Assignment 2


For this assignment we will discuss the difference between an object and subject and the difference between a robot and non-robot. Additionally I will show some examples of non-robots that are subjects and some robots that are objects.

Objects and subjects

Subjects are objects but objects are not always subjects. A subject is an object on which we subject an emotion or personality. An object is just an object, like a rock or a piece of string. The difference between a non-robot and a robot is quite self evident, however things become more interesting when the concepts are combined. If we for example look at a robot that is a subject, we get robots like automatronics. These robots show some kind of behaviour on which we can project emotion. You can think of robots that are objects as any kitchen applience you might have, such as your toaster or microwave.

Non-robot subjects

These two houses have something in comon, the both seem to have a facial expression. Ofcourse this is just the houses are built and the houses do not acutally have any feelings. Still most people say "that house looks happy" or "that house looks like a surprised duck". These are objects that are subjectified because we read something in them which is not there.

Non-subject robots

These appliances are all robots, they automate a task that normally should have been done by a human. It is very hard to project any feelings on these appliances. Ofcourse you could be attached to your fridge because you got it for your birthday, but when looking at this specific picture most people will not think anything special of it and just see a set of appliances.