Still Life

For this assignment we were instructed to take a photo of still life. After that being said there's many things in my household that I could've took a photo of but I had to choose one. After walking around my house and seeing which object would be the best I decided to take a picture of a plant I have in my living room right by the window. I thought the bright pink color would be nice to work with and stand out a lot.

After I tried a couple angles with the photo I ended up choosing this one and to take it I put my camera on portrait mode and then put it almost right up to the pink flower in the front and took it. After I took it I put it into photoshop and used the spot healing tool and eraser to get rid of my curtains in the background. Then, after I did that I put a filter on it which was called "Rough Pastels" and enhanced the texture but other than that I didn't do anything else.

If I could go back and do this assignment I would probably want to find another filter just to make the color more bright but other than that I think the photo came out good and using the eraser and spot healing tool didn't mess anything up which is usually hard for me to use.