Photo 2

Monochromatic Monochromatic


This year I did Photography 2 and then I did Photography 1 last year. I never really knew I liked photography until I heard about the class at my school. I joined Photography 1 and instantly loved it. Yes, it was very hard at first, especially film but it was good to be challenged. When I first joined Photography 2 I knew it was going to be hard and I would have to put more into it. But, I learned a lot more skills and techniques. Instantly when I started photography my teacher had videos for everything and jumped right into photos which I thought was a very good thing. She knew half of us already did photography and had us use that knowledge we already knew and then taught us even more. Every Time there was a new lesson she would show a video and that would teach us many skills. Before I came into photography 2 I was terrible at using Adobe Photoshop. All I knew how to do was erase something out of a photo and nothing else. Then, as every class I had I would learn a new way to use something on photoshop and improve my photos.

The first quarter we would be assigned subjects/things to take a photo of, edit them, write an artist statement and then after 4 we would do a presentation. That’s another thing, I faced my fear of presenting because of photography. When I first came in there I wouldn’t even stand up in front of a class and now I can do a whole presentation in front of the class. We also had to choose a concentration. At first I had no clue what that was or why we would even need it but, as we grew into the year I realized that all of my photos were related to nature and the environment. At first I wanted to do portraits but as I kept taking photos for each assignment I realized I didn’t have many with people in them. I focused on nature and environment and tried to take as many photos as I could.

Then, when quarter two came around it was the hardest for me. We had transitioned to online learning and that just wasn’t good for me. I’m really bad at procrastinating and always have been but with online learning came I got worse at it and started failing. I then realized that the journalisms we were doing in quarter 2 are very important. It teaches you how to relate your work to something happening or important and helps you come up with ideas relating something. I didn’t do very good at keeping up, which is all my fault, but when I did take the photos and write about them I had to really think about them and how it relates to covid and how it could show emotions, actions..etc which is something a photographer does everyday. This class taught me so much about what it’s like to be a photographer and how to take your best photos from angles, colors, edits, to even objects. I’ve learned more about photography then I ever thought I would and I have this photography 2 class to thank.