Stone sculptures

In all, the Town Square has 25 large, granite furnishings. In 10 of these, there are sculptures. We had the sculptures created in connection with the Sculptors’ Festival in June of 2019. They are the result of a cooperative effort between Trondheim Municipal Authority and Nidaros Cathedral’s Restoration Works. We had the sculptures designed based on the topic ‘Games’ (‘Lek’ in Norwegian). A jury selected the sculptures, while the public voted in one of them as their favourite.

The intention behind the sculptures was to create an exciting aesthetic element that combines artistic crafts and play. Both young and old can go on a hunt for sculptures until they find them all!

Skulptur i granittbenk

«Hell i spill – uhell i kjærlighet»

Made by Henrik Størksen, Norway - the one the public voted as their favourite.

Skulptur i granittbenk

«Donkey Kong – Super Mario»

Made by Martin Ebb, Great Britain

Skulptur i granittbenk


Made by Henning Grøtt, Norway

Skulptur i granittbenk

«Løp med haren – jakt med hunden»

Made by Akira Inman, Canada.

Skulptur i granittbenk


Made by Johannes Klem, Germany/Norway

Skulptur i granittbenk

«Cat and Mouse»

Made by Samuel Matthews, Great Britain

Skulptur i granittbenk


Made by Jan Strand, Norway

Skulptur i granittbenk


Made by John Swift, Great Britain

Skulptur i granittbenk

«Hund og katt»

Made by Espen Sørburø, Norway

Skulptur i granittbenk


Made by Graham Wilson, Australia