YEAR 1093

Scribed by Turold

Summer 1093AD

A cordial council meeting beganwith the news that Petrus’ studies were continuing well, and that, whilethere was still some work to go, he believed that he may be on his way towardsa new development in magic theory. In truth I did not understand half of hisideas, but if one of our covenant could further the Order’s understandingof the Arts then it would be an honour indeed. This season he spent helpingRuaridh with the creation of his longevity potion, an activity that met withgood success. Idris went back into the woods for more of his studies there,and I spent my time with the magical preparation of my staff. There were someadditions to the covenant in the form of three grogs recruited from Monmouth,and another Welshman has been drawn by Idris’ legends. His name is Cynddylanand he seems a likeable enough individual.

The faeries continued their meddlingwith the inhabitants of the covenant, this time the victim being Wulfstan,one of our finest archers, who was transformed into a hare. We will have todeal with them some time soon as their activities cannot be good for the men'smorale. The most disturbing event of the summer however, concerned Idris andhis child. A faerie from the mountain king, the father of Idris’ bride,a creature of the most beautiful stone, breached our Aegis with apparent easeto deliver a message on behalf of its master. The king expects Idris to honourthe bargain he made about the child, and it appears he may be able to makegood on his threats if not satisfied. We shall have to decide what to do atthe next council meeting.


We started the council meetingwith a discussion of the danger posed by the mountain king. We reaffirmedour resolve to defend Idris’ child, particularly as it has the Gift.However, we did not have any real plan of action as yet, save a possible argumentbased on whether the king had placed any time limit on when the child shouldbe handed over to him. It seemed a slim hope with which to deal with the fay,but who can understand how their minds work. Petrus aided Idris with his longevitypotion this season, an arrangement that did not seem entirely satisfactoryas it is likely that a better job could have been done if Idris had been theassistant, but I would surmise a matter of pride was involved. Ruaridh workedon another spell and I chose to use the season attuning my staff as a talisman.

Shortly after the council meeting,a Magus of House Merinita, one Varsavia, arrived. She had been sent to takeher Gauntlet here by assisting us in our dealings with the local fay. Sheappears most personable, and she was also prepared to provide what aid shecould in the matter of Idris’ child. She knows a fair deal about thematter of faerie bargains and was able to cast some light on how our Aegishad been breache so easily last season. By casting "Greeting the Maker"on Idris’ wedding ring, I discovered that it had been made by the faerieking. Indeed it turned out to contain a rook of vis, and most certainly couldbe used as an arcane link. Idris has been persuaded to explain to his wifethat it must be disposed of in some way. With Eanfled's accompaniment, Varsaviaventured into the faerie regio.

Midway through season, Stassiusthe Redcap arrived with news for us. There was some sort of battle betweenRobert, king of England, and Malcolm of Scotland that resulted in the latter’sdeath. After some further troubles, Duncan, one of Malcolm’s sons, wasrecognised king of Scotland. During this turmoil Borri-Tor covenant was attacked,but the assailants were repelled with magic. House Jerbiton intend to sendDu Clerc to Scotland to prevent a repetition.

House Tremere has informed theOrder that the unnamed house is active in the tribunal. As a result a newcovenant, entirely sponsored by House Tremere, is to be set up in North Wales.It will be named Holy Isle. Darius, parens of the diabolist Jean de Caen,has left Solis Castle to join Holy Isle, and a number of senior Tremere Magiwill also take up residence there. In addition, there are rumours that a newspring covenant will be founded at Dartmoor. Finally came news of next summer’stribunal meeting at Blackthorn, which will be compulsory to attend, eitherin person or by proxy. Covenants are to be allowed to put forward two motions.I am sure we shall think long and hard about what to propose, though for myselfI would wish to take the opportunity of announcing that I am taking commissions,as I am in sore need of further vis supplies.


It seems, as I look back overthis record, that winter has often brought us trouble with the faeries andI am sad to say that this has once more been the case. There was some concernat the beginning of the season as Varsavia and Eanfled had not returned fromthe faerie regio, but this was just due to the unnatural way time passes there,and they returned two weeks after the council meeting. We decided to hidethe faerie king's ring inside a fish in the Severn, keeping a scale as anarcane connection in case we needed to retrieve it in the future, but it wasall to no avail. On midwinter night we were attacked in the great hallby six of the king’s servants. While we did battle with them the kinghimself used this diversion that he had instigated to steal in and snatchthe child from Idris’ sanctum. His wife, of course, is highly distressed,though she is with child at present, and Idris himself, though he will waitfor now, is surely prepared to risk much to recover his son.

Of other matters there was littleof import. I spent the season trying to discover something about the torcthat was found when the covenant was first re-established but to no avail.Petrus extracted Vim vis for the covenant while Ruaridh and Idris scribedsome arts; repectively Muto and Herbam. What little good news we had was thatthe mine has began to start producing ore, and we should expect to start receivingmoney by the end of the year.