Spring 1287

Hypatia’s Journal

With Jari still missing within the faerie regio, there was renewed discussion regarding what actions we might take to locate him and when it would be appropriate to act. Acting as Regent during Theo’s absence from court means I dare not risk going ‘missing’ for potentially weeks or months, so we have sought advice from Marissa at Carrion Moor Covenant. She spends many months away at sea, but one presumes she must have received our request by now. It’s possible she does not find Jari’s continued absence a concern – it’s not so uncommon for journeys into faerie realms to take much more time than we might anticipate. Her independence of spirit means that It’s also possible she may to try to locate him herself, without informing our council of her plans. However, her lack of response created pressure for us to do something ourselves.

Oratio agreed to speak with the Lladra, to see whether she senses anything of Jari’s whereabouts. We briefly adjourned the meeting to allow Oratio to contact the water spirit at the spring. His attempt to contact the Lladra was successful, but the news he brought back to the council the next day did not resolve our concerns. She said that Jari was not present within the court of water – and she had not seen Jari’s passing through the regio – implying that he had not travelled along or through any of the small streams and water-courses which criss-cross through the woods.

Terentius and Volutus indicated they were willing to make an attempt to search the nearby regio for clues of Jari’s whereabouts. Terentius must delay this for a season, however, as he has arranged to travel to Trevalga and work with his Pater in the formulation and creation of his longevity potion. This essentially determined the choice about when the council shall act. If Jari is not returned by the end of this season, then an expedition to the faerie forest will be mounted to seek sign of him.

Hypatia’s private journal

In truth, I don’t know how concerned we should be that Jari has been away from the covenant for so long. The fae would not seek to attack him or imprison him (unless sorely provoked) and it’s possible he’s simply off having something of an adventure without realising how much time is passing in the mundane world.

However, I do have one concern. If he followed me into the regio – did he attempt to follow me when I travelled beyond the Silver Gate? If he was so reckless (which does sound like him, to be honest) then it’s likely he would be lost, potentially forever, within Arcadia.

Given how volatile the political situation is, I am forced to inaction on this matter for now. However, if my sodales can find no sign of him, or we hear that he passed through the Gate, then I shall have to risk leaving the affairs of the crown unattended to find him. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

There was also some discussion regarding the investigation into where the Templars may have taken the scabbard of St. Kennedd. Scotland is not an easy place to investigate at moment. Obviously, I am greatly keen to retrieve this artefact – if only to prevent it being used in some way by the Templars. However, after the death of King Alexander last year, leaving only Queen Yolande and her young daughters, the various noble families will likely use the opportunity to advance their claims upon the throne. Such rivalry will likely turn to arms as the weather becomes better for war – and each claimant will be paranoid about spies on their land. I cautioned Volutus to act his exceptional care – as if the Templars were not enough of a threat, a foreigner trying to move around a land gripped with civil war might find themselves arrested, imprisoned and tortured merely on suspicion that they were an assassin or an agent.

I depart now, for the remainder of the season, to London. I earnestly hope that Jari has returned by the time I attend council in Summer.