The Town Square stage

Torvscenen på kvelden

The roof has a broad edge with several layers of perforated and patinated copper plates, which makes it look green in the daytime, while glittering in various colours in the dark. (Photographer: Glen Musk)

A stage, places to sit and a place to be

We opened a permanent stage in the southwest quarter of the square in 2014. The stage has turned into a glittering jewel. The roof has a broad edge with several layers of perforated and patinated copper plates, which makes it look green in the daytime, while glittering in various colours in the dark. The lighting, which consists of 3700 light-emitting diodes (LEDs), is programmed so that the light in the roof changes character in the course of a day and night, as well as through the seasons of the year.

Both amateurs and professionals use the stage for arrangements, big and small. It has integrated technical stage functions (lights, speakers, microphones, etc.). Moreover, one can expand it with standard stage elements, so that it can be utilised for bigger stage shows. We designed the stage so that one can perform on it in two directions. It also possible to use both performance directions at the same time. The performance direction facing the Town Square is suitable for concerts and larger arrangements with many spectators, while the one facing the Radical Folk Party (formerly known as the United Norwegian Working Class Society) building is suitable for smaller musical concerts and speeches. The stage is not just a traditional stage, however. It also has integrated benches and a protective roof. It is a good place to be when the stage is not in use.