YEAR 1126

Scribed by Caelestis

Spring 1126AD

The council was convened and thefeast with Tegid Foel was discussed. We decided to enquire about hiring aMerinitan to investigate the Fae regio as none of us at Severn Temple feltsure enough of ourselves to delve into that possibly very dangerous realm.

We then discussed what we weregoing to do in the upcoming season. I decided to learn the spell "Eyesof the Past", Ruaridh decided to invent the spell "Sense the lingeringmagic's" to aid him in his investigations. Antonius went out and aboutas his covenant service learning what he can of mundane matters that mightinfluence the covenant, whilst Turold continued to create his house item.Edith as her covenant service extracted Vim Vis as we use a lot in the creationof our Aegis of the Hearth (13 pawns a year).

Antonius reported that the Baronof Chepstow had died of sickness and that his son Richard will replace him.He also stated that there was a build up of armed men in both Lydney and Colefordand tensions were rising between these two villages again. On his travelshe went and saw the priest at Mitcheldean whom we suspect of being one ofthe masters. He conducted a mass eventually and when he did it was very poorlyexecuted with large section missing and it was obvious to Antonius that theman was not religious at all.

Dialectica came to Severn Templeto discuss the Forum and also to discuss the emissary from House Bonisaguswhom she thought would be a Trianoma follower she knew from Hibernia.


The council discussed the variousissues that had occurred during the previous season and then Antonius askedfor the council to authorise a donation to Tintern Abbey to influence theAbbey to use Lydney stone instead of Coleford stone. This would bring in somemoney and also reduce the damage to St Briavels hill that Coleford’smining caused, This mining of Coleford’s caused our regio source to disappearso its lessening might one day lead to our regaining of said source. We thendiscussed what we would be doing this spring. I decided to study the nobleart of Magic theory to improve my skills, Ruaridh stated that he would teachMeredith some magic theory this season. Antonius announced he would learnfrom the Mentem book and Turold continued to enchant his house item. Edithagain stated that she would learn from the Perdo texts.

The next morning Antonius andmyself went to Cad Gadu. I went to discuss with Jordael ideas about the forumbut when he asked about Edith and why she was not at the house meeting I letslip about her being attacked. When he pressed for more information I directedhim to ask Ruaridh as I had been asked to keep this matter secret. Antoniusdiscussed with Sylvania about the likelihood of hiring a Merinitan to investigatethe fae regio for us. She gave him a few names for further inquiry. Antoniusthen went on to discuss with Dialectica the options of exchanging mundanetexts to which she was agreeable too. When I came back to Severn Temple Ireported to Ruaridh what had happened and that Jordael wished immediatelyto speak with him regarding Edith and the Staff. Ruaridh then flew to CadGadu and had a discussion with Jordael about the matter.

Antonius went to Tintern abbeyto make the agreed donation and to sway the Abbott to use Lydney stone.

We received a tax demand for 350D,which was duly paid.


The council meeting began withmyself asking the time and date of the assassination attempt on Llandoddwyn’slife. Ruaridh refused to give me this information as he claimed that the seniorQuaesitor had declared no one should know about this attempt except thoseinvestigating it. We discussed what we were going to do this autumn. I extractedVim Vis as my covenant service, Ruaridh studied from his own Vis, and Antoniuswent aboard again. Turold continued to enchant his item and Edith studiedfrom the Perdo texts.

Antonius on his travels went farand wide, even reaching the borders of London itself. Whilst in Bristol hediscovered that the fells have the city almost to themselves. He had onlydiscussed Guyere in a tavern when the next day people were looking for himin the guise he was wearing at the time and the man he had spoken to was deadin the docks. He discovered that Bristol may be Guyere's main base of operationsand that Stone may just be the place where either he meets the demon thatis his master or it is a trap to catch the unwary who try to attack him. Itappears that Guyere may well be over 100 years old, kept alive by some infernalmagic's no doubt.

Later in the season a water leaperattacked our men who were guarding the barges, but they averted its angerby throwing the sheep the water leaper was after into the water.


Council convened and discussedlast season's happenings. Antonius discussed the options of killing Francisof Stent or Silus and how we might use Bledwyn as bait. He also stated thathe would check Wooton priory at Christmas and Easter to see if any infernalrites were being performed there. I decided to learn Ruaridh's spell "Disguiseof the transformed visage", whilst Ruaridh himself scribed the Auramtexts as his covenant service. Antonius learned the spell "Curse of Oneiros"and Turold made a cloak of invisibility for the covenant as a covenant service.Edith again studied from the Perdo book and it worries us that she may belooking for revenge for her attack.

Later this season the emissaryarrived and lo and behold it was Petrus! He interviewed us individually asto our feelings on what is happening in the tribunal and how we might solvethe problems therein. Our discussion was fairly short as I have only beenhere a few years and have not immersed myself in the politics of this tribunal,as I want to concentrate on my studies.

As Petrus was about to leave,Mathus the redcap delivered a note to Ruaridh, which turned out to be a declarationof wizard’s war by Isabella. We discussed this in a council and agreeto allow Ruaridh to take his personal Vis from the covenant stores so it cannotbe used as an arcane connection to him. Ruaridh then decided to go with Petrusto Blackthorn to discuss with Serenia why she had authorised this wizard'swar. When he got to Blackthorn he discovered that Jordael had fled the covenantunder accusation by Dionysus that he had associated with the unnamed house.Ruaridh discussed with Serenia why she had authorised the wizard's war andit turned out that she hadn't done so. In fact it was sanctioned by QuaesitorPonrius of Flambeau and the decision was confirmed by Primus Guernicus himselfwhich apparently surprised Ruaridh. I tried to discern information on Ruaridhby my art of divination. I discovered that the future looked bleak for Ruaridhand that under the cover of Isabella's attack there may be a second attackas signified by Gemini in the chart. This second attack was shown by the appearanceof mars in the chart, which is the symbol of house Tremere. A council meetingwas called and I appraised my sodalis of these facts. During this meetingRuaridh cast a spell to sense if he was being scryed upon and detected aninfernal but hermetic scrying spell upon him. We decided to halt the councilto prevent the scrying from gaining any more information of Ruaridh's plans.The wizard's war began and Ruaridh went off to hide somewhere without tellingus the location.

Mathus arrived close to the endof the season and brought with him a declaration by Isabella that she hadwon the wizard's war. We were all shocked by this news and I went immediatelyto my rooms to try and confirm this with my readings of the stars.

He also brought news Hermeticand mundane. The Mundane news was that King Edward had returned from Franceand had met with King David of Scotland and had made a strong alliance. TheHermetic News was more worrying in that there would be an emergency meetingof the Stonehenge tribunal to elect a new Praeco as Jordael still was notto be found. I went up to Blackthorn to report my findings and suspicionsto Serenia but she rebuffed me saying that such evidence as I had would notstand up to hermetic law as it was gained through non hermetic methods. Ialso discovered that Yania was investigating the wizard's war to ensure everythingwas done legitimately and that Isabella had been asked to leave Blackthorncovenant and had returned to Iberia.

My divination was very strongand although I saw death in Ruaridh's reading I also gathered that in timethere would be a re-emergence of his line. Whether this meant he was deador just missing in a regio I was unable to discern.