Photo Edits

Original Photo

Edit 1

Artist Statement: For this assignment we were instructed to take a photo of any sort and then edit it in three different ways to get used to using the photo edits. I chose a picture I took in the summer with sunflowers and my white socks because they're both very bright. When I edited them I chose to up the contrast and saturation in one and then put it down in the other one then for the last one I did black and white. The reason I wanted a picture with bright object was so when I increased the contrast and saturation it would stand out more and then when the contrast and saturation was decreased they still stood out just in a different way.

One thing I liked about how this came out was how no matter what edits I made to it the sunflowers stood out and I was hoping they'd stand out and that when I edited them that the contrast or saturation wouldn't make them fade away.