YEAR 1179

Scribed by Giraldus

Spring 1179AD

The meeting of the spring Councilbegan with reports of events from winter; though there was nothing to muchto relate, save perhaps Cormoran's success at brewing cider. Thus the magiquickly turned their attention to the year to come; starting with the issuesof mundane ownership of the Covenant landholdings following Theodosius' deathsome years before.

Dialectica related the options to the council.Least problematic, in terms of negotiation with the Earl, was the suggestionthat Aeddyn, as Theo's 'heir', could inherit the landholdings of the Briavel.However, after only brief discussion this was dismissed; he is yet an apprenticeand there is uncertainty about what he will choose to do if and when he passeshis gauntlet in a few years time. Alternatively, Dialectica suggested, oneof the council could act as a Steward to the landholdings. She explained thatit was not uncommon for high nobles, like the Earl, to appoint a man to overseethe running and collection of taxes from a landholding he possesses. Thisoption was preferred by the council and, to my surprise, this title was offeredto me! I exclaimed that whilst I would be glad to represent the covenant inthis way; I would rapidly need some insight into the duties of such a roleand the obligations it would place on me. It was decided that I should accompanyDialectica on her journey around the Shire this season and learn more aboutthe local area and the politics; this being counted as service to the Covenant.

Having purchased an area of magical woodlandscalled Mynydd Myddyn from Blackthrorn Covenant last year, it was clear thatthe assembled wizards were keen to begin exploiting the vis site. Carwen wasfirst to volunteer and was quickly joined by Astrius. This appeared to irkCarwen, though the former Merintian magus looked even more disappointed whenMedius suggested that Cormoran might also accompany him. Arrangement was madefor this trip to take place in autumn.

Medius dispensed 2 pawns of vis for each servicecompleted in the previous year. He apologised that it was not much, but thepurchase of the vis site and the need to keep a good stock of vis for thecoming year necessitated a smaller distribution than he might otherwise wish.Carwen related the state of the Covenant finances, which appeared in goodhealth. Medius decided to distribute a stipend of 100d to each Magus of theCouncil.

Petrus, an aged Bonisagus and last survivingre-founder of the Covenant, was invited to address the Council and explainthe researches he had been undertaking. My understanding of magic was tooshallow to follow much of what he described, but it appears that there isa magical regio within the Covenant which is very hard to access. From hisresearch, Petrus believed that he could create a magical doorway into thisregio; one that could be restricted to members of this council to ensure thatno enemy could exploit access. He described various 'thematic elements' which,according to his theoretical musings, could allow the enchantment of sucha portal. He related that the major historical 'themes' which gave rise tothe character of the aura here were 'secrecy' and 'betrayal'. He claimed thesilence and solitude of the aura was a reflection of the need to keep secrets;to avoid being overheard. The mist that shrouds many parts of the covenant,especially at night, was a physical manifestation of the past acts of betrayalthat had affected this place; the obfuscation of treachery. Carwen, particularly,appeared most intrigued by these themes and pressed for more detail; thoughit was decided that lengthy discussions regarding the specifics of the magicalresearch might best be left for after the formal Council.

There was concern that this portal might connectthe Covenant to 'the lands of the Dead'; a most ominous suggestion, the logicof which I did not comprehend. This posed the danger that some of the paganspirits which reside near to the Covenant might be 'offended' by attemptsto create such a portal. It was decided that Astrius would seek out one ofthese spirits (the one called the 'Anu' who grants each magus two magicalacorns each year) and see if he could learn more. In the meantime, Petruswill start to assemble a basic laboratory so that his work in constructingthe doorway might continue in Summer.

My season travelling abroad with Dialecticawas a fascinating one. The Earl was away at court in London, but I was ableto meet many of her contacts within the Shire; including the Sheriff of Monmouthand the Steward of Gloucester Castle. The former of these men agreed thatmy becoming a Steward for the Earl's Briavel landholdings was certainly apossibility. Dialectica explained to me some of the history with the Earl;going back to the time of Magus Antonius' work to create a relationship withthe Earl's ancestors. It seems that Earl thinks quite highly of 'his wiseneighbours'; though takes pains to ensure only the most trusted and reliableof his servants are aware of our existence. Dialectica explained that oncein a while the magi of the covenant had been asked for advice and minor service.I asked for examples and she described that Magus Theodosius had been instrumentalin a treaty between the Earl of Gloucester's father and the Prince of Powys:An act that had secured peace between the English and the Welsh in this regionfor a generation.

Whilst abroad we met a man named Hugh who isa spy for the Covenant based in Huntley. This village, from what I have read,is one of the centres of the 'Fells'; an organisation of diabolists and sorcerersthat the Covenant has had grave troubles with in the past. Hugh reported thatthere was concern about nocturnal movements by some of Edwin of Huntley'smercenaries. It appears possible that some of the banditry in the Shire maypotentially be carried out by some of his men; to provide funds for the Knight.It was felt that we needed more 'eyes and ears' in the rural areas of theShire and a plan was determined to seek contacts amongst the charcoal burners,fishermen and free miners in the hope of detecting some of the movements ofthese men and perhaps identify where they are based beyond the village.

On the way back I took a detour to the orchardsof Lydney. There I buried the two acorns I had been given at the beginningof winter last year. Reading the journal has impressed upon me that thesespirits are quite powerful and active around this Covenant, so I have decidedto be cautious and follow the lead of the majority of the council and appeasethis 'Anu' by returning the acorns to nature.


Dialectica gave report to the summer Councilregarding our journey around the Shire and some of the concerns about Huntley.Medius and Astrius were most concerned that Edwin had become bold again andmight seek to further his influence on the region. To discover more they determinedto visit Snig's End again after the next New Moon to see if there was anyfurther sign of diabolical activity around that site.

Medius also took the opportunity of the councilto congratulate Magus Astrius' appointment as a Permanent Hoplite to the Tribunal.This great honour and responsibility means that he cannot decline the requestof service by a member of the Quaesitori and may take, as a Hoplite, actionsto protect and defend those investigators. The council joined Medius in congratulatinghim, save Carwen who remained silent upon the matter.

Astrius related the advice given to him bythe 'Anu' regarding the construction of a portal. She told him that the doorwaycould not lead into this 'Kingdom of Arawn', but she believed it had littlechance of successfully being built. The last time such a doorway was attemptedwas in ancient times by magicians working with the aid of the faerie; andshe warned that Petrus would be taking a grave risk in making such an attemptwith only his Hermetic magic. Dialectica, whilst accepting that Petrus wouldeagerly take on this risk, felt it would be better to deny him the possibilityof coming to harm by refusing his offer. Astrius strongly disagreed and tookumbrage with her attempts to make a moral issue over the matter. In the endMedius called for a vote; Medius and Dialectica voting against, Astrius, Carwenand Cormoran voting for the creation of this doorway.

Afterwards, Medius seemed disconcerted thatI had not cast a vote. I reminded him of the traditions of House Mercere,which he clearly knew in regard to Tribunals, and explained that many of theRed Caps who do not possess the gift extend this deference to Covenant Councils;indeed any forum of Magi.

As service to the Tribunal I spent the seasondelivering a number of messages to the southern Covenants of the Tribunal.Magus Astrius also carried out service to the Covenant; extracting Vim visfor the season.

When I returned towards the end of the seasonI discovered that Magus Carwen had made a new companion upon the road. Thisfae-touched man, if he is not entirely fae, is related to the woodland Brownies.He is called Bodkin, and apparently is hard working in his service and expectsno thanks for the good deeds that he does.

It should also be noted that Magus Petrus hasassigned the laboratory with our Covenant as his Sanctum for the durationof his stay. As the laws of the Order dictate, Durenmar have been informedof this status so that the sanctum marking upon his laboratory there may beremoved.


I took the opportunity at the autumn Councilto pass on general news from the covenants I had visited last season. Arcturusfrom Narwold reported that he his spies were attempting to infiltrate someof the households of the nobles he suspects of being members of this Christianmagical cult. Arcanus, the Criamon from Carrion Moor, asked me to relate thatthe ghost ship he reported at the tribunal has been seen once again; demonstratingsomething of the reliability of this phenomenon. I also related the generousoffer of Ildanach of Trevalga Covenant, who offered to make me some chainmailarmour; though explained that I felt such protection would be too heavy forme to easily wear.

Of other news: Carwen reported that he hadfound the roads to Narwold Covenant quiet and that many of the mercenary forcesappear to have moved on now that the fighting in the East has ceased. Dialecticareported that Aeddyn is to be knighted by the Prince of Powys next year (whenhe turns 18). Medius related the trip that he and Astrius had made to Snig'sEnd; to all our relief it appears there had been no further activity.

Our discussion turned to the proposed tripto Mynydd Myddyn as Covenant service for Carwen, Astrius and Cormoran. Itappears that there are werewolves that live in the forest that borders theregio; and that the Magi have to negotiate passage each time they wish toenter. Astrius was vehemently against the notion of attempting to negotiatewith the werewolves; describing them as treacherous creatures who would neverkeep their word. He proposed simply waiting for the new moon and pushing throughto the regio without their leave. The difficulty arising with this suggestionis that the climb into the hills is a long one and requires the magi to campovernight along the path.

Carwen believed that Astrius suggestion mightbring them into conflict with the werewolves and suggested that calling outto them and asking permission to enter would be a better plan. Astrius pointedout that this presumed that the werewolves would cooperate; he felt it morelikely they would say 'no' or make unreasonable demands as a price for entry.Cormoran wondered whether they might accept a barrel of his cider as paymentfor entry, though the rest of the Council quickly disagreed with the suggestion.In truth, from what little I have read about the moon-cursed I suspect Cormoran'sbrew would hold little interest for them. Dialectica suggested that if themagi intended not to parlay, then they should look to strike first at thewerewolves rather than risk being surprised by them.

There was further argument with no movementtowards a common position. Medius called a vote which, in the end, was tiedbetween a motion to negotiate with the werewolves and a motion to try andsneak through during the new moon. With the vote deadlocked, Medius declaredthat there would be no Covenant service expeditions to Mynydd Myddyn thisyear. Surprisingly, when faced with this news Carwen and Astrius decided tomount a private trip to the regio; Astrius agreeing to attempt negotiationwith the werewolves for passage through to the regio. I don't really understandwhy the Ministrator was so ready to adopt this plan when he had been vociferouslyagainst it only a few moments before. Perhaps Medius' gambit worked, forcinghim to reconsider his position or risk the possibility that no trip wouldhappen at all this year.

The season passed quietly for the rest of theCovenant. I used my time to travel around the Dean in order to get to knowsome of the innkeepers and merchants in the area. It seems that many of theinns are used to having a wandering player call in to provide entertainment;I read in the journal that Theodosius used to regularly travel out this way.Many of the innkeepers refused any talk of my coin, and indeed I made a fewpennies from tips over the course of the season. On the way back I attemptedto put this coin to some good use. I paid visit to Tintern Abbey and stayedfor a few days posing as a Pilgrim. The monks there are more pious and hardworkingthan in many monasteries; they were a bit like the monks I met at Lindesfarnewhen I visited with Yania. I managed to make a small donation and got to talkingwith some of the monks. The Abbot, it appears, is a very pious and holy manbut spends a great deal of his time in London; in his absence though the monksof Tintern continue their duties with admirable diligence. Obviously, I didnot find (nor search) for any evidence that might link the Abbot or othersto this Christian Cult. However, I did manage to create a contact and generatea cover story which will allow me to return from time to time. Perhaps intime I will discover more.


Our last council of the year began with Astriusand Carwen relating their mixed fortunes in Mynydd Myddyn. The journey tothe border of the site was uneventful and the Magi set up camp over the riverfrom the great forest which bands the regio. Carwen called out to the werewolvesin the language of beasts and some two hours later they were approached bytwo of them, wearing the forms of men dressed in furs. The negotiations wereshort; it appears that the werewolves recalled the bargain that had been forcedupon Theodosius and were happy that the wizards accorded them the respectand rights of their territory by asking permission to enter. They asked forno price, upon this occasion, and the next day the party were able to travelwithout further sight of the werewolves. Astrius, however, continues to besceptical about how long this generosity will last.

On the second night they camped near the entranceto the regio, in preparation for entering at dawn the next day. Astrius relatedthat during his watch he had seen a face in one of the trees watching thecamp. He speculated that this may have been the forest spirit 'Jack o' theGreen' - though this spirit made no moves against the camp or any of the party.

Having entered the regio the group then navigatedthe steep climb that leads to the mountainous centre of the region. All safelymade it to the top, but in the nearby forest a slaughtered hind was spottedin one of the trees. Dermot, the tracker (fonder of eating than tracking Ishould add) was able to find the marks of the 'Brood'; which Drudwyl couldsmell nearby. However, Dermot's sharp eyes betrayed him as he stepped intoone of their traps. He was caught by the leg and lifted swiftly into the air.By the time the other had cut him down the Brood attacked.

In the ensuing battle one of the men, a grognamed Benedict, was mortally wounded (despite the best efforts of Astriusto try to heal him with magic). With several of the other men badly injuredin the fighting it was decided to try and reach the Celtic village. However,the welcome was not warm. As they came within bow-shot of the palisade anarrow was fired at them, as a warning the Magi believed. Carwen, cloaked inimagonem magics to make him difficult to see, flew over the compound and sawthe Celts raised to alarm by the approach of his companions. It was decidedto turn back and take the return road to Severn Temple.

The council discussed the events. It is clearthat in order to make best use of the site the Covenant needs a strong basefrom which to act. In the past this has been in the Celtic village and thetower that exists there. There was a brief discussion about how best to winthe Celts back round (after Gaufridus' visit which involved the death of theirChief and the kidnapping of the Druid).

Other matters raised at Council included adecision to hold a feast at the Autumn Equinox to celebrate the centenaryof the re-founding of the Covenant. Magi from other Covenants have been invitedand magus Petrus has been invited to stay after his enchantment is completed.Carwen will cast a ritual to bolster the health of the orchards around Lydneyand ensure a bountiful harvest of fruit for next years brewing. Magus Cormoranwill serve the Covenant by extracting Vim Vis this season. Medius announcedthat he was taking an apprentice, a lad named Ezekial.

The rest of the season was a quiet one. Alannus,red cap of Blackthorn, paid visit towards the end of the year to relate tome some of Archimaga Gyriania's instructions. I sent back with him the informationregarding our celebrations next year.