Primary Color

For this assignment we were instructed to take a picture with primary colors. At first I wasn't sure if it was one primary color or all three so I decided to take a picture with red, yellow, and blue. With knowing that, I had a couple ideas. I was at first going to have my sister dress in red, yellow, and blue but once I took the photo it didn't come out well. My second idea was to take a picture of my red, yellow, and blue folders but I couldn't get the right angle so I decided to go onto Artsonia and see what other students have done for pictures. When I went on I saw that someone took a picture of three colored pencils and took the picture right at the tips of the pencils.

After I saw that I decided to try that with markers. I tried to just take a picture of the tips of the markers but it didn't come out well so instead I drew a line with each color and then put the markers at the bottom and set the caps next to them in a creative way. After I did that I tried taking the photo from the lines and down so it would look like the lines were leading to the markers but that didn't look well so I decided to take the picture from the bottom of the markers and up. When I did that I think it worked very well because you could see the tips of the markers, the caps and the lines.

Once the photo was taken I put it into photoshop and used the blur tool for the background where you can see my blanket. After I did that I went into the filters and played around with them until I found Mosaic Tiles which looked really good. I put all of the notches to the end except for the middle one which is called "Grout Width".

If I could go back and do this assignment again I would. I would want to think larger and take a more interesting photo but with the quarantine and everything I had to think creative and make something work. But, I like how the edits made the photo look and I'm not upset about that.