YEAR 1139

Scribed by Ruaridh

Spring 1139AD

It is fifteen long years sinceI last took up my quill to record the history Of Severn Temple Covenant withinthis august journal. In the time that has passed ‘twixt then and now,much has changed, both for me personally and for the covenant as a whole.As I look out across the covenant from the window of my sanctum, the significanceof these changes becomes all the more apparent. The buildings within the covenant’swalls, the coven folk who make this place their home, even the weathered facesof my fellow Magi – all these things seem relatively unfamiliar. Allthat endures, seemingly unaffected by the passage of time, is the serenityof the aura and its source, the spring. Perhaps in years to come, when weMagi are naught but dust and bone, the spring will be all that remains ofthe covenant; how ironic it would be if the stewardship of this ancient pagansite were to be our one lasting achievement. Even if this is so, I ferventlyhope that, if in years to come legends draw travellers to this place, theydo not hear a one-sided history of the covenant and its former inhabitantsfrom the lips of Idris’ shade! No, that must not be allowed to happen,which makes this journal all the more important.

The season of Spring passed withfew events of note. Turold reported at the first council meeting of the yearthat the bell purchased from Cad Gadu did indeed function as intended. Weshall therefore use it to ensure that our council meetings, and indeed anyother important discussions, are conducted in private. Other than this, thereis little else to record, for the Magi were all occupied with their studies,save Antonius, who spent his time travelling in Mundane circles.


At the council meeting that beganthe season, Antonius reported the information he had gathered during Spring.It seems the Earl of Somerset has called a general muster, requiring eachnoble in this area to raise troops and travel north to fight for King Henry.The likely result of this will be that the garrisons of the towns and villagesin the Dean will be stripped almost totally of their defenders, leaving themvulnerable to an attack from the Welsh. The new knight at Lydney, a relationof the new Baron of Monmouth, I believe, has asked us to lend the covenant’said should the village be attacked in his absence. This we shall endeavourto do, for Lydney has proved to be a valuable ally in recent times. Antoniusalso reported that he had uncovered a small band of fells operating in Southampton,though he knew not whether they were linked to the diabolic coven in Gloucester.

A few days before Audacia wasdue to travel north to Blackridge covenant for the meeting of House Flambeau,we were both troubled by a strange keening noise in our ears. Antonius wasabsent and Turold unaffected, a fact that I originally put down to his subterraneanquarters but now suspect meant he was not supposed to receive the warningthe noise heralded. The noise did not go away even when I blocked my ears,and, as Audacia and I debated what it could mean, a violent storm began togather around the covenant. The winds soon rose to tremendous levels, forcingus to cling on to the walls to avoid be blown away, while heavy rain soakedus to the skin. The storm was clearly of supernatural origin, so we carefullymade our way to the spring, guessing perhaps that this place was the centreof the storm’s wrath. Indeed, when we ventured out of the covenant tolook at the pool, we saw that the water was blood red in colour, stainingthe ground as it bubbled forth. At that moment, there was a great crash oflightning and, for the briefest of moments, we both saw the image of a darkwoman, dressed for battle and bearing cruel weapons. This was surely the Morrigan,indicating that war was about to engulf the land. We hurried inside, boltingthe doors against the rain.

Audacia then left for Blackridge.A few nights later, a grog summoned Turold and I to the gate tower, from wherewe spied vicious yellow eyes glinting at the edge of the forest. From thesafety of the tower, we called across to the spring, where we guessed theRuadan was lurking. We were correct, and the old crone stepped out from theshadows to parley. We were alert for tricks, since the Ruadan had tried toslay us both on more than one occasion, but it seemed she needed my aid andwas willing to put aside old animosities for the moment. She told us thatthe plans of her mistress, the Morrigan, for war were being interfered withby a supernatural force, and she wanted the power of destruction that flowswithin my veins to help her thwart this attack. I considered for a few momentsand then agreed, for I am conscious of the debts I still owe for my escapefrom the prison in Mynydd Myrvyn.

Striking a bargain for safe passagewith the Ruadan, I left for the Morrigan’s stone, deep within the heartof the faerie regio. There upon the black stone, I did spill much of my blood,losing consciousness as my veins emptied. I awoke back at the covenant, theRuadan having fulfilled her part of the bargain. A few days later Antoniusarrived back from his travels, and I have the dim recollection of him bowingand thanking me as I lay on my sickbed. I cannot fathom why; perhaps it wasa dream.

Later in the season, when I hadrecovered my strength, we received news that Lydney was under attack froma band of Welsh marauders. Turold and I flew down to Lydney, while a partyof grogs marched as quickly as possible to Blackney. Alas, we were unableto save Lydney, for the Welsh had broken through the village wall and weretorching the place. Few if any villagers escaped the slaughter. A few dayslater, the Welsh attacked Blackney, but they were driven off by a black shadowthat sent them mad with fear. This, we suppose, was the Morrigan repayingmy earlier aid.


Shortly after the start of theseason, we were visited by a new redcap, Loretius, a former apprentice ofGyriania, who brought us news of events in the mundane world. As the armyraised by the Earl of Somerset moved north to fight for King Stephen, theWelsh took advantage of the absence of English forces to spill forth fromtheir mountain homes and besiege Monmouth. The castle there still holds, thoughit will need a large army to relieve the siege. The Archbishop of Herefordhas sent some of his forces south to defend Gloucester, and his standard nowflies above the city. The war in the north goes ill for Stephen, with reportsthat he has suffered heavy casualties in battles on the Scots border. It alsoseems that Henry has taken York through some skulduggery, and Stephen lacksthe funds to ransom his captured relatives. There are rumours that the Kingintends to strike a truce with the Scots, though any peace treaty may provecostly for the English. Stephen’s troubles are not limited to this land,though, as his attempted sale of two castles to the King of France has gonebadly, with the fortresses lost but as yet no money received.

Loretius also brought us newsof Hermetic affairs. The meeting of House Flambeau in summer ended with apledge by the Primus to redirect the House’s main efforts to the strugglewith the Moorish sorcerers in Iberia. The hunt for McGreine has been accordeda lower priority; what this means for my House, I cannot yet say. Elsewhere,following our loan of two rooks of vis, Narwold covenant has paid its fineto Praeca Eloria, though it missed the appointed deadline by two years. Hopefully,this will placate Eloria, but I cannot help but think that she will let theargument end here. Finally, House Verditius has announced that its next meetingwill be held at Verdi covenant in summer 1140 AD, so we will likely be withoutTurold for most of the year.

Later in the season, I travellednorth to visit Blackthorn and interrogate Caelestis about his betrayal ofthe Order. The interview did not go well, as Caelestis refused to accept anyblame for his actions, arguing instead that he had been forced to make thedeal with the demon to save himself. I believe he intends to argue at theTribunal that his immense fear of all things infernal meant he was not incontrol of his mind or his actions, and that he should therefore be forgivenfor transgressing the Code. I fear he does not realise that his pleas willalmost certainly fall on deaf ears. I cannot for a moment believe that hisarguments will succeed, and, in truth, I fear that his testimony may causeproblems for Severn Temple if he insists on casting around for others to blame.


Antonius brought us news of disturbingevents in the covenant at the end of last season that I confess had passedme by. One of the dogs kept by the grogs fell ill with a fever, losing itsmind and attempting to bite any who came close. One of the grogs receivedan otherwise innocuous bite on his hand, and he in turn fell under a darkspell, losing all reason and lashing out at his former comrades. Much mayhemensued, and potential disaster was only avoided through the forthright actionof Jared. Last season also saw the return of the grog Gwynon, who had desertedAntonius when he and Caelestis were assailed by the demon last year. Gwynonclaimed that he had been away for but a day, which indicates some form ofmagical interference. Antonius had him hung for his betrayal.

Audacia reported that the workon re-establishing the iron mine near Blackney had gone well, and the mineis expected to start producing ore shortly. It may take some time for productionto return to its former level, but we should still be grateful that the interruptionhas been of such short duration.

Towards the end of the season,an ill wind blew over the covenant, and we were visited by a debilitatingillness. Through judicious use of the healing wand and the talents of ourchirurgeons we were able to save the lives of most of the covenfolk, but therewere still five deaths among the grogs. Several of the Magi also succumbedto the illness, though we were able to banish the fever through the use ofhealing magic. Nevertheless, it was a sour note on which to end the year,and I feel strangely subdued as we enter a new decade.