YEAR 1099

Scribed by Idris

Spring 1099AD

The weather outside was cold andwet as we assembled for our first council of the new year. The fey regio isin Winter now so we must have a care whilst in the woods. To this end it wassuggested that we map the woods and also resume patrols outside the covenant,though sticking to the roads for now. As Turold has his house meeting to attendin some far off land and the journey will take him over a year he will delayhis service until after his meeting.

On a worrying note we heard thatthe miners in the mining village of Black Knee were to hold a "Christening"of some sort; fortunately my fears of servants of the Christ God comingto the village to further the spread of the accursed Dominion proved groundlessas the event was merely a ceremonial feast. Varsavia found a rook of Auramvis from the fey regio and does not think that we should have any problemscontinuing to collect the imagonem vis despite the change there.

Ruaridh says that he has founda mad christian priest Aren’t they all? named Godwin in Gloucester who hasbeen able to recruit a cut-purse in the ranks of the diabolists whom he hopeswill provide him with information concerning their activities. It seems theyare amassing monies but to buy what we do not know. I have been requestedto add as a formal note here that the council has asked Ruaridh to organiserelations and investigations with this priest and the coven.


Godwin’s spy says that hismaster Guyere, who has eyes filmed with blood, is getting close to the PrinceRegent Hugh. This surprises me little, I have little doubt that most Normanswould sell their souls quite readily. At the Ex-Miscellania Housemeeting I heard of the death of my pater Daffyd, killed by Holy Isle covenantby the same poison that Darius used to kill Lexor. Uriens went to the covenantto find out what had happened and was denied entry, whereupon he called fortha tower of water that stretched from sky to sea and threatened to bring thewalls crashing down if he was not let in. There was much outrage at this announcementamongst many members of the house at this news. Muchas Daffyd hoped I suspect. However Ruaridh clearly does not understand the feeling in the house;he is too Latin in his ways I fear. And I know he still thinks of me as naught but a hedge wizard.

Uriens proposed summoning PrimusGuernicus to investigate Daffyd’s death and if he fails to come thenHouse Ex-Miscellania will wizard’s march Holy Isle en masse. I hope Daffyd was careful but I fear that the real truth willbe uncovered.We will also try and get an Ex-Miscellanian quaesitor for Stonehenge so thatperhaps we can see some sort of justice for members of our house at last.Whilst Ruaridh and myself were at our meeting apparently one Casus of Flambeaupassed through the Temple looking to settle in the Tribunal for the fightagainst Diedne. I see the vultures are circling already.


It was decided at council notto press the investigation into the diabolists for fear of breaching the phohibitionin Primary Code against interfering with the mundanes. Shortly after the autumnequinox, Stassius the Redcap arrived. King Robert it seems has taken Jerusalemand butchered everyone inside how very noble! then killed some more "Egyptians".Primus Guernicus will investigate Daffyd’s death and until such timethen the status of Holy Isle as a dedicated covenant will be revoked. I amalso to be tried at the next tribunal for my activities in the Welsh rebellion.Jania will act against me and I have asked Petrus to act for me. Whilehe thinks little of me as a wizard I am sure that as a sodalis he will supportme to the best of his abilities. News also from Godwin: Guyere willattend a banquet held for the Prince. We scry as best we can but learn onlythat some sort of deal is being done between them.


Gwynneth, one of the Earl of Monmouth’smen, arrived here asking for help for the Earl’s wife who is badly ill.We sent our last healing potion with two men but they were attacked by wolveson the way and the potion was lost and one of the men killed. I think thatthis attack was carried out by wolves driven by hunger rather than the corruptionthat lies in the dell but investigations there lead me to believe that themoon will be full in a couple of years. We must be careful ere this happensand the covenant suffer the same terrible fate that befell Lydney. Also ofsome strangeness, a Cor came here: it was shot but as we approachedits dying body it offered a necklace of black pearls to Ruaridh which he freelytook. When will he have a care when dealing with the fey? Has he learntnothing?.