Do not touch

Snugglebot: a robot designed to prevent loneliness
by giving people something to take care of

Creatures want to be touched. Kids want to be picked up by their parents, dogs want to be petted, my childhood pet rabbit would actively lift up my foot just with his head and got upset if you moved took it away.

The need for touch is not uncommon in robots. Cuddle robots designed to comfort people are for sale for high prices. Some, like the example shown on the left, are even created in such a way that their human companion has to take care of them to keep the robot "happy".

However, these robots are usually designed to provide a service to humans. They offer cuddles, because a humans like to cuddle and they "want" to be taken care of, because taking care of something makes a human feel less lonely.

The need for touch is a very complicated part of creatureness. It's not just about cuddling. It's about closeness, shaking hands, a tap on the shoulder and holding hands.

HuggieBot: a robot designed to give comforting hugs to people

Lovot: A robot designed to love you

"Jennie" a pet robot created as a pet for those that cannot take care of a real dog