1225 (Marius)

Marius’ private journal

Scribed by Marius


Severn Temple Covenant is missing.

I made this shocking discovery about a week into the season as I passed from London to Powys. The road from Blackney that heads up and along the Briavel hill simply ends with a large clearing, with no sign that the structures of the Covenant have ever existed. In its place is long grass, as if the walls, tower and outbuildings have not simply vanished, but have been gone for many years. The spring is still present, as are the trees thereabouts. I confess I was at a loss when I discovered the Covenant had simply disappeared. I have set up a campsite, a little away from the site itself. I can only imagine that some terrible magical accident has occurred. Hopefully, its effects will be short lived!

I travelled to Blackthorn briefly. Their council was sympathetic and Serenia agreed to mount an investigation in Summer if the Covenant has not returned. She suggested that the site may have moved within a regio and she believes she has spells to penetrate such if needed. In the meantime, I have lots to consider. Alexander of Scotland may be moving to invade, which will force me to leave to rally troops. Theophilus offered to help collect some of the uncontested vis for the Covenant next season, and I gratefully accepted this aid. If this problem doesn’t resolve itself at the end of the season, I may need such vis to pay for an investigation into what has happened to my sodales.

Within a week, word has reached me that Scotland’s armies move against the North of England. I must leave my vigil and return swiftly to London. I have left a small contingent of men to keep a watch over the site and asked the magi of Blackthorn to keep me apprised of any developments that occur in my absence.


There is still no sign of Severn Temple. Whatever magical incident has befallen my home, its effects appear cursedly long-lasting.

Together with the armies of York, we have fought two battles against the Scots and forced them to retreat for now. It is clear that Henry’s presence in the Tower continues to offer hope to the rebels and my allies grow impatient with my reluctance to act upon the evidence of treason supplied by De Percy.

I had thought to call a King’s Council this year – to try to mobilise my magical and faerie allies against the threat presented by the unnamed house, but under the circumstances this will have to wait. Word from Blackthorn is that the Covenant has not returned. Serenia’s investigation confirms that the Aegis of the Hearth is still present – and this hampered something of her investigation, she believes. She could see no immediate sign of a regio boundary, though she used spontaneous magics to search for one and evidence of a boundary may have been blocked by the Aegis. The magical aura, however, appears unchanged, so it is unclear what has caused this regio to form. She has asked magus Arcanus of Carrion Moor to assist as an investigative hoplite next season if he is free; she believes he has some specialist spells that might help.

Apparently, message from Trevalga came to the Covenant site – some work for Astrius has been completed by Ildanach. Theophilus has kindly recovered some of the uncontested vis for the season. It shall be stored at Blackthorn for now.


I have had Henry executed for treason. It was necessary but my heart is troubled by it. With the campaign season drawing to a close and the principle focus of the rebellion dead, Alexander has retreated back behind the borders and I have some time to speak with various members of the Tribunal about what has become of my Covenant.

Magus Arcanus visited the Briarvel hill and undertook two weeks of investigation to try and uncover what has happened. Like Serenia, he concluded that the most likely explanation is that some magical accident or incident has pushed the covenant within a regio. However, even with his considerable Hermetic arts and some non-Hermetic gifts from his House, Arcanus was unable to perceive or penetrate the regio boundary. All he could ascertain is that a strange aura, with the character of the technique Rego, is extant within the boundary of the aegis. I offered Arcanus some payment in vis for his time, but he very generously refused. Our covenant has some fine friends within this Tribunal; should it ever return to enjoy them.

I visited the Heart of the Forest at the end of the season to collect the acorns and spoke to the Anu whilst I was there. She bid me not to worry about my sodales; that they had the Morrigan’s champion with them and they were all alive. I asked what could be done to bring the covenant back, but she told me to think of them as a ship out at sea. I guess that means I have to wait; but beyond Serenia, Theophilus and Arcanus, I don’t know who else to turn to within the Order.

News from the East arrived towards the end of the season. Emperor Fredrick has married Yolande (also known as Isabella), daughter of John of Brienne the nominal ruler of Jerusalem. Most see this as a further move in the game between Fredrick and the Pope. Still, while the Pope’s ire is focussed on thwarting Fredrick his eyes are not here at least.

There were also rumours that a number of prominent members of the Levant Tribunal are said to be in discussion with the Order of Suleiman. There is disquiet amongst some of the archemagi that this will potentially lead to a break up of that Tribunal and the defection of magi to that rival Order of the East. This will undoubtedly be a debate at the Grand Tribunal; though the blame for all this, surely, is the zealous Christian magi of the Order of Hermes quietly aiding the cause of Crusaders. If the Tremere are correct in their assessment of the threat posed by the Horde, then conflict against the Suleiman would be disastrous.


I returned to Severn Temple and spent part of the season at Blacknee. With the Aegis now failing perhaps the covenant will return at the end of the year? I received some sad news from London. William De Percy has died; at the age of three score and three, peacefully in his bed. I travelled to London to attend the funeral, though some at court criticised this apparent favouritism on my part. I cared not. What sort of King would I be if I did not honour those who had given me such great service and friendship? I have further annoyed those jealous of De Percy’s close relationship with me by granting his son, Thomas the lands and title of Earl of Gloucester.

It is the end of the year and yet there is still no sign of the covenant’s return. By the end of this year I was able to arrange the collection of the following vis:

Creo 5 pawns, Herbam 5 pawns, Vim 3 pawns, plus 10 acorns,