YEAR 1159

Scribed by Tiarnan

Spring 1159AD

Winter fades at last. How muchof a relief it is to be woken each morning by the gentle light of the risingsun rather than the sound of my window shutters being buffeted by icy winds.

The Council met, as usual, onthe morning of the first day of spring. The meeting began fairly brightly,as we discussed the events of the previous year and our plans for the next,but it was not long before it descended into bitter acrimony. The source ofthe dispute was Cormoran's assertion that Astrius had handled the battle withthe werewolves last season very badly, and that we had lost men and resourcesdue to his negligence. Astrius erupted in anger, defending himself vigorouslyand accusing Cormoran of using the incident to further his ambition to takeover as Imperator. Stepping in to halt the argument, Dialectica asked Cormoranwhether he was simply venting his spleen or whether he wished to raise a formalmotion of censure against Astrius. Cormoran declared that the Council shouldfind Astrius guilty of the crime of delictum, and Dialectica wisely suspendedthe meeting for an hour to allow tempers to cool.

When we met again, Dialecticaasked Cormoran to outline his case against Astrius. The giant began with awide-ranging tirade against Astrius' actions, claiming that the latest incidentwas just one in a string of occasions when he had acted in rash and imprudentmanner. Dialectica quickly moved to narrow the focus of the complaint by demandingthat Cormoran focus solely on specific misdeeds rather than general errorsor faults. Cormoran found this hard to do, and it quickly became clear thathe had not thought through how he intended to put his case forward. Astrius,Theo and Dialectica were all able to point out inconsistencies and confusionin his arguments, which meant that his case had far less force than he intended.In the end, the matter seemed to boil down to whether Astrius' decision torush into the forest at night in search of the werewolves represented a reasonableattempt to catch his quarry before the moon rose, or whether it recklesslyendangered his companions by leaving them strung out in the forest facingdangerous enemies. I felt that Cormoran had failed to demonstrate that Astrius'actions were unreasonable, and I voted against the motion. My sodales agreed,and Astrius was acquitted of the charge by a vote of five to one. After thetrial, I expressed my concerns about the manner in which it had been run,but I received little support for my argument.

[Tiarnan's private journal:I found the trial itself to be extremely worrying. I had assumed that Dialecticawould be a neutral moderator, ensuring that both sides were able to presenttheir evidence in a fair and balanced manner. In fact, she was nothing ofthe sort, and was obvious from the start that she considered Cormoran's caseto be without merit. She constantly interrupted him as he sought to detailhis case and, although some of her questions were justified given the giant'smeandering arguments, the language she used made it very clear that she disapprovedof Cormoran's complaint. I lost count of the number of times she declaredthat Astrius' actions seemed "most natural" to her, and the Flambeau faceda far less hostile cross-examination. At one point, it was left to Medius,of all people, to stand up for Cormoran when Dialectica implied that he wasat fault for not declaring his alarm at Astrius' actions at the time. Mediuspointed out that it would have been hard to do so given that everyone quicklylost contact after the Flambeau dashed into the dark forest.

Although I think we were correctto acquit Astrius on this occasion, I fear that Dialectica will use her positionas Pontifex to manipulate any future trials. After Astrius had been acquitted,she declared that she saw her role to guide the Council and, most alarmingly,to protect those who held the offices of Ministrator and Imperator from "trivial"accusations. This is a quite staggering attitude, for surely those who havethe quite considerable powers that those roles bring should not also havetheir privileged positions even further enhanced by this protection. Indeed,I had rather expected that she would hold these figures to even higher standardsof behaviour than the norm, not allow them more latitude than those withouttheir authority. Alas, it seems not.]

With the matter of the werewolvessettle, Dialectica and Theo informed the Council of an offer made by BaronMartin of Monmouth. It seems that the aging Baron still feels much gratitudeto the covenant for the aid granted by Antonius and, more recently, thoseinvolved in the death of Clifford, the Archbishop of Hereford's aide. He hasoffered to clarify the current ambiguity over the covenant's title to theland on which it stands by appointing one of us as a knight. By swearing fealtyto him, we will apparently gain his protection from any challenge that couldbe raised by members of the local nobility. We would have to make a paymentto the Baron to purchase the landholding, but he offered to pay us a generousprice for our iron, which would mean that the net cost would be relativelyminor. The Baron also made the request that his son, who will inherit theBarony when his father dies, should be allowed to visit the covenant.

We debated the advantages anddisadvantages of the proposal for some time. Dialectica and Theo had clearlymade their minds up to accept the offer, and they cautioned that we wouldbe missing a great opportunity if we demurred. Dialectica said that we mightface legal challenge in the future, and she raised the stakes by mentioningthat Magi had been forced to abandon their covenants in the past rather thanrisk open war with their mundane enemies. This argument rang rather hollowto me, for surely the time of greatest danger - when the diabolist Guyeremasqueraded as the Archbishop's aide - was now past. I also fear that tyingourselves more closely into the mundane world makes it more likely that wewill be drawn into political conflicts than if we remain aloof. Still, theothers appeared to be less concerned about this, and we agreed to make a decisionat the next Council meeting. I spent the evening discussing with Medius theprecedents in the Peripheral Code that allow Magi to serve nobles withoutcontravening the prohibition on, well, Magi serving nobles. Medius seemedto think that the often conflicting statements in the Code and Tribunal rulingswere perfectly reconcilable, but it seems to me that it is more likely thatHouse Jerbiton has cleverly hoodwinked the rest of the Order.

Following the meeting, Theo travellednorth to Huntley Hill to meet the werewolves who live in the Regio close toSymmond's Hill. He received their thanks for destroying the blood-crazed wolveslast season, and they explained something of the background to the events.It seems the blood-craze is a curse that werewolves can lay on one-another,though the victim has to be willing. The werewolves claimed that the attackwas most likely organised by an enemy pack of werewolves who inhabit the forestclose to Mynydd Myddyn. When Theo reported this back to the Council, Mediussuggested that we may have drawn into a conflict that did not involve us,which I found to be a worrying thought. For the moment, we agreed simply tomonitor the situation rather than taking a more active role.

Towards the end of the season,the Redcap Loretius arrived at the covenant to deliver mundane and Hermeticnews. It seems that the Earl of Gloucester has formally requested the Archbishopof Hereford to take steps to ensure that the abuses of power committed byhis former aide do not ever re-occur. The Archbishop has apparently fallenill, and he has retired to his chambers where he refuses to see anyone. Elsewhere,the King has decided to issue new coins to restore their prestige in foreignmarkets and to thwart coin-clippers. All holders of coin have been advisedto exchange their old coins for new ones by the end of the year. In Hermeticnews, House Jerbiton has thrown its support behind the motion raised by HouseGuernicus to investigate all Magi who follow pagan faiths for possible involvementwith members of the Unnamed House. The motion must still be approved by theGrand Tribunal, but this news brings it a step closer. Finally, QuaesitorDionysius of Holy Isle covenant has passed into Final Twilight, a fact thatwas greeted without much sadness by members of this covenant.


Aelfwin returned to Severn Templejust in time for the Council meeting at the start of the season. He had spentthe previous year at the covenant of Lear Valley, where he had learned themagical breakthrough made by his pater, Erin, some years before. The experimentationwas a success, and Aelfwin now understands how to combine Hermetic and alchemicalprinciples to create more effective longevity potions, particularly for thosewho lack the Gift. These potions often require special ingredients, some ofwhich are apparently difficult to obtain.

We held a brief discussion onthe offer made to the covenant last season by the Baron of Monmouth, and thematter swiftly moved towards a formal vote. I was the only Magus to vote againstthe proposal, which surprised me somewhat as I had expected Medius and Cormoranto be sceptical of becoming more involved in mundane affairs, though for verydifferent reasons. With the matter settled, we decided that Theo would bethe most appropriate candidate to become the Knight of Briavel by virtue ofhis Gentle Gift and easy manner. I also hope that he will make a success ofthis, though I fear that it will bring us, and particularly him, trouble inthe future.

Astrius and Dialectica agreedto spend the season working together to create a ritual to raise the watersof the Severn around the abandoned village of Lydney. The hope is that thiswill help to cleanse that place of the infernal spirits that have hauntedthe area for so long. The Council meeting ended following a short discussionon how to improve communication between the covenant and Blackney in timesof emergency. Astrius proposed that we train some pigeons to carry messagesbetween the two places, but others had grander and wilder schemes, includingthe creation of an item to produce magical pigeons. The discussion ended withthe sensible compromise that we would initially investigate the use of mundanepigeons for this task.

Theo, Kieran, Kai and I travelledto the faerie Regio to visit the Summer Glade, where Nynniaw, Lord of Oaks,celebrates his birthday each midsummer. Before we made our way through theforest, we stopped at a sandy bank by the side of the Severn for a spot offishing. It took a little while to catch a couple of fish worthy of beingpresented to Nynniaw as a gift, but after a few days, we were ready to proceedonce more. Entering the faerie forest, we collected both Palug and the faeriemushrooms, before making our way to the Summer Glade. There we found a hostof creatures, including the Bwbachod (who now appeared covered in green shootsand moved less stiffly than when I had met them last in the winter) and manyforest animals, all awaiting Nynniaw's arrival. As the Lord of Oaks arrived,we formed a surprisingly orderly queue as we approached to present him withour gifts. Kieran and I gave him a large perch and a brown trout respectively;Kai gave him a flat stone for breaking open shellfish; and Theo told a taleabout the wisdom of the old forests. All the gifts seemed to go done well,and Nynniaw gave Kieran, Theo and I small wooden daggers in return. Kai receivedthe boon that he would always find good fishing in any forest stream, whichappeared to delight him.

[Tiarnan's private journal:Theo also asked Nynniaw whether he would grant him permission to travel thefaerie paths of the forests, which should help him to evade any of his enemiesoutside the Dean. Nynniaw said that his kingdom had suffered more from thepresence of man than those of his brothers and he needed to see more evidenceof leadership from Theo before he would commit himself to supporting him.He asked that Theo persuade the Council to plant all, rather than just a portion,of the acorns that Theo collects each year from the Heart of the Forest, sincethe acorns apparently help to renew the forest in some way. Theo agreed toattempt this, though I think he will find it hard to achieve given the venalityof some of our sodales.]

Back at the covenant, Theo andI spoke briefly with the Lladra on the subject of raising the waters of theSevern. She said that she would take advantage of the ritual that Astriusand Dialectica were preparing to strike at the corruption in Lydney, and shealso suggested that the Severn Boar would prove to be a useful ally in thisregard, given his natural strength and aggression. She also gently encouragedTheo to learn more of the pagan ways, as this would also give him some measureof power over the river.

[Tiarnan's private journal:The Lladra also asked about the vision I had been granted at the Winter Solsticelast year. I told Theo of the tale: I saw an old man using a mirror of polishedstone to survey the land; he turned away and spoke with a high-born lady ofthe faerie courts, who kissed him and then bade him look again at the mirror;after he did so, his reflection appeared in the mirror, but he was no longerstanding before it. We discussed whether this was a warning that Theo's planto travel to the crystal caves in Mynydd Myddyn to recover his memories ofthe faerie paths was really a good idea, for the vision suggested that itmight have been a trap; Theo mentioned that it was Gofannon who suggestedthat he do so. We reached no firm conclusion, though Theo said he would considerany other possible options before travelling to the caves.]

A short time before the end ofthe season, the Redcap Loretius arrived at the covenant. He bore no generalnews for us, but he handed private letters to Cormoran and Medius.


At the Council meeting, Cormoranannounced that he had received a letter from the Magi of Trevalga covenantrequesting his aid in solving a problem with a local giant, which has preventedthem from harvesting one of their vis sites. Cormoran seemed like a naturalchoice to negotiate with the giant, which would prove difficult for anyonewithout his heritage and stature. He was eager to take up the challenge, perhapsspurred on by the opportunity to learn more about his background. Though othersmight try to drive off or slay the creature with dolorous spells, Cormoranwill no doubt try to strike a deal and thereby gain a potentially useful ally.Medius also informed us that he too had received a message from the Magi ofTrevalga, though it concerned a legal matter. He gave few details, and hedeparted with Cormoran shortly after the meeting finished.

[Tiarnan's private journal:I received a visit from Archimaga Sylvania during the season. We briefly discussedthe matter of Sir Turold. Senior Quaesitor Serenia has asked Quaesitor Linaristo investigate whether there is any link between the former Magus Turold andthis faerie knight. Hopefully, she will sense that, if ever there was a connectionbetween them, there is no longer anything of the Magus left. We also discussedthe vision I had concerning the vision I had last season. But it would bebetter to write no more of that, even here.]

The rest of season progressedquietly. Astrius and Dialectica completed the ritual to raise the waters ofthe Severn, Aelfwin brewed a set of potions imbued with the enchantment theLeap of Homecoming and Theo spent the season learning more of the Welsh language.


Theo failed to turn up the Councilmeeting at the start of the season, which caused us some concern as he hadnot indicated that he might be away. An investigation of his rooms uncoveredthe fact that his bed had been slept in, and his clothes were still hangingwhere he presumably left them the night before. In addition, Astrius feltthe presence of Theo's ghostly warder, Viremos, in the room, though he failedto make contact with the spirit. We debated what to do for a while, thoughthe strictures of the Code concerning the use of scrying magics made it difficultto see how we could find out more about where he had gone. In the end, Astriusagreed to try to contact Viremos again when night fell, as those of us withmore knowledge of the occult felt this would be easier to accomplish duringthe hours of darkness. This proved to be wise counsel, for Astrius informedus the following day that Viremos had told him that Theo had departed on somemysterious endeavour of his own free will. Relieved that our sodales had notbeen kidnapped or fallen foul of some magical accident, we reconvened theCouncil meeting the next morning.

Cormoran described his adventuresin Cornwall. He managed to track down the giant that had been pestering theMagi of Trevalga covenant, but he was unable to convince it to allow the Magito slaughter any of the magical goats that formed the giant's flock. It seemsthe giant wanted a wife in exchange for the goats, but Cormoran decided thatthis was impossible given that surely no right-minded woman would consentto marrying the monstrous brute. With discussion exhausted, Cormoran decidedthat he had no choice but to slay the giant, and through force of arms heprevailed. With the creature dead, he returned to Trevalga to receive hisprize from the grateful Magi. He did not elaborate on the terms of the bargain,but I sensed from his demeanour that he felt that the outcome was worthy compensationfor the death of one of his kin.

Medius also told us a little ofhis travels, though he did not discuss his investigation. It seems that groupsof diabolists, possibly linked to the Fells, are still active in the WestCountry. Medius encountered a group of them carrying out some foul ritualin a haunted wood near Tavistock, and he also heard news that some of CarrionMoor's spies had been attacked by diabolists in Plymouth. If these groupsare indeed linked to the Fells, it appears that the death of Guyere may nothave set them back as far as we had hoped. We discussed for a while whetherthe re-emergence of the Fells made it more important to carry out the ritualto flood Lydney as soon as possible, but in the end, we contented ourselveswith setting a watch on that place while we waited for the end of winter andthe return of spring.

The rest of the season passedwithout much incident of note, though Kieran and Kai both began to show symptomsof nasty colds.