
For this assignment we were instructed to take a photo of minimalism. At first, I had no clue what minimalism was so I looked at the teacher videos and then looked up some picture examples to get a good idea. After doing that I saw a photo that someone took and it was a picture of a girl standing in front of a dark wall with a bright yellow jacket so I knew the background had to be dark, color pop out and be far away so the person doesn't look as tall as they are. So, I decided to take a photo like that but with my sister and my shed.

To take the photo I had her change into her yellow rain jacket and dark pants and then stand in front of the shed. I then went as far from her but also make sure it wasn't too small and then I took it from a side angle. After I took the photo I edited it in my camera roll to make the background dark and her jacket stand out. Originally, my shed is maroon but when I edited the blackpoint and contrast I got it to look more black which is exactly what I wanted. After editing it in my camera roll I decided not to put it into photoshop because if I added a filter it would mess with the color more and there wasn't anything I needed to remove because I wanted to keep the details and background.

If I could go back and do this assignment over again I would want to take another photo of minimalism and try and take a more interesting photo but, I always like how this photo came out and the edits. I was creative and took time to take the photo but, if I could go somewhere else to take the photo I'm sure I could've been more creative.