of glue, or very very sticky ducktape (or something else that is very sticky). The creature rides around, hoping to bump into its soulmate.

Some people experience this fear of abandonment whenever they are in a relationship (maybe some dogs also have some sort of fear of abandonment?). I want to extrapolate this behavior, intensify it and reflect on it. The stickyness of the robot causes this paradoxical position, even though people might like to touch it, they probably never will, as this ensures that the robot would 'stick'. So everybody would need to abandon/leave it, walk away from it, keeping it in its fear. Its (almost) a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I did not find any examples of bots that extrapolate or represent this extreme type of behaviour or characteristic, but there are a lot of songs about this ;).