YEAR 1142

Scribed by Madoc

Spring 1142AD

The council meeting was fairlyuneventful with the senior magi deciding what they were going to do in thefollowing season.

A new magus came to the covenantand asked to join. He is called Elfwin and a ex apprentice of Erin so I waskeen to allow him to join for it would give me a magus of my own generationto converse with without the fear of being bullied and we could use a dedicatedhealer. I build a primitive lab in the stable to prepare for the binding ofArian my faithful steed as my familiar. As to the rest of the season it wasquiet at the covenant although Ruaridh and Audacia go to investigate the laboratoryof Darius, let us hope nothing nasty happens to the two bullies.


At the council meeting Antoniusdiscusses grog recruitment and we all agree we need more and will send Antoniusor the Castelan out on a recruitment mission. We then discussed Minas Mythinand how we might utilise this resource. We also discuss the Welsh invasionand how it might affect us and our dealings with the mundanes. Our so calledmundane expert Antonius tried to answer but again had only rough idea as towhat might possibly happen with no definites or accurate knowledge.

Antonius went to Narwold covenantto exchange Vis for we were short of Vim Vis that I would need to bind myfamiliar.

We decide to mount an expeditionto Minas Mythin and after getting volunteers from the grog's, magical suppliesfrom the stores and Elfwin's healing potions we set off. After an easy tripto Chepstow, which the Welsh now controlled, which we discovered, we travelledup the Wye past Monmouth, which I regarded with bad memories to near SkynFrith Castle. Here we left the Wye and journeyed across land to avoid andchance encounters which we would surely of had if we had remained on the riveras we past the castle. After another few days journey we arrived at the entranceto the Regio and entered. We then organised our supplies to be brought upthe cliff by the men while others scouted ahead for dangers. We reached theabandoned fort, which was in a decrepit state. Aledd on look out spotted someCelts and after Antonius had been informed of this he went and used magicto confer with them. A feast was to be held by the Celts where Antonius wouldbe the guest of honour. At the feast which was quite enjoyable we arrangedto do a deal Iron goods for food and wood. We hear the story on Merlyn's brood,Merlyn needed servants and so he summoned from the earth warriors to servehim, however they turned against him and with the wave of a hand Merlyn destroyednearly all. But some escaped to the hills where they bred and became bestialand were cursed to be able to eat only human bones.

The next day we start to explorethe near wood edge so as to gather some wood to repair the stockade. Aleddwith his keen vision spots a pit, which was made by the Celts to catch thebrood. As we were going to be working in the woods I decided to destroy thepit and gave Aledd the silver ring so he could explore the near area to searchfor more traps. He found a log swing trap but then decided not to venturetoo far into the woods. This was a wise decision for soon after the broodattacked in force. As the men retreated to the stockade myself and Antoniusattacked the brood of course Antonius took the precaution to cast invisibilityon himself first, unfortunately this led to a delay in our intervention andtwo of our grog's were killed in the mean time. After the Brood were dispatchedvia Antonius's spell on mental domination we gathered Vis from their corpsesto the sum of ten pawns of Corporem.

Back in the Fae Regio the villageof Stonevale that Turold holds for our covenant, the Tegid Foel in boar shapeinvaded the mine there from whence we gather our Terram Vis. Turold askedTegid Foel who has done this to him but got no reply therefore he returnedand called a council. At the council Ruaridh decided to go and ask the Ruadanwho did this and Turold went to ask Morfans the evil mushroom Fae who mightof possibly did this to Tegid Foel. Ruaridh did not return but apparentlyTurold discovered that it was indeed the Morfans itself who turned Tegid Foelinto a boar because he had lost his sword to Sir Maurice and needed a formto attack and challenge Turold for ownership of Stonevale. After strikinga deal with Morfans, Turold obtained a bag of some Fae dust that when he confrontedTegid Foel he threw the bag over him and Tegid Foel lost his boar shape. Defeatedby this method and with no means to attack Turold Tegid Foel surrendered tothe demands of our learned Magus. These were that he should never attack Stonevaleor any of Turold's minions again.

The end of the season came withoutthe return of the Quasitor Ruaridh, and I hoped he had not bitten off morethan he could chew, for I would miss his interfering ways.

Scribed byTurold


Two seasons earlier than I expectedI once more commence my writing of this journal, Madoc having decided to beginthe long task of binding his horse as his familiar. I shall not begin witha lengthy preamble; events in the years since I last took up this quill havebeen too vast to easily summarise, not the least the changes that I myselfhave been through.

Ruaridh had not yet returned fromthe realm of the Ruadan as we met for council. The first topic there discussedwas Aelfwin's petition to join our number. As Madoc was to be impossible todisturb for a full year there seemed to be a difficulty in establishing amanner in which a full concilium could be called to vote on this matter, withAntonius of the opinion that the charter did not allow use of Madoc's sigilinstead of his presence. It was agreed that we would see if Ruaridh returnedwithin the week before reconsidering our options.

I elaborated on the events thatbefell me in the fae regio, and council decided that as my actions were ofbenefit to the covenant, the item that I was to make for Morfan would be paidfor by the covenant and count as a seasons service. We also discussed eventsin Mynydd Myrddin and it was agreed that while Antonius spent the season travellingthe country searching for information on the fells he would speak with Jolyon,once more asking that magus to give us his aid. He would also seek the nameof a merchant who can sell us a ballista to provide additional defence againstMerlin's brood. I decided that I would spend the season giving instructionto my apprentice Clifford whilst Audacia will spend the time in Mynydd Myrddin.

Just one day later Ruaridh returnedand told us that he had been unable to find Ruadan and while seeking her atthe cave of snakes had become lost upon the path. Another council was calledand a new amendment passed stating "In cases where a magus is physically unableor unwilling to attend council he may grant his sigil to another member ofthe council to use on his behalf. A sigil so held will act as if the maguswas present in matters of quoracy." It was agreed that we all desired to seeAelfwin join the covenant but first we would have need of Serenia's adviceregarding the matter of Swallowcliff and the rule of silence. Madoc then gaveme his sigil to hold while he was unavailable and Ruaridh announced that hewould spend the season crafting a new spell. Audacia also took the opportunityto bring up a matter previously discussed amongst some of us as to whetherwe should use one of our motions at tribunal to ask for a discussion concerningthe accountability and powers of the dedicated covenant of Holy Isle. It wasagreed that this was a matter to approach cautiously and that we would seekthe counsel of the magi of Blackthorn and a few key figures within Stonehenge.

A few days later, with Sereniavisiting the covenant, Aelfwin was welcomed into our concilium, being boundby the rule of silence. It was agreed that he would spend his first seasoncopying the water-damaged spells within our library. Ruaridh then informedus that the tribunal had now been formally called for next summer. The meetingof House Guernicus was scheduled for the same time and our sodales has beeninstructed to remain and act as senior quaesitor for the duration. Once morehe is missing his house meeting and it seems that he continues to be the victimof the political manoeuvrings of others.

Ruaridh asked my aid in testinga spell that he had recently invented using experimentation in the laboratory.It proved to work with a greater duration than expected at the cost of givingthe caster a nasty headache. Closer investigation revealed that the spellin some way draws upon the energy of the caster, a trait that would certainlymerit further investigation at some point.

Early in the season a messengercame to the covenant asking for Antonius (in his guise as the merchant Anthony).He had been sent by Baron Martin of Monmouth, rumours of his death provingto be unfounded. He had returned in an attempt to lift the siege against Chepstowand later in autumn he made request for us to provide archers to aid him inthis goal. After some considerable discussion, during which Aelfwin was passionatein his desire to avoid risk of harm to our grogs, we decided to send two men.Antonius believes that the English will inevitably overrun the Welsh and itwould be best to show support to one of our allies. The assault proved successfulalthough one of our men was wounded quite seriously during the attack.

There was one further event duringthe season worthy of being recorded. A new addition was made to the numbersin this covenant in the form of a man named Raegwulf. This man is a companionof Madoc's, a seer who had previously been residing at Scafell. He gazed intothe spring, for he believes that it is a scrying pool, and therein had a visionof a witch with an eight fingered hand snatching a young girl. Travellingto Blackney he and Aledd discovered that a girl had indeed been abducted andtaking a lock of her hair the seer slept in the village overnight. He wasgranted with another vision, in which it appeared that the girl was safe andwell, even seeming to have a link with her abductor. He also saw a time inthe future when some bargain or oath would be made between witch and girl.The seer brought this news to me and it was easy to recognise the hand ofthe Ruadan so I brought the matter to the attention of Ruaridh. We decidedto travel into the regio and there Ruaridh spoke to the dark sorceress. Shewas not responsive to his questioning and he learned nothing before once morebecoming lost in the woods, to such an extent that he was forced to rend themagic veil to exit to the level of the mundane forest. I waited a few days,unaware of this, with Tegwarod suspicious that we were being watched by anunseen observer, before returning to the covenant.


We met as a council of five, withMadoc still locked into the temporary laboratory that he has established inthe stables. Aelfwin reported that he had successfully copied all of the spells,managing to preserve the original water-damaged copies in a number of cases.Audacia informed us that the wooden fortifications at Mynydd Myrddin werealmost complete, and there had only been one sighting of the brood while shewas there, towards the top edge of the forest. She had also managed to enterthe barrows and recover half a rook of Terram vis.

We further discussed the matterof the Ruadan's kidnapping of the girl from Blackney. The child certainlyseems to be touched in some way by magic and it was decided to speak withher mother further to ascertain whether there were any signs that might indicatethat she has the gift. Whilst we are loathe to challenge Ruadan in her placeof power, if she is espied beyond the regio it was agreed that Audacia wouldbe fetched that she might use her particular talents to force that creaturesco-operation. There was a brief discussion about events at Chepstow and whilethere was some fondness expressed for welsh rule it was agreed that politicalrealities meant we had made the right decision on this matter by ensuringMartin's continued friendship. Antonius went on to tell us of his dealingsin Stonehenge. Borri Tor is sorely pressed by the Scottish invasion with thenearby presence of noblemen meaning no overt magic can be used in the covenant'sdefence. At Scafell and Lear Valley there were no signs of the fells, butit seems there may be some in the city of York. Antonius will speak with Yaniaas he once again sets forth this season.

While he was at Lear Valley Antoniusmet both Erin and Edith, both of whom now reside at that covenant. Jolyonhas agreed that he will conjure a tower in Mynydd Myrddin after the tribunal,asking for no payment for his service. He is also prepared to create a spellto raise a great hall for us, asking for a copy of our text on Ignem in exchange.Aelfwin will copy these as his second service. There may also be a possibilityof further trade for vis and texts with Lear Valley keen to strengthen theweaknesses in their own library.

Ruaridh revealed that there hadbeen no Perdo vis arisen from the spring in autumn. We will check again inthe season of spring to see if the Morrigan's influence once more begins towane in the land. He agreed to spend this season with me on the crafting ofour item for Morfan. Audacia stated that she would be studying from Perdovis. Aelfwin also revealed that his amica (who is also his wife) is with child,and the delivery is expected to be sometime in the summer.

Antonius and Ruaridh travelledto Swallowcliff covenant for a brief investigatory visit. Upon finding theplace they ascertained that it was as had been described by Madoc before venturingbelow the ground. They found the symbol of the snake with the holes believedto be set to contain gemstones and Ruaridh discovered that there were enchantmentsconnecting the two. At that moment they heard footsteps, as if of stone uponstone, following down the stairs they had just descended. A creature thatwe believe to be an earth elemental appeared and lurched into attack. Ruaridhdestroyed one of its arms with a conjured bolt of lightning but the creaturetook hold of him and set upon beating our sodales. Antonius had turned intomist to reach the surface in an attempt to fetch an arcane connection so thatRuaridh could apport away, but as he returned Ruaridh slipped into unconsciousness.Returning to the surface followed by the elemental Antonius discovered a wayto lure the creature away from that covenant allowing Ruaridh to regain himselfand return to Severn Temple. Shortly after his return Antonius also reappearedand the two magi were discussing events with Audacia when we all felt a breachof the Aegis. The creature had manifested itself at the base of the towerand after Hassan delayed it Audacia cast the spell 'Stone to falling dust'which destroyed it momentarily. However the dust began to gather itself togetheragain as if blown by a gentle breeze and in a moment the creature came forthonce more. Several times were these acts repeated before Antonius lured itback into the courtyard whereupon Ruaridh twice brought forth lightning againstit, shattering the creature into a thousand lifeless shards of stone.

Discussing this incident we spokeas to whether it might be worth attempting to procure gems in the colour ofthe rainbow to try and penetrate the deeper mysteries of Swallowcliff. Itwas agreed that Antonius would find out what cost this would be and then wewould discuss the matter further. If there are further guardians it is importantthat we are better prepared in the future, Audacia already considering howbest to defeat an earth elemental in future.

Later in the season we were visitedby Loretius, the redcap, here to impart his news. Of matters mundane he spokemuch of war; the siege at York ended by the Scots supporting Henry while Stephenis raising mercenaries from abroad after releasing some of the March Lordsto battle the Welsh (although it is said that many more are deserting himfor the same purpose). There is also a rumour that Henry may have made somemanner of deal with the Welsh. Armies of that nation had been beaten backat Chester and routed at Oswestry. It seems that Paul of Ludlow, the leaderof the peasant army, has provided some aid to our ally Martin by harryingthe welsh forces to the north during the attack on Chepstow. Indeed we werealso told that Martin is defying Stephen's demand that he return to continuein the civil war, and instead intends to press on and recapture Monmouth.The truce between England and France is ended with the latter invading Englishterritories on the continent, although it sounds like the nobles there werequick to change their allegiance. There are also reports that war is imminentin the East, with the Knights Hospitallers building a new crusader castle.

Of hermetic news there was theformal announcement of the tribunal and meeting House Guernicus. Narwold hadasked to meet with Praeco Eloria regarding any further penalty for the laterepayment of their fine but she refused to grant an audience. There has beena spate of Wizards Wars involving Tytalan magi, with the praecoship of Novgorodpassing from one to another. Antonius' mater Maria has also been victoriousin one although in this matter Venastes of Fudarus has called for an investigationalleging that she was assisted by her filius Albertus. Lastly it seems thatmany of my house have travelled to the Levant, drawn by stories of an archaeologicalfind of great magical importance.

One other event occurred duringthe latter half of the season. Two grogs were on the wall at Blackney alongwith a member of the militia. It seems that a phantom of a rider on a horsewas espied and one of the men was foolish enough to pursue it into the woodsas it headed away. On hearing of this incident the following morning Ruaridhand Audacia flew down to the area after casting Intellego magicks, and therefound him lost in the forest. He told them that the apparition appeared towant him to follow and he made his way along a path that disappeared behindhim as he passed. Eventually he came to a burial mound that the ghost pointedto, with a great hole opened in it in a manner that he could not explain.Following the marks that he had left as he tried to find his way out, my twosodales came to the place themselves with Ruaridh recognising it as the tombof the Saxon King that long ago we had attempted to investigate at a costof several grogs lives. Examination of the hole revealed a hermetic spell,using Perdo Terram, had been cast on the mound with a sigil of 'slyness' present.Audacia entered the tomb but all that was present was a bit of shroud.