
For this assignment we were instructed to take pictures that include food. After that being said, a lot of ideas came to my head but I wasn't sure what one to do. I didn't want to just take a picture of food before I ate it and then edit it because I felt like that would be really boring and Ms. Medsker always talks about being creative. After hearing her say that I thought of my inquiry question or at least one of them. One of them is how I can include portraits in my photos so instead of just taking a picture of food I decided to put food on my friends face. Sounds weird doesn't it? It's even harder to set up. At first I wanted to make a smiley face with fruit on his face from a picture I saw on the Internet but, at the time I didn't have any good fruit and after we tried it didn't work out very well. So, we looked around my house for food that would pop out with a lot of color and that's when we saw lucky charms and decided to do that.

After we found those I had him lay on the ground so instead of the background of my kitchen and everything around it it would only show tiles which are much easier to work with in photoshop. After I got it all to stay on his face without falling I tried to take a picture from the side or angle like we saw in the videos but that didn't work out the way I wanted it either so I just took it from above him. After taking the photo I edited the filters on my phone regularly and added black point so the background would start to be dark and the colors would pop out more. Then, I went onto photoshop and played with the color some more and darkened the background more. I tried to blur the background too but it wouldn't work so I just darkened it.

If I could go back and change or do this photo again the only thing I would change is how the smile looks on him. Basically how I set it up because they wouldn't stay in place and shifted. I think I did very good on being creative and enhancing the color and I thought hard and took time. Im sure I could've done something better but I think I did a good job with this photo.