Journalism- Daily Patterns

Original 1

Edited 1

Original 2

Edited 2

For this assignment we were told to take photo that are "daily patterns" with our lives during this pandemic. Sadly, it's not very exciting right now but I still had many ideas I could do. I could've took a photo at my work, my backyard, my room and even the car for driving to work. But, instead of doing that I decided to take photos where wearing a mask would be included because during this pandemic that is one thing I do everyday. Since this pandemic started I stayed working and had to start wearing a mask. With that, wearing a mask became an everyday thing now and I basically live in it since I'm at work everyday. I also thought that the mask and my face would give off a good and bad vibe of the pandemic. It shows what we have to go through and do just to be safe.

For editing these photos I didn't even use photoshop. There wasn't anything I needed to crop out of erase so I just used my camera roll to edit them. To edit the first one I put a "vivid warm" filter which gave it hat brown/reddish color. After that I played with things like the exposure (low), brilliance (medium), contrast (dark), and last blackpoint (medium). After doing that, I ended up with the final product shown above and I thought it came out really good. I think that the reddish color gives off a sign of "danger" and then wearing that mask is going to help and make us safe. And then, I put my hand over my mask because, we don't have a say in anything that's going on. Were being told what to do day by day to keep us all safe. We didn't want to wear mask, we didn't want the state to shut down..etc this was all new for us and I thought that putting my hand there would show that we can't do anything about this pandemic even if we don't like it.

Then, for editing the second one I did the same thing and just edited it in my camera roll because I didn't need to get rid of anything. The first thing I did was put a filter on it called "Noir". That filter as you can see above is really dark and then I also edited the contrats, exposure, and brilliance to make it even more dark but not too dark that it doesn't focus away from the photo. After adding a little structure and definition to it to make it stand out more I ended up with the final product above. I think it came out very good and like the photo before this, the dark filter and structure gives off a sad, dark vibe. This is a very dark and sad time and we are all getting through it. I thought that adding the darkness to the filter would help with the idea of pandemic and make it more sentimental, like when you look at it you can feel the feelings and just know what was going on and how others felt.

Lastly, I am proud of how these photos turned out and I think they go great with the idea of daily patterns. I'm sure there is plenty of other ideas I could've created but I think these one came out very well and go great with my daily patterns during this pandemic. The filters I used really make me feel emotions and I feel as that's very important in taking photos.