YEAR 1083

Scribed by Jean

Spring 1083AD

After the events of the winter,it was imperative that we had an Aegis in place as soon as possible so I wasgiven the task of inventing a version of the necessary spell. It was put inplace at the end of the season. During the spring, several other interestingevents occurred. Perhaps the most significant was the visit of Darius of SolisCastle. He brought just one year's money with him, and demanded three years'vis in exchange. Darius and Ruaridh engaged in Certamen over the matter, andRuaridh was swiftly defeated. We then revoked Darius' invitation to stay,and relations between our two covenants would now seem to be on a rather shakyfooting.

Idris discovered a new Regio,and met an unusual woman named Deanne, while hunting for herbs in the forest.He also told us that he had had a disturbing dream about wolves, and he intendsto investigate further. At the end of the season, Idris and Ruaridh, accompaniedby a pair of grogs, set off to fetch the Mentem vis. This they achieved, thoughI understand that there experienced some minor difficulties during their journey.


Problems struck close to homewhen the mine on which we will soon so depend collapsed one evening. We rushedto the aid of those who were trapped, but during the course of the rescueattempt another collapse occurred and two of the Magi were fortunate to survive.Idris chose to transform his skin into tough serpent's scales, but did notrealise the effect this would have on the miners as he was dug loose. Workwas delayed for much of the season as several miners fled in panic.

Petrus returned from his journeyaround Midsummer, and he was therefore present on Midsummer's night when thefaeries came bearing a gift in recognition of the part played by some membersof the covenant in saving the Regio several seasons ago. The gift was a bundleof bound twigs, and we quickly determined that it contained vis. Petrus intendsto examine it in greater detail in Autumn. He has also scribed his versionof the Aegis of the Hearth to ensure that we are not left unprotected again.Finally, word has reached us that a hedge wizard named Myrnyddawn attackeda Maga named Manaeddwi. We will be sure to keep a lookout for this rogue.


The season began with Certamenbetween myself and Petrus over his unremitting insulting behaviour. However,after being defeated, I was forced to concede the matter, and the incidentwas soon forgotten. Indeed, Petrus soon rendered useful service to the covenantby identifying the faerie gift as some sort of healing device.

Little else occurred during theseason save for an encounter between one of our grog patrols and a local nobleman.It ended with the grogs fleeing into the Regio discovered by Idris, wherethe old woman Deanne rescued the man. I have been invited to spend Michaelmaswith Sir Bernard of Lydney.


Again, a largely peaceful seasonfor the covenant. The faerie attacks of last winter were not repeated, thougha few flying creatures were seen flying around the edges of the Aegis, andone was shot down. We hope that this will bring the enmity between the covenantand the dark fae to an end. Idris has continued his Latin tuition, and hebecomes ever more proficient. Cedewith has spent some time teaching her healingskills to the other covenfolk.

While attending the Michaelmasservice in Gloucester, at which King William himself was present, I learnedthat a new tax will be levied in the New Year. We are therefore concernedabout our lack of mundane resources, but otherwise things appear to be betterat the end of this year than they were twelve months ago.