Spring 1306 AD

All were present at the council meeting on the first day of spring. Volutus was clearly still suffering the aftereffects of the Twilight he suffered last season, for he moved gingerly and grimaced as he spoke. He told us a fantastical tale of his time in Mynydd Myddyn. For the sake of posterity, I shall attempt to record it as faithfully as I may, though much of it seems to defy all logic and common sense. Still, even if one believes not every detail, there are certain elements that must be worthy of further consideration.

Volutus told us that, as he completed the incantation Glimpse Through the Mystic Veil, whether by misfortune or through forging a link with the great storm of Twilight at the heart of Mynydd Myddyn, he had instantly found himself transported to a much higher level of the regio. There he encountered the Shining One, and indistinct being of starlight, who spoke with him in a disapproving tone.

The creature claimed to be one of the Protogenoi, the primordial deities born at the creation of the universe. It said it had been known by many names across different times and cultures, though it had often been accounted as a trickster who stole a gift from the universe itself. In this case, that gift was the gift of magic, which it had bestowed on its children. A creature of Twilight, it claimed to have met the magus Criamon before the founding of the Order and granted him the ability to discern the future. Criamon foresaw fractures that would one day lead to the ruin of the still nascent Order and, indeed, magic itself. So he took it upon himself to make changes in the fabric of reality to heal potential divisions before they ever began.

I recall not whether it was the Shining One or Volutus himself who introduced the analogy of Criamon’s actions being like pulling on threads in a great tapestry, but I shall retain its use here, for it serves well to illustrate how ignorance can lead from one thing to another. If the front of the tapestry showed an ordered scene depicting all the elements of the world we know well, the reverse side was a complex web of tangled threads. Volutus said this reverse side represented the chaos of wild magic – of Twilight – from which the ordered world we experience had been created.

As Criamon sought to unpick certain stitches and reweave them to correct the errors he perceived, he underestimated the complexities of the reverse side of the tapestry. Pulling on one thread induced unexpected changes elsewhere in the tapestry, and however hard he sought to undo his mistakes, the chaos of the reverse side proved impossible to master. Criamon toiled for years in this endeavour, but as old age and infirmity began to overtake him, he was still dissatisfied with his work. Thus, presumably using some arcane secret he had learned in all his years studying Twilight, he fractured himself into six parts, scattered across time and space.

Each of these six shards of Criamon could continue their work on the tapestry, yet they proved no more reliable than the original, and over time the errors they introduced multiplied. Five of the six lives have run their time, leaving only the sixth. Eventually, their meddling created a great hole in part of the tapestry, such that order and chaos were no longer separated. The wild magic of Twilight thus poured into the world, transforming the forest of Mynydd Myddyn and warping the beasts that lived there. The Shining One had been drawn by the breach in reality and come to investigate what had happened.

The Shining One told Volutus that it faced a choice between two options. First, it could start the work again, weaving a new tapestry and consigning the current world to oblivion. Or second, it could wait for the final shard of Criamon to return to plead with it to spare the world. Yet, though Criamon had, through his hubris and ignorance, been the root cause of the problem, the Shining One was willing to see whether he had learned from his mistakes by setting him a test. Volutus described a vision that was eerily familiar to me: a sealed tomb containing a throne and cauldron filled with white lightning. He had a sense that the lightning represented death and destruction, and he heard a voice telling him to choose what he felt he deserved.

After taking some time to contemplate, Volutus plunged his hands into the cauldron, and the white lightning crackled up through his veins, badly burning his hands and arms as it did so. Volutus said that he had foreseen this many years ago during a vision on the Grey Hill; the lightning represented the power of wild magic, and it had the power to unmake reality by destroying the threads of the tapestry. Volutus finished his tale by declaring what had become increasingly clear throughout the time he had been speaking: he claimed to be the sixth incarnation of Criamon, a fact he had first discovered during his time at the Cave of Twisting Shadows and which had subsequently been confirmed in his meeting with Gofannon, lord of the Undermountain.

[Terentius’ private journal: Out of the respect in which I hold Volutus, I remained silent as he told his tale. Yet, though it is important not to be too hasty to jump to conclusions, it is difficult not to believe that this episode has addled his mind. Both Jari and I had experienced lucid and seemingly realistic visions of lives other than ours while in Twilight, but both of us were able to separate reality from dream. Volutus, for all his admirable qualities, has always held a healthy opinion of himself, and I wonder whether this apparent link to one of the Order’s legendary founders has played upon that vanity. Our journal records how the various immortal powers have manipulated members of this covenant not through threats or outrageous demands, but rather by gently nudging them in a direction they were already inclined to take.

And yet…and yet. Despite the fantastical nature of the tale, a small part of me is hesitant to completely rule it out. The sorcerer Mynydd apparently lived many lives, returning in different guises long after his apparent death. Though I put next to no store in Gofannon’s words, they imply that either the Shining One had also hoodwinked him, or it is a conspiracy across the immortal powers. Both possibilities seem unlikely on the face of it.

No, enough of this. Let us return to more practical matters. Do not believe for a moment that I did not notice how quiet the usually irrepressible Jari had been during Volutus’ tale. It is clear that he already knew the story, presumably having been informed of it during their trip to the Undermountain. Perhaps he thought his silence would disguise his foreknowledge, but it really just drew attention to it. He is rather less skilled at bluff and intrigue than he believes.]

We discussed Volutus’ revelations for some time. Various opinions were expressed, from polite dismissal through guarded scepticism to open credulity. At one point, Volutus produced a map he had copied from the Cave of Twisting Shadows that purports to show the geography of Twilight. To my eye, it resembled an endlessly forking bolt of black lightning, suggesting Twilight must be a chaotic and unfathomable realm. At length, we resolved that it would be best if Volutus took some more time to reflect on his experiences before we hold another discussion on the implications of his alleged powers. Hypatia perhaps summarised the situation best: even if we discount much of Volutus’ tale, if he indeed has acquired some arcane talent from his time in Twilight, it may prove either the key to unlocking the mystery of the events at Mynydd Myddyn or even a weapon to use against our Templar foes.

[Terentius’ private journal: Following our discussion, it occurred to me that the lightning at the heart of the storm in Mynydd Myddyn and etched onto Volutus’ map of Twilight was black, whereas the cauldron into which Volutus dipped his hands contained white lightning. In my own experience of Twilight, I had the impression that the black lightning was absorbing something from, not delivering something into, the regio. If this, the map and the Shining One’s tale are all true, it suggests that the storm – a manifestation of chaotic, wild magic - is effectively absorbing order from the world. As such, if Volutus’ newfound power is connected to its opposite, i.e. white lightning, could it be that, rather than wielding wild magic itself, he now has the power to bring order and structure to the world? No doubt he has given great thought to this. I certainly hope so if the Shining One’s tale that this is a test that will determine whether it will remake the tapestry anew is true.]

Pyrrhus then directed the council to consider the matter of the Templars, in particular Hypatia’s warning that they might attack Severn Temple. He began with a lengthy speech that I confess set my teeth on edge, for it contained so many different ideas – good, bad and indifferent – that made it almost impossible to know how to respond. He seemed very ready to abandon the covenant, suggesting that we evacuate the covenfolk to such diverse places as the court of the Erechwyth (from which none might return), Chepstow (almost certainly on the Templars’ route) or Berkley Castle (goodness knows why, given I doubt any of us has ever been there). I was able to bring the conversation round to a discussion of how we might detect any Templar forces at the earliest opportunity, and we settled on a multi-faceted plan that included gathering arcane connections to clifftops along the Bristol channel, intriguing amongst the nobles to ascertain who had not responded to the levy, and having the Severn Star patrol the coastal waters with instructions to bring us news should any military vessels be sighted.

The council broke up shortly thereafter, with all engaged in some task or another in preparation for the conflict to come. My role was to try to secure an agreement with the Old Ones to move to the Dean, partly to protect them from the uncontrolled magic of Mynydd Myddyn, and partly because they might prove valuable allies against the Templars. I first travelled to the mining camp at Lydney, where I learned that the grandfather wolf had been expecting me. He warned me that the ancestor spirit that the tribe venerates had told him that the Templars planned to come to Severn Temple. I also agreed to take one of the tribe, a young man named Leolf who the grandfather wolf hoped one day would replace him, as a companion so that he might learn more of the ways of magic.

With Leolf’s aid, I was able to locate the regio on Huntley Hill where a previous tribe of werewolves once dwelled. It is a hidden valley with a second magnitude magical aura. It should be large enough to act as a den for the Old Ones, though they will have to emerge to hunt. I also managed to find a circuitous route from the Dean to Mynydd Myddyn that avoids all cultivated lands, since I was unsure whether the Old Ones would be able to enter the Dominion. Finally, I made contact with the pack and secured an agreement that, should the council support it, would see the wolves relocate to the regio at Huntley. The valley would be their territory, and they agreed not to molest any beyond its borders unless they are first attacked.

Towards the end of the season, we received news that Robert de Brus has defied Theo and had himself crowned king of Scotland. Scottish forces are mobilising, and an invasion of England is expected within a week or two. Most ominously for us, our spies have lost contact with a force of Templars that had been mustering with the Scots, and none know where they have gone. It seems the time for talking is over, and the time for blood is upon us.


At the summer council, I recounted the tale of my encounter with the Old Ones and explained the bargain I had struck. All save Naevius were convinced that it offered us an advantage in these dark times, and so the council voted to cede the regio near Huntley to them. I also described the warning I had received from the grandfather wolf, and at length I was persuaded to try to seek an audience with the ancient wolf spirit in case it could provide additional clues regarding the time and nature of the coming Templar attack.

Jari reported that the two most suitable places for Templar ships to land were Neath in south Wales or Dunster in Somerset. The local barons – of Swansea and Bridgewater, respectively – had sent fewer troops than expected, providing coin rather than men to aid Theo’s efforts in the north, which meant that they retained some of the only forces left in a region otherwise depleted of fighting men. Hypatia also noted that the covenant’s spies had reported that the churches in Somerset had not led prayers for the king’s health, which is unusual in time of war, suggesting that their loyalties lie elsewhere.

Pyrrhus then led a discussion of the tactics we could employ to contest a Templar landing. He advocated the use of fire ships to set the enemy fleet ablaze, though without additional vessels or knowledge of where and when the Templars would land, it was difficult to see how we could successfully make use of this approach. He then turned his attention to the forest, suggesting that we try to lure the Templars away from the road and into the tangled woods, which would make their advantage in numbers less telling. Again, though the idea offered promise in theory, in practice it seems exceeding unlikely that the Templars would fall for such a ruse given that they are well aware that their strength comes from their organised formations. Finally, Pyrrhus proposed that one of us – most likely the clearly reluctant Naevius – invoke the Myddyn’s Stone to transform into a griffin, a fearsome combination of lion and eagle. Naevius humoured Pyrrhus’ suggestion, though it was obvious that he had no real intention of seeing it through, which is probably wise given that such a creature would fare poorly against massed ranks of archers.

Following the council meeting, Jari used the Voice of the Lake to speak with the Lladra, seeking knowledge of the Templars’ whereabouts. Alas, that entity’s powers appear closely bound to the Severn, and her ability to perceive movements on the water ebbs as the river becomes tidal near the mouth of the Bristol channel.

I travelled to the mining camp near Lydney, where the grandfather wolf agreed to show me how to contact the wolf spirit. Taking a draught of a heady brew, I lapsed into a deep slumber. When I awoke, I found myself on an ascending path in an unfamiliar forest. At the top, a great wolf – the size of one of the Old Ones – with silver eyes waited for me. It agreed to show me a vision of the battle to come, but required me to convince the tribe of werewolves to leave, for it said that only death awaited those who remained. I paused for a while before agreeing, for the we might need the werewolves strength to best the Templars, but ultimately I judged that foreknowledge of the Templars’ plans was even more valuable. The vision of the battle to come was dire indeed. I saw: bodies strewn about a burning forest as knights in white tabards marked with a red cross hacked down grogs and covenfolk; Hypatia disappearing under a flurry of blows after her horse was pierced by many crossbow bolts; Merick overwhelmed by enemy soldiers, who cut his throat from ear to ear; the tower of Severn Temple splinter and crack; and the distant glow of raging fires consuming Chepstow and Lydney. As I returned to my senses, I was shaken by a feeling of helplessness and despair, for the sights and sounds of the disaster seemed as real to me as though I had been standing amidst the carnage. I made my way back down the winding track with the wolf spirit’s final words echoing in my mind: the battle was lost; all that mattered was to keep the tribe alive. Awaking once more in the grandfather wolf’s hut, I advised him to gather his folk and head away from here in whatever direction he chose. I could offer no suggestions as to a suitable refuge, but with the memories of the battle still dominating my thoughts, any distant location seemed better than here.

As I reported this ominous news to my sodales later that day, the informal council meeting was interrupted by Vassily, who brought news that the arcane connection to a vantage point just outside Swansea had failed. He had tested the Mirror of Far Seeing on an alternative location without issue, which suggested that the failure had been caused by the presence of whatever device the Templars used to bring down the walls of Durenmar. Volutus agreed to travel at once to Blackthorn to take this news to our neighbours. There, he spoke frankly with Liberata about his experiences in Twilight and his claim to a connection with Criamon the founder. She received his with some scepticism, but she ultimately agreed to join us at Severn Temple to contest the Templars’ advance. Daedalus agreed to accompany her, while Gaines took message to Trevalga and Carrion Moor.

While Volutus was away, I travelled with Hypatia to the manor at Lydney to speak with Master Philip, a seasoned veteran of many foreign wars who had some experience of Templar tactics. He told me that each of the Templar knights is typically accompanied by two sergeants who protect his flanks while he engages his enemies head on. The knights’ most devastating advantage is their heavy cavalry charge, which can sweep an enemy formation off the field in the right terrain. Their morale is strong, and they seldom retreat even in the face of reverses that would cause others to rout. The Templar commanders typically fight from within the ranks, and their clothing offers few clues to their identity. Finally, tales from the east suggest that they may employ unusual tactics, including the use of ceramic pots containing Greek fire to set enemy positions ablaze. I left the encounter with Master Philip less than encouraged about our ability to best them in mundane battle, for our men, valiant though they be, are no match for the Templar knights one on one.

With the Templar army expected to advance from Swansea through Cardiff and Newport towards Chepstow, Jari and I made contact with our agents in south Wales to keep a close eye on the enemy forces. I was able to track an outrider as he sought supplies from sympathetic religious houses at Margam Abbey, Llantwit Major and St Brides. I ambushed and slew him outside the last of these. Back at Severn Temple, I was able to raise his ghost, and Pyrrhus interrogated it using Coerce the Spirits of the Night. He confirmed that the army did indeed march on Severn Temple, expecting to reach us in two or three days. The Templar forces consisted of around two hundred knights, perhaps twice as many sergeants and a further hundred or so mercenary crossbowmen from Flanders. Equally ominously, they were led by the Grand Master of the Templar Order, no doubt a diabolist of significant power.

Our spies brought news of the Templar advance. Their forces bypassed Cardiff and Newport before laying siege to Chepstow, as they needed to force the town to gain access to the bridge across the Wye. From a distance, we spied the crimson glow of flames above the walls. The Templars gave no quarter to those they found within the town, though a bedraggled group of refugees managed to flee before their advance, making their way to Wollaston or Lydney. As the Templars paused for the night to secure their camp, we were joined at Severn Temple by Liberata, Daedalus, Constantine and Durius. We spent the evening discussing tactics for the travails to come.

The next day, Volutus and I headed down to Blackney Hill to secure a good vantage point from which to track the Templars’ movements. Using the Veil of Invisibility, we were able to evade the Templars’ scouts, and we watched as the army made its way out of Chepstow, through Lydney and up the forest road. At the centre of the army, a number of covered wagons were well protected by Templar guards. We suspected that one might conceal the Templars’ secret device, but at first it seemed impossible to tell which it might be. However, as the wagons drew close, I cast my sight beyond the veil that separates this world from the magical realm, and I noticed something strange about the third wagon. I find it hard to explain exactly what I saw, for indeed, most objects are shadowy and ephemeral in that realm, but the contents of the wagon seemed even less present than everything else I could see.

Reasoning that this must be the Templars’ weapon, I pointed out the target to Volutus. Exactly what he did thereafter, I cannot say, for the Veil of Invisibility hid his actions from me, but a few moments later, I saw a bolt of black lightning strike the ground and a surge of white fire erupt from where Volutus stood. The commotion attracted the attention of the Templars, who directed a force of cavalry up the steep slopes, so I made for the treeline, retreating through the forest towards Severn Temple. Back at the covenant, I informed my sodales of what had happened, though none of us knew whether Volutus had had success. Pyrrhus had erected a barrier across the forest road using the Wall of Protecting Stone, and we assembled our forces behind it. At first, we knew not whether to maintain our defences or retreat into the forest, yet as we used a scrying spell on the Templar forces, we caught sight of their formation, albeit in a hazy and flickering image. Whatever Volutus had done, it had at least partially worked, and we resolved to resist the Templars with all our might.

The ensuing battle was fierce and hard fought. Pyrrhus and the grogs manned the central defences. Protected from arrow fire by swirling winds summoned by Constantine, Pyrrhus was able to cast great plumes of flames towards the advancing Templars, but though he killed or wounded many of their number, this did little to thwart the general advance. At one point, he set a concealed barrel of black powder alight, and the ensuing explosion left a wing of cavalry in a tangled mess. The Templars’ advance was relentless, though, and soon they used grappling hooks to bring down a section of the wall. Our grogs were hard pressed at all points, and many fell to the blades of the Templars.

Liberata then called out that a great demon, hidden to mundane eyes, accompanied the Templars, and she incanted spells of destruction against it using large amounts of vis. Daedalus had erected a Circular Wards Against Demons, but it proved of little use against the creature, and as Liberata sought to contest the entity, she lost control of her spell and was overcome by Twilight. Close by, Constantine used Crest of the Earth’s Wave to annihilate a Templar charge, but his triumph was short lived, for a moment later his face turned pale as he clasped his heart and then crumpled to the ground, felled by an infernal curse from the invisible demon. Pyrrhus was evidently the creature’s next target, as he stood only a few paces away, oblivious to its presence. As the demon rounded on Pyrrhus, I was able to distract it at the last moment by firing an arrow to which I had tethered Demon’s Eternal Oblivion. The spell lacked the power to harm the creature, yet it was enough to attract its attention, and it pursued me into the forest.

I learned later from Meliorax that the demon was close on my heels, though I lost sight of it as I vaulted through the ferns and briars. Perhaps it would have caught me soon enough, yet ahead I saw a miraculous sight: the forest had come alive, as great trees pulled up their roots and clawed their way forward. At the centre of this group was a golden stag – the spirit of the forest, yet somehow larger and more majestic than in previous encounters – which charged the demon and tossed it high on its horns. Hypatia, cloaked in golden armour with her silver blade raised high, rode with the trees as they crashed into the Templar forces, scattering them to the four winds. I did not linger long enough to witness this part of the battle, for I set out to locate the Grand Master. He was not difficult to find, for his body lay amidst a pile of corpses, along with two other Masters of the Templar Order. All three had had their throats cut. At the time, this was something of a mystery, though we later learned that all three had died under Durius’ blades towards the start of the attack, though they had their revenge on the Merinitan, who was slain by the demon they summoned.

The tide of the battle had turned completely with the attack of the trees, who were even now slaughtering the remaining Templars. Hypatia rampaged through the enemy ranks, her armour soaked in the blood of the slain, as she rode down the fleeing knights. She pursued them wherever they ran, leaving none alive. At length, Jari and I were able to investigate the Templars’ camp, and we located the wagon that had once borne their weapon. It contained a strange casket made from gold; it bore a design showing a figure with a serpent or dragon wrapped about his feet. At one point, it must have contained something, but it was now empty. To our great joy, we also found the scabbard of Saint Kenneth that had once been venerated as a relic at Lindisfarne; it seems the Master of Roxburgh had kept the item with him throughout his travels. We collected both items and returned to the covenant.

We have won a victory that at one point seemed impossible, yet it came at quite a cost. Among the Magi, Constantine and Durius paid with their lives, while Liberata faded into final Twilight. We also lost a great many grogs, leaving our turb seriously undermanned. However, the absence we all feel most keenly is that of Volutus, who has yet to return from whatever adventure he undertook on our behalf in the Twilight realm. At the site of his disappearance, I spied a great deal of blood in the magical realm, which does not bode well. I hope he is not yet lost to us and that he finds a way to return, though I am not confident.

Still, given the almost impossible odds we faced, this cannot be regarded as anything other than a spectacular triumph. Until now, the Templars’ advance had been seen as irresistible, and the future of what remains of the Order had seemed in serious doubt. Now, we can turn to rebuilding what we have lost, perhaps even taking the opportunity to rethink some of the structures that served us ill in recent years.

[Terentius’ private journal: It is not lost on me that the two decisive interventions that won the battle – Volutus unmaking of the Templar device and Hypatia’s awakening of the forest – both drew on ancient, non-Hermetic powers. I am not so proud to believe that our arts outshine all other types of magic, yet it is somewhat humbling that all our years of practice and study counted for so little. At best, our efforts were a distraction or delay; without Volutus and Hypatia, we would have suffered an abject defeat.]

The rest of the season was spent cleaning up the aftermath of the attack. I delivered the sad news of the loss of Constantine and Durius to the magi of Trevalga. Closer to home, Jari learned from nearby settlements that the prevailing rumour was that the Templar forces had been swallowed by the forest, though there were also some references to the witchcraft of the king’s sister or even the actions of an infamous Welsh war wizard. Bodies littered the forest road, though over time they were either absorbed beneath the earth or carried away by scavenging wildlife. Hypatia also returned after an absence of several days. She still appeared to be in something of a fury, though her temperament calmed somewhat after Jari presented her with the scabbard and she sheathed her blade.

Towards the end of the season, Pyrrhus briefly hosted magus Praesulis of Bonisagus, Volutus’ pater, who was on his way to Blackthorn. He gave him the sad news of his filius’ disappearance, but Praesulis did not seem overly downcast. Perhaps he has some intuition that Volutus might return; if not, he can be justifiably proud of his filius’ central role in saving the entire Order.


We met as a council, with Volutus’ empty chair reminding us of his continuing absence. Hypatia brought us news of affairs elsewhere in the realm. Theo has broken the siege at Bordeaux, which opens the possibility for him to send troops to contest the Scots in the north of England. This is opportune timing, for the Scots have had almost free reign in the north, and they have advanced as far as York, though the city yet remains in English hands. Closer to home, the crown has allocated funds aid the folk of Chepstow who lost property and lives during the Templars’ recent attack.

The council then discussed the fact that the boundaries of the forest have expanded considerably since Hypatia awakened the trees. Although this offers us considerable advantages, it also creates some problems, since some of the roads between mundane settlements are now impassable. If these towns and villages are left without means of access, the risk is that the locals will cut down trees to re-establish the roads, which will conflict with the pact Jari and I have sworn with the spirit of the forest. After discussing various alternatives, we agreed that Hypatia would find out whether Primus Llandoddwyn would be willing to help us to create our own routes by relocating certain trees. The only other real item of note discussed at the council concerned the chains of office that Pyrrhus had obtained from the bodies of the slain Templar Masters. One of these born an occult taint to my eyes, so we resolved to dispose of them deep in the Bristol channel.

Magus Gaines visited us later in the season with news of the wider Order. House Flambeau met at Verdi, where they confirmed Guido as their new Primus. The decision on where to establish the Domus Magnus will wait until the current crisis passes. At Blackthorn, House Bonisagus had appointed Praesulis as their new Primus. Again, he has yet to establish a permanent Domus Magnus. Gaines also confirmed the news of the Scots’ advance on York, having previously inflicted a series of defeats on Theo’s forces. Borri-Tor and Eurus Aquilae announced their suspicions that several magi from Loch Leglean had accompanied the Scottish forces, as there were signs that weather magic had been used to aid the army’s advance. On the continent, there are reports of tensions between Philip the Fair of France and the Templar Order. Philip is said to have borrowed heavily from the Templars to finance the crusade, and the suspicion is that he has no intention of repaying his debts. There are rumours that charges of heresy may be laid against the Templars to justify such a stance.

The only other item of note that occurred during the season was the visit of Primus Llandoddwyn. I spent a couple of weeks showing him the routes we wanted to open up through the newly enlarged forest. Through some non-Hermetic talent, he was able to command groups of trees to move at once, making relatively short work of what would have otherwise been an unmanageable task. Llandoddwyn told me that much of the forest had awakened from its slumber, and the many of the trees, save those at the very edges of the woodland, were now aware of their surroundings. He said we should have no trouble traversing its boundaries, but strangers might find it an unwelcoming and oppressive place. That is no bad thing, in my view.

[Terentius’ private journal: Llandoddwyn also told me a little of the ritual that Hypatia had used to raise the forest against the Templars. To his knowledge, it had only been used once before, when two groups of druids clashed during a battle known in Welsh as Cad Goddeu. He said that the repercussions of that conflict were still with us today, both in terms of the split between druidic traditions and in the nature of the forest that surrounds the modern covenant of Cad Gadu. He cautioned that Hypatia possessed powers that no mortal should wield; though kind-hearted, she came from a bloodline that was bold and often unwise. His concern was how she would react when her brother – her closest tie to the mortal world – eventually died, for what would be left to restrain her? I countered that, though she possessed a reckless streak, she was thoughtful and her judgement had been sound to date. It must be difficult to walk the path she treads; perhaps the best we can do is offer what wise counsel we may.]


The council meeting was relatively short. After a brief discussion of Tintern, which we resolved to investigate further once we had the means to bypass the infernal wards set by the former Abbot, Pyrrhus then asked how we might respond to the news that Scottish magi might be aiding the siege at York. His own solution – that we kill the magi, invade Loch Leglean and impose order by force – was roundly condemned as impractical, illegal and immoral, but Pyrrhus was undeterred. Naevius suggested that, if Pyrrhus’ blood was still up following the battle with the Templars, he might turn his hand to assisting Holy Isle to defeat the Unnamed House, but Pyrrhus seemed disinterested. At length, Pyrrhus agreed to drop the issue, though I suspect he may be first in line should any of the northern covenants take battle to the Scottish wizards in the future.

The only matter of note during the season was a visit by the Tegid Foel. Jari entertained him as afternoon turned to evening and then morning, displaying creditable patience and stamina given the knight’s laconic demeanour. The knight did provide one interesting piece of news: he mentioned that his mistress, the Erechwydd, had bid him inform the magi that something had changed in Mynydd Myddyn, for the influence of the Shining One had was no longer increasing, though it remained powerful with no sign of retreat.

This must surely be connected to Volutus’ actions. A year that started with a looming sense of despair thus ends on a note of hope. We have defeated the infernal and temporal forces arrayed against us, and there seems at least the possibility that the growing threat in Mynydd Myddyn might be tamed. Though this came at quite a cost and challenges still abound, I am as optimistic as I have been in many a year.