YEAR 1116

Scribed by Petrus

Spring 1116AD

The first council of the yearopened with reports from Antonius that the priest at Lydney had made somethingof a recovery, and that he will try to ensure that the clergy investigatehim whilst he is abroad this season on covenant service. For my covenant serviceI shall investigate the silver wand tipped with a shard of moonstone; oneof the items discovered at Mynydd Merddin last year. Edith will study theIntellego book, while Ruaridh, Turold and Lothar will study from Vim, Perdoand Animal vis respectively.

Mathus arrived about a week afterAntonius left. He told us that Edward's invasion of England was now completeand that Edward had been crowned at Westminster by the Archbishop Geroul ofCanterbury, presumably fresh returned from Rome. Black Hugh was beheaded,but there apparently was some confusion as to what should be done with hisremains. Given his ex-communication no church would have him buried on holyground, but before a solution was found the body disappeared when the manorin Colchester, where the body was being kept in state, burnt down during amysterious fire. Of Hermetic news there was much talk of the events at Blackthornand general confirmation of what we had learned from Idris and suspicion ofthe unnamed house's use of Stonehenge. Sylvania of Cad Gadu confirmed alsoour understanding that the faerie season had passed through to Spring. Ona sad note Tyrell of Scarfell, who had disappeared into a faerie regio sometime before, was discovered dead - apparently slain by unseelie fae. Withthat message of caution very much in mind I hope, Lothar announced that hewould venture into the faerie regio towards the end of this season.

At the Equinox I was surprisedto discover that Lothar had ordered a feast to be held at the spring. Thissmacked too much of Idris for my liking, although I understand that Edithand Ruaridh attended the celebration along with half the grogs. Turold andI had a pleasent evening discussing some of the subtleties of Xeros' theoryof Supernatural Auras and Corlear's achievements with enchantments. Much moreinteresting and proper for a Magus than joining in the drunken tomfoolerygoing on at the spring.

In early April a grog patrol stationedin Blacknee reported that a shepherd and a number of sheep had been founddead under very mysterious circumstances. Neither the animals or the shepherdbore marks of injury, and a trail of bare earth cut through the grasslandhad led the grogs to the edge of the forest. It was eventually determinedthat a fantastic beast named a Cockatrice may have passed close to the villageof Blacknee, and may yet remain in the vicinity. Edith proposed that we placea cockerel within the village to "ward" off the creature which,I am given to understand, was the limit of our action at this time. Towardsthe end of the season Lothar ventured off into the faerie regio with Eanfledand two of the grogs.


With Antonius returned and Lotharstill away, we held our council meeting. Antonius reported that the majorityof the nobility had survived the war - having surrendered and accepted Edwardas their Liege and rightful King. Father Christopher has apparently been arrested,by order of the Rector of Monmouth, for bearing false witness in a trial ofheresy against the former Rector of Chepstow. If he is found guilty, whichis apparently likely, he will suffer the same fate as the deceased Rector.Antonius has also begun arrangements to borrow an exemplar of the Bible fromPricknash Abbey, and has also met the monks at Huntley Wold to the north ofour forest - who appear pious but approachable in Antonius' opinion. I alsoreported the result of my investigation into the wand - a powerful magicalresource which we have decreed may only be borrowed from the covenant by avote of council. Edith has been asked to continue Lothar's work on the waterdamaged copy of the Vim book, and Turold will begin an investigation of theSkull Cap set with a Violet Amethyst found in Mynydd Merddin. Ruaridh andmyself will both study from Vim vis, whilst Antonius will extract Vim visfor himself.

Am I to believe my senses? Aftercondemnation by the Tribunal for his reckless impatience, and warnings fromus all to take great care within the faerie regio - it appears that Lotharhas once again demonstrated his stubborness, questionable motivation and profoundlack of common sense! He has returned to us about a week into the season andinformed us that he has invited the Nynniaw, Llyn-y-fan and all the GolwgHafddydd (whose bites turn grogs to animals) to come within the Aegis thismid-summer's night. If this were not enough he has also agreed to bring "thestone of the mountain" as a gift for Llyn-y-fan to give to Nynniaw -for which he has ordered the purchase of a Pearl as payment for Gofynnwy inreturn for being lead to the mountain realm of Gofannon. To placate the MountainKing's displeasure with us (after his last visit), we allowed Lother to takeback the stone bow that Gofannon had given to Myrvin. It appeared that westill had this bow, gathering dust in some corner of the magical treasury.It seems also that he had agreed a deal with the Palug, to win back the mushroomswhich once formed part of our Imagonem source. However, the last and onlymushroom now belonged to the Tegid Foel - who wanted to use it to obtain amortal wife (I know not how he proposed to use it). This last part was relayedto us by Eanfled - Lothar having gone off in a sulk because of our displeasurewith him. If I was less than outraged when I heard all this news 'twas onlybecause of my disbelief and speechless awe at Lothar's utter stupidity. Turoldwent further still and questioned whether Lothar was in possession of a brainat all! I sympathise with the question! Lothar left us, hurridly nailing ironacross every window and door in the main building, to venture back into theregio. I wonder at his chances of returning, and I fear my only desire tosee him again is so that we do not risk Llyn-y-fan's displeasure at not receivingthis stone.

During the day of mid-summer wemet as council to discuss what our response to this faerie invasion shouldbe - given that Lothar had not returned and Llyn-y-fan's likely reaction tonot being given this "stone of the mountain". We grimly determinedto make a stand with whatever offensive magics and items we had at our command- if the Llyn-y-fan began attacking the covenant. Suddenly we heard a commotionfrom outside, and an almighty crash as our north gates were smashed from theirfittings. As we struggled to glimpse a view of what was happening from thecouncil window, we saw Lothar returned - with Gofannon and two dozen of hisstone servants. We greeted the Gofannon and he challenged us to a wager -a diamond in exchange for our finest archer. Antonius suggested a horse raceand discussed ways to prevent the faerie cheating. Antonius' amicus, Lucien,was selected as our champion. Gofannon managed to injure a horse while inspectingit - he pulled it down by the reigns when it reared up and the strength ofthe act managed to lame it. In apology he created for us a horse from theearth - which he selected to ride in the race. Lucien apparently gave hima good run - but the Mountain King quickly learnt the skill and won. Thusour best archer, a hired sword called Ranulf, was taken into the earth andback to Gofannon's realm.

I left at this point as twylightwould be soon upon us and the first signs of Nynniaw's court were visiblefrom the forest. Lothar remained, along with Edith and Antonius. The nightpassed quietly enough, and the fae seemed satisfied by the feast we had laidout for them. There was the traditional giving of gifts to Nynniaw - I understandthat Gofannon returned a key to the Lord of Oaks. Lothar also received a boonfrom Llyn-y-fan - that by calling her name three times when the stars areout he may become as light as air. It seems that the "stone of the mountain"was Gofannon himself - but then I don't pretend to have any understandingof the fae. Once the faeries were gone I suspect that we were all too relievedto consider punishing Lothar. He apparently spent the remains of the seasondesigning a formulaic spell that would allow him to create a dead chicken.I almost wept when I heard - has this man no respect for his art?


Our meeting opened with all ofus roundly condemning Lothar's dealings with the fae. We have formally instructedhim to think more carefully about his deals in future - and insisted thathe does not invite potentially dangerous faeries within the Aegis withoutthe vote of lawful council. Lothar agreed to these things - once again declaringthat he had "learnt his lesson" - By my art! I hope it is true!Turold had only had limited success in investigating the Skull Cap, and Edithhad inadvertantly destroyed the copy of the Vim book while completing thecopy of it. Fortunately we now have a robust copy of the text - so at leastthe vital knowledge has been saved; unlike the priceless Faerie Lore tomewhich Jean de Caen squandered in the past. This season I shall make Antoniusa longevity potion with his assistance. Turold will begin an enchantment,while Ruaridh and Lothar study Vim and Animal vis. Edith is minded to studythe Mentem book.

During the season Isaac, the Jewishmerchant from Gloucester, turned up looking for Antonius. It appears Isaacwas lying low after nearly getting caught up in some riots in Bristol andhaving much of his property confiscated. Antonius has arranged to make a copyof the Humanities texts in return for one thousand two hundred and fifty pennies;an excellent deal for the covenant. The deal will be concluded in Spring nextyear.

Later in the season we were informedthat two grogs and a local lad from Blacknee had all been slain by the Cockatricewhile they patrolled the road between Blacknee and Lydney. There was a longdiscussion as to what we should do. Lothar was, of course, in favour of simplyfinding the creature, turning into a bear, and attacking it - but we did notshare his confidence that he would be unaffected by the Cockatrice's gaze.In the end we asked Turold to travel up to Cad Gadu and see if anyone thereknew much about the creature's strengths and weaknesses. Turold was gratiousenough to accept this task and flew to Cad Gadu that night. He returned havingmade a deal with Primus Llanoddwyn - knowledge of how the Cockatrice can beeasily slain in return for it's eyes. Edith noted that the Primus Ex-Miscellaneawould probably want the eyes for the liquid they contain (who can say whywith these Ex-Miscellaneans). Turold had also been informed that the gazeof the Cockatrice was of at least a tenth magnitude effect - thus it had seemedwise to accept this deal, particularly as Llanoddwyn had said that the eyesdid not contain the vis embodied in the beast. However, the Primus' methodfor killing the Cockatrice did not quite work as he had suggested. We wereinstructed to set a weasel on the Cockatrice's trail of destruction, and followthe weasel until it had successfully found and slain the fantastic beast.Lothar was successful at finding a weasel in the forest, but when he set itdown it just ran off into the forest - and did not hunt down the Cockatrice.Another trip to Cad Gadu revealed that the Primus had forgotten to mentionthat this trick only worked for domesticated weasels - and preferably a femaleone. I had little confidence of this working, but having bought a domesticatedweasel from a village Lothar was able to set it to track and kill the Cockatrice.We sent the little copse up to Llanoddwyn so he could extract it's eyes -and we have kept its blood; which contains eight pawns of perdo vis, but isalso a deadly poison. I am glad to say that we had no further excitement forthe rest of the season.


Our meeting convened with littlepreamble. Ruaridh will continue copying up the damaged Creo book and Lotharwill write the Animal book to the level of adept (ten chapters). Turold willcontinue with his enchantment, while Antonius and myself will study from Imagonemand Rego vis. Edith will continue her study of the Mentem texts.

What disaster! Long have I fearedthat during the casting of a major ritual some mishap would cause the spellto go awry - and now this has happened while we attempted to recast the ninthmagnitude Aegis of the Hearth. Not only has thirteen pawns of Vim vis beenwasted - and a further eleven used to cast a lower version of the Aegis -but Antonius remains unconscious in the infirmary and Ruaridh appears to havelost the use of his magic. Edith, Turold and myself were unconscious for atime - overcome by the uncontrolled discharge of the magic - only Lothar appearsunaffected.

Antonius has regained himself- our efforts prevailed little in bringing him to wakefulness. It appearsthat he had a strange vision of lying within the regio, unable to move, duringall this time; but his body has been in the infirmary all this time. Perhaps,a little like Varsavia, his spirit was trapped there? He will change his season'sactivities to extracting Vim vis for himself.

Mathus arrived later in the seasonwith a letter for Antonius, but had no other news to report to us at thistime. Ruaridh is still unable to utilise his magic and I am at a loss to explaineither what has happened to him or how soon he can expect his magic to return.It seems that the Aegis has affected him directly - I sensed the lingeringmagic of the ritual about his person. He appears unable to raise his parmamagica, or cast a spell, but this has not impeded his covenant service.

It is now the close of anotherseason, another year, and my time as scribe. I have never felt us to be closerto Summer, as a covenant. At last, with our stable mundane and Hermetic relationsand the power of our arts and our magical resources, we should be able togo from strength to strength. All the time, however, at the back of my mind,I can still see the plumes of smoke rising from the ashes of Blackthorn. Weshall all need courage as well and luck and good judgement to survive andthrive in the face of the threat posed by the unnamed house.