YEAR 1087

Scribed by Ruaridh

Spring 1087AD

Another troubling season. A pestilenceravaged the land, and the covenant did not escape its malign influence. Iwas struck down with a dread illness, but Idris was able to brew a potionto clear the infection. It is clear that the skills he has learned from Deannewill serve the covenant will in the future. The efficacy of the cure was suchthat my season's work was scarcely interrupted, and I succeeded in creatinga magic item, a hammer enchanted with Rock to Viscid Clay. We intendto use it to craft finished building materials from uncut stone, hopefullyearning ourselves a handsome profit.

I travelled into Gloucester tospeak with Baldwin about the deeds to the land; we felt that Jean should remainaway from the city for a while. Baldwin had bad news for us: given that theprevious deed had been burnt, the Earl had decided to sell the land to thehighest bidder, and his brother, the Archbishop Osbert, had offered two thousandpennies! Again, Baldwin came to our aid, offering to pay for the land andlease it back to us over a period of ten years. We had no choice but to accept,and agreed to pay him three thousand pennies over the period and sign overa further 10% of the produce of the mine. Perhaps my earlier suspicions aboutBaldwin's motives were groundless. I certainly hope so.


All the Magi journeyed north toBlackthorn for the Tribunal meeting. Following Lexor's death, Urien was appointedPrimus of Ex Miscellanea, and he promptly levied a tax of ten pawns of vison each member of the House and moved the Domus Magnus from Cad Gadu to SolisCastle. Garius, former amicus to Lexor, challenged Darius to Wizard's War,which appeared to catch the Tremere off guard. Darius immediately challengedNostrius for his sigil, a move which surpised everyone until we learned thatthe sigil apparently confers magical protection against Ignem magic on thebearer. Darius defeated Nostrius, claiming both his sigil and that of Jean.

Also at the Tribunal meeting,Yania was elected to serve as a Quaesitor. Three of us favoured a rival candidate,Jordael of Cad Gadu, but Darius manipulated Petrus into voting for Yania.Solis Castle's power grows ever more apparent. I struck a deal with Corlearof Borri-Tor to sell a copy of the Mentem text for twenty marks. The pricewas more than I could have hoped for, and it should help to secure our future.Krekaranius of Morstow forecast that a great disaster would occur in the nearfuture, though I admit that I understood little of what he said. Sadly, weheard that Wydrith of Scarfell had died of the disease that has plagued thatcovenant for the past few years.


Orlania of Blywyddan and Idrisdecided to hunt down the hedge wizard Myrnyddawn. They tracked him down andslew him, but not before Idris was wounded by an arrow. We also struck anagreement with Orlania to exchange Ignem for Terram vis in the future. Beforethe end of the season, a Redcap arrived with news magical and mundane. Gariusof Cad Gadu had gone missing, but Darius of Solis Castle had not declaredvictory in the Wizard's War. I know not what this means. King William hasdied unexpectedly from the fever in Cannes, and his son William Rufus hastaken the throne. His other son, Robert, has become the Duke of Normandy.

Scribed byIdris


Following the sale of a copy ofour Mentem books, we are now rich to the tune of 3,500 pennies but the Domesdaytax still has to be paid from that. After some discussion we agree to rebuildthe brewery, smithy and foundry. We also invested in some more livestockto help with our food supplies, and Osric has obtained some sheep, goats andmore chickens to replace the ones that Eanfled killed. There was a long discussionin council resulting in us all agreeing to do an extra season's covenant servicenext year to help combat the threat of Radulfus. Though Jean was extremely reluctant.Ruaridh went to fetch the Ignem vis, travelling via Gloucester, and two Normangrogs joined us having met Jean in Lydney. Petrus had some sort of magicalaccident and lost his memory and his gift for a week or so.