YEAR 1144

Scribed by Turold

Spring 1144 AD

Another spring, but sadly oldarguments continue with the antipathy between Antonius and Madoc becomingever more blatant. It seems that the peasant hero Paul of Ludlow was slainlast Autumn and the tales say that a welsh war wizard was responsible forhis death, a man 10 feet tall who could not be touched by the steel of blades.Antonius asked Madoc whether the brigands that he had met may in fact havebeen this man Paul and his men. Madoc responded aggressively, saying thathe had no reason to believe so. Audacia supported the younger magus statingthat we all had a right to defend ourselves when attacked by mundanes. Antoniusagreed but stated that as Paul was such a significant figure, buried in GloucesterCathedral, then council should have been informed. Madoc again said that hebelieved that he had battled with brigands but Antonius stated that he believedMadoc would not have mentioned the issue at all if Antonius had not askedhim why he had returned with an injured man. At this there was some considerableunpleasantness between my two sodales. After some time things calmed downand we agreed as a council that if any were forced to use overt magic againstthe mundanes then council would be informed. Antonius said that he would tryand establish whether the death had been caused by Madoc and if so ensurethat there was no link with Severn Temple. Then Ruaridh, rather unwisely giventhe previous heated passions, asked Madoc if there was any element of hisstory he wished to change prior to Antonius looking into the matter. The Criamonmagus immediately stormed out of council and we were forced to adjourn foran hour whilst I spoke with him. Eventually he was persuaded to return andhe was gracious enough to apologise for not reporting the fight immediately.In turn Antonius apologised for his hot temper. With all calmed we were ableto ascertain there and then that description of the two events matched andthat it was indeed our sodalis who had slain the English folk champion. Iam however sure that with Antonius' skills in the mundane sphere there willbe nothing further heard of this matter. As to his and Madoc's differencesI only hope they can find a way to settle them in the future that we not suffersuch disruption to our business. Antonius and Ruaridh were able to confirmthat the stone that Madoc had found was tied to the old legend of Gwynenbachas the etchings represented a man leaping from a cauldron and transforminginto a variety of creatures. The area contains a magic aura of perhaps the3rd magnitude but the magic within the stone is not hermetic. They used themask that I had created so many years ago to look in the ground around thestone and were able to recover an old and tarnished bronze coin that contained1 pawn of Muto vis. Not a great amount perhaps, but enough to register thisas a vis site and thus avoid any repetition of the looting of the Saxon King'stomb. I will examine this stone at greater length over the course of summer.

The other matter we discussedas a council concerned Antonius and Ruaridh's further investigation into thematter of Red Morley. Having been granted authority by William to deal withthe now abandoned house where the attack had taken place they had found signsof a clawed creature with evidence that it had burst into the building throughthe windows. They reported that there was a presence of the infernal althoughthey could find no more information. They examined Snigs End shortly afterwardsbut they could find no sign that any ritual had been carried out there.

For the seasons activities Audaciawas adding an enchantment to her newly created talisman with Aelfwin doingmore work on the glassworks. Antonius rode abroad on the service of the covenant,Madoc spent his time learning Circle of Beast Warding and I spent the seasoncompleting my creation. Ruaridh announced that he would be learning to usethe shortsword, and he, myself and Audacia also agreed that what spare timewe had during the year we would test each other with our respective meleeweapons (I having already spent some time learning to use a broadsword).

Again the rest of the season wasrelatively quiet, although the one unusual occurrence is of great irritation.A few weeks into spring I noticed that Tegwarod seemed to be tired and listlessand when I examined the Silver Birch that he resides in found it sickening,with spots upon its bark and leaves. Casting an Intellego Herbam spell I wasable to see that the enchantment was much deeper. Sarah also examined it andbetween us we established that it was a natural disease but caused by sporesfrom the Morfan's part of the forest (whether sent deliberately or broughtback accidentally I do not yet know). I flew to Cad Gadu and there made requestof Edith for her aid. Given that our relationship has never been that cordialI expected some of the manner in which she behaved towards me, but I was surprisedthat after so little displeasure she agreed to help in exchange for an itemthat I would craft in Autumn. She brewed a herbal remedy that slowed downthe disease while she developed a spell to effect a more permanent remedy.Before she had returned at the end of the season that brew began to wear offbut Sarah was able to recreate the blend and when Edith returned that magawas able to preserve the tree and my companion who resides within it. I hopethat this may be the start of a thawing in relations between myself and Edithfor in truth I feel some guilt about the manner in which I may have treatedher in the past.


This is the last season that Imust scribe for the time being and once again it passed without traumaticevent. Perhaps I can dare hope that our covenant now firmly embeds itselfin its own Summer for despite the many matters that we must still resolveI sense that there is a greater strength in the concilium and a diversitythat means we are more able to face a variety of challenges. At council mysodales were once more prepared to recompense me for the vis used in restoringthe tree although the time I shall spend will be my own. Antonius broughtreport that he had got the businesses up and running again as the Welsh havenow surrendered. It seems that the old Baron of Chepstow is now the Earl ofGloucester and due to Antonius' efforts we can count him as a friend. Thereis a new knight at Coleford but there is as yet no attempt made to resettleClearwell. He has also managed to recruit a glass-smith, a man who will certainlyprove useful given Aelfwin's efforts.

Antonius stated that he wouldbe spending the season in Blackthorn on some hermetic business, with Ruaridhagain involved in investigations and Audacia tutoring Bethwyn. Aelfwin saidhe would be working in his alchemical laboratory while for our services Itravelled to visit the stone, with Madoc again exploring the forest.

I initially travelled with Madocto reach the stone. On the first night Raegwulf claimed that a spirit hadcome but there was some argument between Madoc and himself resulting in himleaving us for the night. Whilst I am aware that he is Madoc's consortis Imust say that his manner is arrogant in the extreme and I suggested to myyoung sodalis that he should not tolerate such. The next day we cast aroundbut could not find the stone. I flew into the air and was easily able to findthe hill but when I called for the others they did not come. A short walklater I was with them but as I attempted to retrace my steps was again unableto find the place.

It seems that it is protectedand Raegwulf agreed that if his spirit guide returned he would lead us allto that place. After I had made camp there Madoc departed and it seems thatonce more his skill in exploration came to the fore. During his journey, centredaround Petrus' old forest laboratory, he met with a talking Badger whose speechwas coarse beyond belief. Despite this the creature was able to direct himto a small waterfall underneath which was a small pool containing silverymoss. Madoc took half of this plant and on returning discovered that it contained3 pawns of Vim vis. If this proves to be a renewing source this is a momentousdiscovery indeed for this is certainly one of the rarest forms of vis to befound in such a form.

It seems that Ruaridh's investigationswere less successful but also full of importance. While he was flying, invisibly,through mid Wales he felt his Parma tested and the bitter smell of sulphurhanging in the air. He landed in order to erect a ward against demons andcontinued his flight. Again he was pressed and as soon as he was close enoughhe apported back to the covenant. Discussing it with my sodales he wonderedwhether it was an infernal spirit set to guard the sky. Audacia felt thatthis might be a matter best brought to the attention of Holy Isle but Ruaridhdemurred, stating that he could see no link with the un-named house. Insteadhe and Audacia would travel back to Wales at the end of the season. This theydid but I understand that they saw or felt no sign of this creature. For myselfmy studies of the stone passed smoothly. Indeed there are a great number ofpowerful effects in this stone and I believe that just the study of it hasgiven me greater insights into the underlying theory of magic. I am lookingforward to relaying my discoveries to my sodales at council when tomorrowdawns.

Scribed byMadoc


The council meeting began withRuaridh asking why Antonius was not present. After a discussion where I declaredthat if he chose not to attend that was his own business, it was decided bythe senior magi that Ruaridh should fly up to Blackthorn to discover his whereabouts.The Council meeting resumed the next day with Antonius then present. WhenI asked about his absence in a good-natured way I was rebuffed and told itwas a matter of Hermetic law and I should not poke my nose into it. At thisTurold rapidly started to discuss his findings of the previous season to preventa full-blown argument starting. He explained that the Myrthin stone was anancient item crafted about the 6th century and that there were 7 forms presenton it. These are Wolf, Falcon, Boar, Salmon, Stag, Griffin and Dragon. Hehad managed to activate the stone for the first 6 forms but unfortunatelynot the 7th. It appears that the form lasts for one day from dusk till dawnor from dawn to dusk and can be activated at will. It also appears that eachform can be used but once a day so no army of griffins would be availableto us. Antonius at this point asked if we should mount a guard on such a powerfulitem to which I responded that unless guided there you would not find it onfoot as it was magically warded. Turold agreed with me and Antonius withdrewhis suggestion as unnecessary. When I described how we were initially ledthere by a spirit, Audacia piped up that she would like to destroy this spiritas it might lead undesirables to the site. We then agreed for her to accompanyTurold to the site when next he travels there to interrogate this spirit tolearn of its knowledge. Antonius grudgingly informed us that Lazarus is nowPrimus Tytalus and he would not expand on the statement that at the housemeeting some game was played for the leadership of the house. I do not understandthese Tytalans constantly playing their games, do they not realise that thestruggle for wisdom is a serious affair and that all these games do is distractthem from the goal that is understanding? During the season Turold constructedsome device for Edith and also found time to visit the Vim Vis pool I wasled to by the uncouth Badger. Indeed, it appeared that the badger was quitesubdued by Turold's presence and some form of similarity struck me. Perhapsbecause they both linked to the earth in some way. The Badger had struck oneof the grogs, Simeon, blind and it was only through Turold's interventionthat it agreed to remove the spell it had put upon our man. It turned outthat this Badger was called Arwel and I declare that as it was a magical beastany that hurt it would suffer death.

Ruaridh extracted Vim Vis forthe Aegis to be cast at the start of winter. I spent much of the season installingmy friend Raegwulf in Petrus' old lab as he seems to grate on the nerves ofthe other Magi. I thought it wise, as he is not my Amicus, to place him outsideany retribution certain Magi may feel they owe me. I have already lost onefriend through malignant actions of my Sodalis and would hate to lose another.

Audacia this season started todevelop a huge Perdo Auram Affect for the foray into Swallowcliffe next year.Aelfwin learnt glass smithing from the smith we have recently hired and Antonius,seeing the benefits that having Arian has brought me, studied from the Animaltexts.

Later in the season, Myra of CarrionMoor came to talk to Turold about a problem she had regarding an unseelieearth fae that had abducted a friendly wind fae that might eventually becomeher familiar. Turold supposed that this was in some way a copy of the wayGofannon had taken Llinifan as his bride. After confirming his suspicionswith Gofinwe, he travelled with Myra to a fae Regio near Carrion Moor. Theyentered the Regio via a spell of Myra's and then descended into it till theycame to a cave where the evil earth Fae called Golmorden lived. Turold intelligentlysupposed that to enter its realm would be dangerous therefore he attemptedto lure it out by attacking its home. Myra, on seeing this, joined in buther lightening was deflected and struck Tegwared by mistake. The Golmordenreacted by casting a might magic of his own causing the earth to turn intoa wave and it struck Tegwared mightily. Only after much effort was Turoldable to free Tegwared from the piles of earth that had surmounted him andthen thinking that the Golmorden might have spent itself on such an attackhe bravely ventured down into the depths to fight with the evil Fae. He thenconfronted the Fae in its lair, where caged up was the wind Fae. He foughta mighty battle with the Fae and was nearly bested several times but eventuallyprevailed by destroying the Golmorden's heart. He then freed the wind Faeand returned to Carrion Moor where his wounds were succoured and he returnedhome to work on the item for Edith.

Late in the season I started toinvestigate the boar tide but was informed by a vision of Raegwulf's thatthe tide was in some way related to the ladra. When questioned, Idris informedme to learn of the ancient ways to placate the ladra to learn of her wisdom.


At council we were informed ofthe previous season's happenings and applauded Turold for his bravery. Audaciastated that she would be finishing here Perdo Auram spell. Turold decidedto teach Clifford. Antonius studied from Mentem Vis. Ruaridh created a spelland Aelfwin studied alchemy.

Turold, early in the season, flewto Lear Valley to deliver the item he had made for Edith. He was assailedby a storm on the way there and took shelter in a cave. That night an Impattacked him and tired by his flight and attempts to destroy the imp withspontaneous magics fell asleep. The imp stole his Sigil, which frightenedTurold who upon waking went, and summoned Audacia to kill the imp. This shedid but when attempting to dig out the Sigil from where it had been buriedaccidentally destroyed the Sigil as well as the surrounding earth.

Later in the Season the redcapLorretius arrives bringing news both hermetic and mundane. Of the news mundaneit befell that talks between the Welsh and English have led to peace! Underthis agreement the Dean again becomes English. In Normandy Duke Geoffrey hadasked King Henry for help. There was a fire in Hereford cathedral, which damagedit greatly; indeed the archbishop's house was burnt down. The Archbishop ofCanterbury wants to sell church land to crown but was being opposed by theArchbishop of Hereford. Saracens have captured a few castles namely Odessain the Levant. Of Hermetic news Levant magus Nicestus, Corlears first apprenticehas discovered ancient runes of Verditius which will make his items much soughtafter in the order and should see him become a rising star in the House withperhaps the ear of Boran Primus Verditius. Indeed the Primus has asked fora demonstration of these runes and may reward the magus with some formal reward.

Later in season Archimagus Jolyonarrived and performed a ritual he had devised to summon a building that containsour great hall and sundry other rooms.