My girlfriend talks to plants

What is an artificial creature?

To summarize the words of a great man: An artificial creature is an object which we humans subjectivity.

Humans are perfectly capable of perceiving (or projecting?) qualities of humans or animals in inanimate objects. I'm sure it is debatable whether these count as inanimate or not, but: My girlfriend talks to her plants. When I listen to her babbling it appears as though all plants have feelings ("mmm, you don't seem very happy today"), personalities ("you strong boi"), some times even genders ("you strong boi"). I think it is perfectly fine to argue that to her these plants are artificial creatures.

Note: My girlfriend kindly wants me to mention here that she is in fact not a crazy plant lady, but that it is a totally definitely scientifically proven fact that plants grow better if you talk to them.

One thing that sets most creatures apart from most objects is that they can move by themselves. This brings us in the realm of robots, which are a kind of object that also moves by themselves. Does that make it more likely to be perceived as a creature? When I started my research for this article I assumed there were many robots that would be hard to subjectify. But I've seen people project personalities on all sorts of apparatus, ranging from vending machines to 3d printers or drones. The bot I deem least likely to be subjectified is a nano bot, but I'd rather stay ignorant than confirm this with a specialist. Who knows what they're up to!