
Artist Statement: For this assignment we were assigned to take a picture of either our own feet or someone else's and figure out a way to get them to connect to us. For my picture I decided to ask one of my friends on the track team Oliver if I could take a picture of his feet on the starting block during practice. I chose the starting block because that's what we use every meet to start our event and my life revolves around track during this time and spring and is very important to me.

After I took the picture I edited it to be more dark then it was originally because it was really light when I took it. After changing the saturation, highlights..etc I went to the bottom of edits and increased the "radius". By increasing that it caused half of a dark circle to appear around the picture so that the background of the photo was dark and his feet and legs were the main focus. I also used the editing tool "sharpen" to make the outlines of his legs and sneakers sharp so that they would stand out more than the blocks and background of the photo.

There isn't really much I would change except for getting more familiar with photoshop so I could've color selected his feet and legs and made them stand out really good. And I could've always blurred out the background very well so that the blocks in the back wouldn't show either but as of right now, using the radius for the background helped a lot. Also, another thing I could've done was try and take a picture of my own feet next time so it could mean more to me and connect to me more but I didn't have enough time at practice so I will have to do that for a different project. Overall, with just the tiny bit of edits I made I am satisfied with the results but know that I could do more with photoshop.