Memorial Card

A quite intimate story about the subjectification of a memorial card

This is not going to be an emotional post, but I could not not think of the memorial card of someone precious to me I suddenly lost last year. I did keep it short, maybe because of the simplicity of it.

I find it interesting how this card, which is something already personal of course, is something truly alive. I cannot see it and not think, feel, or even talk to it. Of course, this person is not there anymore so it makes sense in a way, I project feelings towards the objects that are still there. But there's more. -->

A less intimate story about the subjectification of colour.

The memorial card is made out of his own design (header image is the back of the card, without title of course), and all in the colour yellow. Which is our all-time favourite colour. This made me think. Colours are very cultural, and have the power to convey emotions and depth, we all know that.

Can a colour be an artificial creature?

What about Cyan? This colour does not even exist on the visual spectrum!

Maybe, I should create an artificial-colour-creature :)