YEAR 1157

Scribed by Cormoran

Spring 1157 AD

It is my duty to now scribe thetrials and tribulations of the covenant in this year of 1157. My hopes arethat we may be allowed to live in peace and harmony to continue our studies,but my fears are that we will be assailed by forces of strife both internaland external.

We started the council meetingin good cheer, but that soon soured. Dialectica had apparently been spyingon me last winter, and because I was not knee deep in mud as punishment formy accusations of incompetence last season, she decided to attack me in council.She proceeded to cross examine me and then further embarrassed me by gettingthe mining engineer to give an account of my duties. He reported that I didsupervise the mining, but not directly, and the headman reported that I wasseen only at meal times and occasionally out on the hill. I was directly askedif I worked hard: I said no, but I did do work. Indeed, I cast multiple spontaneousmagics, which we all know is a risky proposal at the best of times, but mythoughts were for the covenant. Dialectica would not listen, though, evenwhen I stated that I used the magic hammer once the steward had it deliveredto me. Medius asked a few questions and things went badly as I agreed I hadnot worked as hard as I could but I did do my duty as warden of Blackney.Then I remembered that that Dialectica had used Image From The Wizard Tornto ask questions of the mining engineer when spying on me to avoid breakingthe charter because she could not physically leave the covenant. I accusedDialectica of scrying and asked Medius to investigate; because of this thecouncil was suspended. Medius did not question the headman or mining engineerand just said Dialectica was innocent after using Mentem magics on her toverify her story. I was not surprised as Dialectica is wise and my attemptsto catch her out were thwarted, but I was annoyed at the baseless accusationsof dereliction of duty. Dialectica then charged me with Delictum and all mysodalis voted against me, so I did not challenge any to Certamen because Idid not want to fight Aelfwin, whom I consider my friend. The punishment offeredby Dialectica was two seasons penalty; I offered no seasons as I felt I haddone little or nothing wrong. For this vote, Aelfwin abstained and so I challengedTiarnan to Certamen to force him to change his vote. I called Rego and heresponded with Animal. The form the Certamen took was a fight between twoanimals: I had a bear and he had a faerie snake. I lost badly and quickly;his mastery of the form of Animal was obvious. Once I recovered, the councilcontinued and the two seasons punishment was agreed. Dialectica then handedout Vis at the rate of one pawn a for each season's service performed by aMagus. I was directed to work for two seasons, in spring and summer, in Blackney,neither of them counting as punishment, so it is obvious that I have angeredthe Pontifex greatly, even though I was right as she then appointed an Imperator.It shocked us all when she named Medius as Imperator, which endangers hisposition if he gets called away as it will break the charter, something Iknow he would be loath to do. This was an appalling decision by our Pontifexif you ask me!

Dialectica and I travelled downto Blackney as she is out and about chatting to mundanes as Theo is not aroundto deal with such affairs. We chatted about finances and I suggested cidermaking as an alternate source of income that would be agreeable to all asgrowing trees would please the Anu worshipers in our covenant. It appearedthat the Pontifex had regained her composure and was now trying to mend thebridges which she had nearly burnt. I wish to stress that I have no ill willtowards her but she did not wish to leave the matter after the first Certamen.

Syrentia, a Merinitan from CadGadu, and Lady Luned passed by Blackney later in the season and stayed fora cup of ale and some food on their way to see Tiarnan regarding businessof the fae I guessed. The Lady seemed childlike, but that might mean nothingin a faerie. They were both delightful company and a charming few hours werespent in their presence.

At the end of the season, Dialecticacalled an emergency meeting, saying that Baron Martin had been accused ofbeing in league with the witches and wizards of the dean (or us in other words).The sheriff had also been arrested, accused of selling lands to witches andwarlocks, and all deeds were going to be inspected. It was obvious this wasa two-pronged attack upon us. It was felt that the fells might be controllingthings to cause us harm. Dialectica decided to try and sort matters by goingto see Magus De Camp at Carrion Moor, a Jerbiton who can help us with themundane nobility and church. With his aid, she would try and attempt to infiltratethe noble court and discover the truth of the matter. I informed the villagersof Blackney to tell of Briavel village as a mining community, not wizardsas was becoming the habit as they became used to our presence due to my livingthere. One solution to the deeds problem was proposed. We decided to investigatethe possibility of making a magus of House Jerbiton, who is of noble birth,to hold the lands in the paper work, but this might not work and De Camp hadto be consulted.


At the council meeting, the situationwith the archbishop's aide was discussed and it was revealed that De Campof Jerbiton would assist us in our troubles. An archbishop's aide is verypowerful position, apparently, as he shouted at various nobles without repercussions,as if he had an Aura of Rightful Authority, although this might be the factthat his patron is a powerful man. Medius informed us that the Jewish sorcererof Chepstow, who is Medius's friend, had visited the aide, Clifford, in hiscell, and it was his opinion that there was an evil taint upon the man asif he had done a deal with the devil, although the methods of such detectionwere undisclosed and there veracity could not be proven. Probably, they workin a similar fashion to Theo's abilities in that he observes their spiritin some way, as the infernal seems to be able to warp Hermetic Intellego spellsto make them ineffectual. For this crisis, Dialectica made Medius Ministratorand I was made Imperator, so at long last we had a proper power structurein the concilium again. Tiarnan announced he would travel to the Fae regioon his own business, probably this had something to do with the two fae whovisited him last season. With the probable attack on the covenant by infernalforces, I vowed that I will defend the covenant with my life and, althoughsome talked of evacuation, I thought that to flee and leave our home to beravaged by the forces of evil to be an unconscionable event and so I madeplans for our defence. Dialectica stated that any and all covenant resourcescould be used in its defence and, as long as the Primary Code was not broken,these acts of defence would be done in her name.

Medius obtained a tincture fromthe Jewish sorcerer that allowed him to see the auras of people, showing theirspirit and therefore displaying if they are in league with the devil. He thenwent to Gloucester with Dialectica and De Camp to assess who in the high courtwas corrupt and who was pure of spirit. It was displayed to Medius throughthe application of this tincture that the aide Clifford and the knight assistinghim were foully corrupted. Also there was Yvonne at the party and the 2ndson of the knight of Micheldean who caused Medius trouble in Chepstow whenhe first met the sorcerer. During this feast, Medius posed as De Camp's servant,fetching and carrying for the Jerbiton, which must have been unusual for Medius,as I don't think he has served wine to anyone since his gauntlet, and, beingfrom the Tribunal and House he is, probably never has done. My time with Giddeontaught me a lot of humility and the common tasks that I am given by Dialecticado not worry me. I just wonder if, because of my House or looks, I am handedmore of these onerous tasks than others.

Medius reported that, in his servantguise and with the fake name of Angelo, he was engaged in conversation bya servant. Later, on some pretext involving theft, a guard took him to questionhim but took him to Clifford, who had a demon with him. The demon and Cliffordimprisoned and then quizzed Medius before attempting to wipe his memory. Throughhis strong will and an error of mismatched memories the dam built by the demonbroke and the full horror of what had occurred was restored to Medius. Thedemon had referred to Clifford as Guyere, which scared Medius greatly, asthis man was the leader of the fells!

After this story was revealedto Dialectica, she ordered Medius, Giovanni and Conrad, Medius's shield grog,to leave for the covenant, but they were followed. The group then ran forthe docks via the town centre. Conrad was instructed to kill the man who followedif he attacked and, although at first a bit worried of the consequences ofmurdering a man in a busy city, when he found out that this servant who followedthe group was a churchman he readily agreed. Medius and Giovanni then founda barge and helped load it for half an hour to hasten its departure, althoughhow much heavy lifting Medius did with his soft hands I do not know. Theyquickly travelled down stream to Blackney, where they fled into the Aegisthere for protection from any following spirits. Medius and party rested aftertheir panicked flight from Chepstow at Blackney until just after nightfall,when scouts reported that the undead are on the move from Lydney and looklike they will assault Blackney. Medius decided to leave his close friendsat Blackney under undead assault and aported back to the covenant using apotion of Leap of Homecoming.

Theo and Astrius returned to Blackneyat this inopportune moment and then set to defend it as best they could. Astriuscast fireballs at our enemies at Blackney, but although he hit many, the legionsof undead rolled up to the edge of the Aegis. Theo and Astrius retreat intoBlackney and, not being able to cast spells across the Aegis, for they werenot included in the ceremony, being away, had to watch uselessly as the undeadflailed against the invisible wall. Then the army of undead started to withdrawand Astrius demanded that they open the gate so that he might smite the retreatingenemy with his powerful magics. However, the people are terrified and refusedto do so until he himself unlocked the gate. The reason for the retreat wasnow becoming clear, as evil spirits and the undead legion now assailed thecovenant. The Aegis is tested again and again but to no avail as our ninthmagnitude defence was equal to their attempts to gain entry. I blessed theinventor of that powerful spell as I organised the defences by rallying inthe great hall. I did this because I realised that although against mundanethreat our grogs could hold their own, but against this mystical attack ifthey somehow penetrated our Aegis they would have no hope unless defendedby a Magus of the Order. With my plans in place and the final redoubt defendedby our stout grogs and the back door protected by a ward against the infernalin which Helena and Aelfwin remained to be the safe place for healing ourwounded, we waited for what may come.

Astrius, bravely stepping outof the Aegis, trusting in his own physical and magical defences, was thenattacked by a strange magical power, but his Parma resisted this attack, andTheo, using his sight of the spirits, observed two wraiths in the otherworldattacking his lifelong friend. Thinking quickly, Theo used his power overthe spirit world to command these fell apparitions to flee, which, becauseof his power, they quickly did so. At this point, with his master having abandonedhim, Giovanni explained about Guyere and the incidents that had taken placeat Gloucester to Astrius and Theo. A few moments later, a ghostly priest cameup towards Blackney and Theo tried to command it, but it defied him and curseshim to what effect remains to be seen.

At this moment, our Aegis at SevernTemple was assaulted and failed. Thinking rapidly, I lent my boots of apportationto Medius, who used their magics to transport himself to Blackney to warnthem of the Aegis failing at Severn Temple and to check on the situation there.As soon as he arrived there, the Aegis was tested and tested again in manyplaces in an apparent attempt to destroy it. Theo, looking with his spiritsight, again saw that a skeletal figure was attacking the Aegis with whitelightning, but the shocking realisation was that it was attacking throughMedius, maybe through some form of arcane connection gathered at Gloucester.But perhaps this is a Hermeticisation of some infernal spiritual power. Theothen looks at Medius' spirit with his sight and observed blight on his spirit.This, he deducted, was a mark left by Guyere in Gloucester and now he wasvulnerable to the infernal powers and offered a way to bypass or even destroythe Aegis. Given this information, Medius fled with my boots of apportationto Mynyyd Myddyn to hide from the demon in a regio, but he then thought betterof it and then returned to me and asked for a link to Chepstow, presumablyto seek aid from his Jewish sorcerer friend, which I provided.

Blackney was then surrounded by3 spectres to hold those at bay whilst the main attack fell on Severn Temple.Theo stepped out of the Aegis but quickly retreated when his commands didnot stay the evil spirits. He may be powerful when it comes to spirits, butobviously not all powerful.

Theo then made a run for the forestwith Astrius providing a decoy. Two of the spirits attacked Astrius, but thethird one floated around aimlessly for no obvious reason. Of the two spiritsattacking Astrius, his mighty defences repelled them easily and so Astriusand Theo ran to the forest calling on the Bethwyn to defend them, hoping herFay powers would defend them from the evil spirits. Bethwyn flies Theo andAstrius to Severn Temple after some negotiation by means of her evil and uglyCors. She tells them that she can offer protection under the forest boughsbut not in the covenant. It is unusual for this agent of the Morrigan to beso helpful, and I am left wondering what deals might have been done by thosein regular contact with her.

Realising that we were assailedby a mighty force, I decided to ask permission of Aelfwin for his apprenticeto apport to Blackthorn and ask for aid against the legion of demons, spiritsand undead that assailed us.

As soon as Mathew left seekingaid, Astrius and Theo arrive by air and Astrius went to defend the gate, takingplenty of Aquam Vis. I do not fully understand his thinking here as the mundanedefences of the gate would not assist him against the spirits and if he gotinto trouble then no aid could reach him, but I suppose the hot headednessof the Flambeau overrode his sense of tactics, and he strode out into thenight.

An unearthly mist rolled in overthe walls, showing that the horde from Blackney was approaching. Then theyassaulted the main gate. Astrius attempted to blast them with water to whateffect was unsure, but I can see his reasoning, as if they were demons, firewould have little effect. Seeking around himself with his spirit sight, Theorealised that he could not see into the mist in the other world, for it wasas if they knew of our powers and used the mist to defend themselves fromTheo's magics. Theo was now outside the main hall without a strong Parma andwas attacked by a hag and so fled back to the great hall where my defencesstood ready to repel the invaders.

Astrius, alone on the gate, wasattacked multiple times via magic but his Parma held. The gate now came underperpetual attack and even Astrius, constantly counterattacking with waterblasts, could not hold back the tide of undead. The gates were then brokenopen and, at last realising his precarious position, Astrius retreated rapidlyback to great hall. He nearly did not make it as then a big beast attackedAstrius, causing him to stumble, but he managed to maintain his balance andsprinted at full pelt for the main doors of the great hall. It must have beenhard for him to turn tail and flee like a whipped dog, but his pride had ledhim to near disaster and his feet now extricated him from certain death. Theoand Astrius scampered back in and, as the door was slammed and barred behindthem, a powerful demon put his hand in to try and force the main door. I hitthe demon with my halberd, which hurts it badly and forced it to withdrawits hand a few fingers short, which I noticed turned to maggots as they hitthe floor, and wriggled out under the door back to their master.

Mathew arrived at Blackthorn andbegged Serenia for help she rapidly formed a party to aid us and preparedto join the fray.

In the great hall, although wewere defended against the physical undead, the spirits entered and startedto posses the grogs. Theo stepped sideways, as I think he calls it, and oncein the spirit world began to fight the possessing spirits.

Then the main door rang like abell as the demon that I had struck began to assault it. Astrius summoneda dirt berm to hold the door in place, but for how long that would hold Iwas not sure. Theo attacked it in the spirit world where it was vulnerable,but as he could not be in two places at once the spectres in the hall ranriot and possessed many of the grogs, including a member of the guard whoall then attack Astrius. In the world of spirits, Theo fought the demon andstruck it a mean blow, which leaked fire instead of blood, the fire from thecut burns over Theo, but through some power he was only slightly hurt fromthe burns. Then Theo summoned all his powers from his Hermetic, non-Hermeticand pagan sources and struck the demon a mighty blow which cuts deep and thedemons spirit is rent to pieces by Theo's dark blade.

Hearing noise of panic from thecouncil chamber, I bravely leave the great hall to defend our coven folk.I attack a demon and wound it gravely, but in the confined area break thesword I was using.

Astrius was then attacked by aspectre and, surprisingly for one of such a powerful Parma, was possessedby it. He then proceeded to attack the dirt berm he summoned, in his crazedstate, presumably to allow entrance to the horde still remaining outside.Realising that Aelfwin and Helena were defended from demons but not from possessedgrogs, I stood bodyguard over them both observing the actions in the confusedgreat hall.

Theo, using his summoned powers,then drove off the demon terrorising the coven folk hiding in the councilroom that I had previously wounded, its weakened state no match for the demonslayer that Theo had become.

Unfortunately, at this point,Astrius went mad, probably due to a possessing spirit and started fireballingthe grogs. This was the biggest danger of all now, as his Ignem powers werenot inconsiderable, and so I charged him to tackle him and prevent furtherdeath and destruction in the room. As I closed the distance, he quickly casta blast of water at me, but I shrugged it off as if it were a light showerof rain. I reached out and grabbed him around the waist and easily tackledhim to the floor. Once there, he was no match, even in his maddened state,for the power and force of my body and he succumbed to my will as I pinnedhim to the floor. With that, lightning was heard outside and the rescue forceSerenia had assembled arrived, Fenriata blasting the undead with her Aurammagics. Also with her were De Camp, Dialectica, Gyriania and Orlania. Betweenthese powerful Magi, the undead horde was quickly defeated and, although Iwould have liked to help them, I was needed to hold Astrius at bay until Theocould assist him.

After the fight was completed,the Pontifex organised that the Aegis was recast, but without Medius in theritual as he was still marked by Guyere and could not be trusted.

Medius, in Chepstow, asked theJewish sorcerer for assistance and while there the demon that destroyed theAegis attacked the Jew's house. But, through the use of Kabala magics to defendthem and a sword and dagger to attack it, they defeated the demon and thenoffered thanks to their Jewish gods. It appeared as if this fight using theKabala magics confused Medius, for when he tried to cast a simple spell todiscern the wounds of Zeddakiah, the Jewish sorcerer, he collapsed until morning.

The next morning, Dialectica calledan emergency council meeting. The proposal is made by Dialectica that we employthe gang in Gloucester to assault the archbishop's aide (Guyere) and thatwe would use the mundane attack to hide an attack by wizards on Guyere, asonly one magically aided could hurt him with his protections about him. Realisingthe strength of the opponent, however, we determined to take the matter tothe Tribunal, hoping for a Wizards March, as Guyere is a fallen Hermetic Magus,over 150 years old and bringing the wrath of the mundanes upon the Order.Medius, using my boots, teleported to Blackney to meet the group going toBlackthorn for the Tribunal. There he was questioned about Zeddakiah and thepossibility of whether he is a Pious Magus, therefore to be slain, was discussedbut dismissed. Because of his taint, the Concilium Quaesitori decided to placeMedius under probation for a year and asked a member of the covenant to watchhim for anything suspicious. Also he was not be allowed to continue in hisduties for the year, which must have vexed him mightily. Theo reported hisactivities about a hill top fight to Serenia who said she would inform HolyIsle about the attack, as it appeared to be by the Unnamed House.

The report of the Tribunal wasgathered from information passed to me by Medius and Dialectica.

The job of Prefectus was proposed.This would be to the Tribunal as Imperator is to our covenant and lots ofdiscussion took place as to whether one was needed. A tax was issued thatonce every seven years a Tribunal service would have to be completed by eachcovenant. Finally, a tax of two pawns of vis per Magus was issued to swellthe coffers of the Praeca of the Tribunal.

The Redcap reported that Jordaelhad passed into final twilight and many eulogies were said for this quietbut powerful Magus. House Flambeau reported McGraine was dead and that, becauseof this, the Scottish clans had sued for peace, which would bring much reliefto the embattled northern covenants. News from far away reached these shoresand it was reported that North African covenants were being attacked by orderof Etheiopicus.

During the first evening, Ursulatalked to Theo about the attack by the Unnamed House and proposed Motus asPrefectus if the case came to trial as there were many loose ends to be tiedup. Arcturus questioned Medius about the legality of the role of Prefectusas he was obviously worried, but Medius, after stressing that he was not ina position to give a ruling as his probation prohibited him from doing so,offered the advice that it was a legal precedent..

The news and declarations of thevarious covenants is described below:

Blywythen stated that Mair ofTremere joined them and that they required Perdo Vis to further their studiesand wanted to trade for it.

Cad Gadu stated that Jordael hadno will and so his belongings will go to the covenant and that there wouldbe free Herbam Vis for any Ex Miscellanean who presents themselves to thePrimus resident there.

Carrion Moor stated that theynow have a ship for use based in Southampton called the Indomitus and thatthey have found an ancient place and wants investigation by those skilledwith spirits and such like.

At this point in the proceedings,Sylvania challenged the legality of Prefectus, but after much discussion theQuaesitori decide it is legal and support its application for vote.

Later that evening, Ursula beganto talk to Theo about the attack on the hill by the Unnamed House. Luckilyfor Theo, Llandothwyn interrupts the conversation and informs him that alldiscussion about this will have to be directed through him. Thus ending theconversation as Ursula did not wish to harangue Llandothwyn and was hopingfor an easier target in Theo. Dialectica later talked to Theo about a moratoriumon the big vote until the job of Prefectus is better described. They thentalked about voting and which way the Tribunal will vote, but I feel Dialecticawas just trying to distract Theo from the awful mess he nearly got himselfinto with Ursula.

The Concilium Quaesitori discussesthe role of Prefectus and most seemed in favour. Medius states that it mightbe voted on, as it is not the place of the Concilium Quaesitori to debatethe good or bad of the case but just the legality. As always Medius showedhimself to be a stickler for the letter and not the spirit of the law. Afterthis meeting, Theo chatted to Medius trying to convince him of the folly ofthis Prefectus position. He proposes the moratorium that he and Dialecticahad discussed and Medius declared he would think on the matter. Theo, nowacting as politician, a role he is not the best suited to, met with the magiof Trevalga covenant to try and convince them of the moratorium's benefits.Two of the Tremere state that Ursula will cast their vote and so they haveno say and the rest are not swayed by Theo's words as he puts the case badly,which was not surprising to those of us who know him.

The next day, Llandothwyn andTorius of Scarfell were questioned about attacks on the henges. They wereasked, if the henges were destroyed, what would happen to magic in the Tribunal?Torius stated that if enough of the stones were destroyed, then the magicwould fade and we would not be able to defend ourselves from the Unnamed House.Dionysus states that it would be bad for magic if these sites were destroyed,which was an obvious statement, if you ask me. Theo was then questioned andunfortunately embarrassed the Primus in front of the whole Tribunal by tellingof the ban on his revealing anything without the Primus's permission.

Next the case for Prefectus isstrongly made, as we are under attack by the Unnamed House and a strong warleader is needed. Indeed, if I had been there I would have joined my voicein support of this position. A powerful speech by Eloria was made for thecase and it is obvious that many are swayed in the room by her arguments.Then she calls for a vote. At this point, Sylvania asks for moratorium, butis rebuffed by the Primus who demands the main vote to be taken now. The finalvote is 23 votes in favour to 23 votes against. Eloria has the casting voteand she naturally cast it in favour and, as the proposal had won, declareda Prefectus was to be chosen before the end of the tribunal.

The various covenants then continuedtheir declarations, which were as follows:

Holy Isle stated that a tax fordefeating the Unnamed House was set at five pawns of vis per Magus, althoughwhat they will do with so much Herbam Vis I do not know, possibly build avery big tree house. Also they stated that Motus of Flambeau had joined theirranks.

Lear Valley stated that Ferrahad finished her research on familiars and will teach other Magi about thisbreakthrough if desired; also that Jolyon had created spell to turn stoneas strong as steel.

Narwold stated that spirits werestill attacking their covenant and that they still needed help and that Arcturushad found a Christian cult in London based around merchants etc.

Scarfell stated that they havea new inn in Carlisle, which could be used in safety by Magi of the Order,and that Torius wished to contest the findings of his filius's death, Madoc,by Ruaridh and wants the Concilium Quaesitori to reopen the case.

Solis castle stated Yania nowhad more open access to Lindisfarne library and Gently Gifted Magi can haveaccess via her. Pontus asked that, with the threat of Scots receding, he wantedBori-tor re-founded with apprentices that pass their gauntlet to shore upthe northern defences of the Tribunal.

Severn Temple stated the reportof the attack by the undead and proposed Guyere is an enemy of the Order anda Wizards March should be declared. Jerbiton's should lead the attack andHoly Isle should investigate, as he might be of the unnamed house. This votewas easily carried and Wizards March is declared against Guyere. The Prefectuswill organise the attack. Our second statement was that we were open to anyvis trading, as our supplies were large. To this statement, Orlania said shewould trade for the Ignem vis with Corporem and Perdo vis.

At the end of the meeting, thePrefectus was chosen. Those putting their names forward were Motus of Flambeau,Orlania of Flambeau, Pontus of Tremere and Geriania, a Tytalan of Blywythen.The general feeling the night before the vote was that Orlania will probablywin, as Motus is relatively new and Pontus had a reputation as a loser ashe lost his covenant to the Scots invaders. It was also discussed that Gerianiahad no chance as she was an unpopular Maga. In the end, Pontus or Orlaniaseem the strongest candidates and the vote was mainly going to be betweenthem. When the vote was cast, Orlania won and becomes Prefecta. She proposedthe rooting out and destruction of Guyere as the priority, which pleased usin Severn Temple a lot as he had been a thorn in our side for a long time.

As the meeting came to a close,a little excitement was raised by Fenriata and Ursula having a Certamen aboutan unknown matter. A Creo Terram fight was called which Fenriata won in afew minutes.

As preparations were being madeto leave the tribunal Theo talked to Carrion Moor about ancient site, tryingto glean information which might prove interesting, but they new little aboutthe site and so his questions remained mainly unanswered.


On the first dawn of autumn, thecouncil was convened and the previous season's occurrences were divulged tothe assembled Magi. Dialectica's first action was to revoke all positionsgranted whilst Theo and Astrius had absented themselves and asked for a newvote. I had thought, as my successful defence of the covenant had shown meto be an able Imperator, I would retain the position, but is was obvious thatsuccess does not breed loyalty in Dialectica's eyes. Theo was re voted inas Ministrator, which cannot have pleased Medius much, but in his situationof being on probation and possibly tainted, he cannot have avoided losingthe position. The vote for Imperator was close, and four to three voted forAstrius. I suppose friendship won out over sense as Theo, Aelfwin and Mediusall voted for the Flambeau, even though his ability in battle seems to beas a loner going into danger rather than a leader of men. Because of my desireto retain this prestigious post and to ensure that the covenant would alwaysbe defended by a thoughtful warrior, I challenged Theo to Certamen to changehis vote. I successfully defeated him, but then to keep his friend in power,Aelfwin Certamened Tiarnan to change his vote, which he lost. Fearing nowfor his prideful position and after his friends had first tried to stand upfor him, Astrius stirred himself to action and he challenged me to Certamenagain, even though I was tired after my first Certamen. I agreed, always willingto test my mettle, no matter how weary I am. Astrius pressed me mightily,but he made an error and I saw an opening and, as I pressed, his magics seemedto turn in on itself pushing deeply into his own persona. He collapsed andwas rushed to the infirmary where Helena ministered to him to attempt to revivehim. I now had the votes and my position was about to be secured when Medius,worried that I, an Ex Miscellanean, successful as I was, was about to retainthe position when he had lost his, stepped up and with a quiet voice uttereda challenge. Although now very tired, I accepted, as a warrior can not choosewhen to fight, only to make do with the resources he has at the time of thechallenge. He had seen my sweated brow and awaited his time to strike me lowand his tactic paid dividends as I was too exhausted to best him and so withdrewafter but a short time. So, with the final vote back to four to three, Astriusthe rash was voted back into the position of leading the defence of the covenant.As recompense, I was again made Warden of Blackney. This position was createdto appease me, I feel, but I will do my duty to covenant and villagers.

To the defence of Blackney andultimately the covenant, I propose we either flood Lydney to cleanse it orclose down Blackney permanently, creating wealth internally to the covenantvia beer and cider or the simple method of selling vis. Both are argued down,but Tiarnan agrees to talk to the Lladra about the flooding idea next timehe meets her. Because of the defeat of the undead legion, we decide to reducethe Aegis to fifth magnitude at Blackney.

Orlania, Gareania, Pontus, DuClerc, Augustus, Yania, Fenriata and Jolyon arrive at the covenant to discussthe attack on Guyere and it is decided to use the gang to get Guyere out ofGloucester and then kill him in anonymity. To this end, Theo went to meetMelgwyn to buy the infernal books. 450 pennies was the agreed price and, duringthe meeting, Yania, in the guise of "Diana", Dialectica's alter ego, checksbooks and reads the mind of Melgwyn. Now understanding Melgwyn's motivation,the plan solidified and an idea was implanted into Melgwyn head, he plannedto assault Stone manor, one of the known locations of Guyere's homes. At anemergency council meeting later in the season, we were informed that Guyerehad been killed and his body parts sent to Holy Isle for investigation. Hewas at Stone because of the capture of Melgwyn in his bungled assault. Becauseof the lack now of the archbishop's aide the case against Baron Martin andReeve was dropped and they were freed. Melgwyn, surprisingly, survived theministrations of Guyere's torturer and had fled to the country where it wasbelieved that he has set up a tavern with his ill-gotten gains.


Remarkably for this covenant,a very quiet and peaceful winter occurred, and we all relaxed after what hasbeen a tumultuous year.